small farmer

Chapter 414 Temptation

Chapter 414 Temptation (33)

hurried breakfast
Zhang Feng got into the study

He quickly found the "Changchun Fist", which was a gray thread-bound book. It looked like those martial arts secret books sold at the bookstall.

But Zhang Feng knew that this book would definitely not be so simple, because it was found in the secret room of the mountain temple. It can be judged that the value of this book is definitely not low, and it is eight or nine out of ten that it is the secret book of exercises that I am looking for.

Unable to wait to open the book, Zhang Feng glanced through it, and sure enough, as he expected, this is really an ancient martial arts secret book, and this set of boxing techniques has a total of nine styles.

Perhaps because the brain has been developed, Zhang Feng's understanding has improved a lot.

After reading it a few times, Zhang Feng basically mastered the key points of this set of boxing techniques. After closing the cheat book, Zhang Feng began to practice slowly in the study.

"Sure enough, martial arts cheats that aren't from the earth can't absorb energy from the outside world." After practicing once, Zhang Feng felt that the effect was very weak, almost undetectable. If he didn't have a keen sense, he probably wouldn't be able to feel the effect of this set of boxing techniques.

"This boxing method should be the legendary internal boxing. It can absorb its own energy and strengthen itself. No wonder warriors often say that they are poor and rich in martial arts, and there is no high-energy food to replenish the energy of the body. deficit."

Zhang Feng reckoned that if he practiced this set of boxing techniques for less than three to five years, he wouldn't be able to cultivate Ming Jin, and he didn't know how long it would take to practice Dark Jin.

Of course, if there are cultivation resources like Yuehua Auxin, the speed of cultivation will definitely increase by leaps and bounds. It is estimated that it will take one to two years, or three to five months to achieve success in cultivation and enter the realm of Mingjin.

However, this "Changchun Boxing" is far behind my own gymnastics, and the two cannot be compared at all. Although the name of gymnastics is very common, its effect is thousands of times better than that of Changchun Boxing. Changchun Boxing has the most It can only be cultivated to Huajin, but the gymnastics can be cultivated to a high level, and it can even cross the void and travel in the sea of ​​stars. How terrifying is this, and the legendary fairy gods are nothing more than this.

Feeling the ancient martial arts, Zhang Feng felt that it was not as miraculous as in the legend, and shook his head in disappointment. No wonder the martial arts are declining now, and they are no longer visible in the world, because the cultivation of martial arts is too difficult. If you want to practice successfully, there is no Years of hard work simply won't do it.

However, now is the era of hot weapons, no matter how advanced the martial arts is, they are afraid of kitchen knives, and people without qualifications may not be able to get started even if they have practiced for ten or eight years.

Therefore, there are too few people who can persevere in cultivation. No matter in that era, only reading can get ahead. Practicing martial arts is not as useful as reading. Therefore, martial artists gradually withered.

"It's so difficult!! No wonder there are so few fighters!" Zhang Feng learned from the information given by Dandan that there are more than one billion people in China, and there are only more than 3000 registered fighters who have entered Mingjin and above, of which 90.00% The fighters above five are all beginners of Ming Jin. Among the remaining fighters, there are only a hundred or so who can reach Dark Jin. As for Hua Jin masters, they are even rarer. There are only about 20 in the whole of China.


At noon, Zhang Feng suddenly received a call from his uncle, asking him to find him at the Public Security Bureau.

"Did Uncle Tang know what happened last night??" Zhang Feng shook his head. He didn't show up at all last night. Uncle Tang probably just had doubts.

After a while, Zhang Feng came to the Public Security Bureau, and Zhang Feng also came to the uncle's office once.

Boom! !

"Come in!!" Hearing the knock on the door, Tang Shu knew that Zhang Feng was probably here.

The moment Zhang Feng opened the door, there was a sudden change, and a big fist suddenly attacked him. Zhang Feng conditioned reflex and quickly dodged, but the attacker did not give up, and rushed towards Zhang Feng again.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng's strength is much higher than him, and the opponent punched six or seven times without even touching Zhang Feng's clothes.

"Okay, old Wang, stop!" Uncle Tang clapped his hands and called the big man to stop.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply!" Tang Shu looked at Zhang Feng with a smile.

"What are you hiding?? I didn't hide anything??" Zhang Feng spread his hands, knowing that the two were testing him just now, so he pretended to be innocent and said.

"You kid is still playing sloppy with me. Even the master Wang in our game can't beat you. You should be bright!" Uncle Tang shook his head. Lao Wang is a master of fighting in the secret group. No. 3 in the military and police fighting competition, although he has just entered Mingjin, he is also the only warrior in the county.

"Little brother is really good at it. I think he is about to enter the dark power." Old Wang is over 40 years old. Seeing that Zhang Feng has such a strong strength at such a young age, he is also very impressed. He thinks that this is the legendary peerless Genius.

"What bright energy and dark energy?" Zhang Feng pretended to be a rookie who didn't know anything.

"Little brother, don't you know?? This is the most basic knowledge for a warrior? Don't you have a master?" Old Wang was very surprised.

"I just picked up a secret book on health preservation, and practiced it casually..." Then Zhang Feng made up a lot of nonsense, because now he said that he is not a warrior, and the two of them would definitely not believe it.

"You kid is really lucky!" Hearing Zhang Feng's fabricated story, Tang Shu was amazed, thinking that no wonder this kid could single-handedly overthrow a wild boar and stab a black bear to death. If a warrior, all this would make sense.

"Xiaofeng, why don't you just join our secret group." Uncle Tang extended an invitation to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Secret group??"

"Old Wang is the team leader of the Qingshan secret group. The secret group not only pays well, but as long as they make meritorious service, they can also get advice from dark energy masters or even transformation energy masters..."

"That's right, warriors who join the secret group usually don't have to go to work at all, only when it involves warriors, they will take action. The work is very easy..."

Uncle Tang and Lao Wang kept introducing how good the secret group was, and it seemed that both of them wanted to trick Zhang Feng into joining the secret group.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and finally rejected the solicitation of the two of them. Although joining the secret group is well paid, there are still many restrictions. If he is really a casual cultivator with nothing, joining the secret group may be a good choice.

But I am not short of money, and I am not short of cultivation resources. There are all kinds of cultivation resources in the system, and I don’t know how much better than those in the secret group. Therefore, no matter what the two say, Zhang Feng has no intention of joining.

"Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations, but since you have become a warrior, you have to register with the secret group, so that it will be easy to manage." Uncle Tang shook his head regretfully.

"Is there any benefit to registering?" Zhang Feng knew that he would not be able to escape through registration, so he asked.

"Of course there are advantages to registering. At that time, a warrior certificate will be issued to you. There will be a website used by warriors on it. There will be a lot of trading information on cheat books and pills on the website, which will be very useful for you to understand the world of warriors." Uncle Tang carefully introduced to Zhang Feng.

After learning about the benefits of warrior registration, Zhang Feng was relieved. The country doesn't have many special requirements for warriors. As long as they abide by the law, they are still the same as ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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