small farmer

Chapter 421 You don't understand the world of local tyrants

Chapter 421 You don't understand the world of local tyrants
The exciting horse race is finally over
But Zhang Feng and Niu Zhong looked at their horses but looked at each other, "Damn, what a mistake, what should we do now, should we lead them back?"

Zhang Feng was better, barely able to ride a horse, but Fatty Niu was miserable, he couldn't sit still on the horse, and the three of them drove over, so it was impossible to park the car here and lead the horse back, right?

"Haha, so you two are worried about this?" Hearing what Niu Zhong said, Wang Bin laughed, and then continued: "Don't worry, there is a truck here for people to transport horses, let's go and call one. "

"Really?" Zhang Feng and the two were immediately overjoyed.

"Of course, look at those railings, don't they all say rent a car? Just make a phone call and someone will help us pull the horse back." Wang Bin knows this place quite well.

It has to be said that the competition for transportation is getting bigger and bigger, and even the horse racing places can find places to rent cars at any time.

Not long after Wang Bin finished making the phone call, a small truck drove here.

The backyard of Zhang Feng’s house is wide, and there are two spare pigpens, so the horses can be brought home and raised, but the weight of the cattle is different. His family lives in a commercial house, so it’s not good to raise horses. So he had to be fostered in Wang Bin's horse farm.


"Xiaofeng, what did you buy? Still using a car?" Wang Guilan asked curiously when she saw her son leading the truck parked in front of the house.

"It's nothing, I just bought a horse..." Zhang Feng said hesitantly.

"You child is really..." Wang Guilan rolled her eyes, she really didn't know what to say, what can she do with raising horses now?There is no need for farming and transportation. Isn't this a waste of food after buying it?

But Wang Guilan also knew that her son was more assertive, and it was useless to buy everything, so she shook her head and went back to set up her own stall.

Hearing the movement at the door of the house, Zhang Yue ran out in a hurry, saw the two big horses on the truck and asked in surprise: "Wow! Brother, you bought two horses??"

"There's only one horse, and the other one belongs to Brother Niu." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Wow! It's really great, I can learn to ride a horse from now on!!" The little girl was very happy, as if what she bought was not a horse, but a fluffy toy.

Hearing the younger sister's words, Zhang Feng immediately rolled his eyes. There was really nothing he could do with her when he met such a younger sister, and his sorrel horse would probably be tossed a lot by her in the future.

The driver opened the door, put a few thick boards on the door, and quickly and smoothly got Zhang Feng's horse to the ground.

"Xiaoyue, go and get me a brush, I'll give the horse a bath first."

"Hmph, ask me to run errands for you again, unless you cook something delicious for me at night." The little girl said reluctantly.

"All right, all right, my aunt, I'll cook for you in the evening and cook something delicious for you." Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head. This girl is getting more and more self-willed, which is really speechless.

"Hee hee, this is not bad..."


In a blink of an eye, the news of Zhang Feng buying a horse spread throughout the village. Many idle villagers came to see the surprise. The little kids in the village were even bolder, standing next to the horse and pointing .

"Hey, Xiaofeng, you really bought a horse. I thought everyone was joking?" Uncle Er Niu asked with a smile.

"Isn't this what it is??" Zhang Feng led the horse to the river, took off the horse's harness, and then bathed his horse in the river water.

"Crazy brother, did you buy a horse and come back to ride it? Let me ride it, too?" The little duck smiled and approached Zhang Feng and asked fawningly.

"Go, go, what kind of horse does the kid ride?"

"Damn it, why don't you hurry up and get over here, ride a horse, I want you to ride a horse..."

"Don't you know that horses can kick people? How dare you get so close to me..." Hearing his son's words, Uncle Er Niu was furious, and he twitched while tugging at the duckling's ears.

"Oh, oh... Dad... I won't ride anymore, I won't ride anymore..." The little guy quickly grabbed his ear and begged his father bitterly for mercy.

"Ha ha ha ha…………"

"The little duck is being beaten again..." the little brats laughed gloatingly.

"Laugh, laugh... you little bastards, stay away from the horse... the horse won't kick you away..." Zhang Feng also hurriedly drove away the little kids around the horse's buttocks .

"Oh! Let's go... let's go..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the little guys dispersed immediately, but they didn't go far. They watched Zhang Feng bathing the horse from a distance of five or six meters. It feels so novel.

Hearing that Zhang Feng actually bought a horse, his cousin Zhang Yi, who was seriously poisoned by the king of pesticides, got off the plane decisively and rushed to the river. Everyone was surprised. People still buy horses in this day and age. Isn't it too much money and nowhere to spend it?

"I said, what do you guys do when you buy a horse? You don't need it for this kind of crops." Uncle Er Niu shook his head, thinking that he really understood Zhang Feng's mind.

"Hey, buy it and ride it! I went to watch a few horse races recently and thought horse riding was cool, so I bought one and came back to learn." Zhang Feng said with an embarrassed smile.

The world of local tyrants is really confusing, and Uncle Er Niu can only shake his head with a wry smile, thinking that he hasn't played with cars yet, and others have started to play horse racing, such a high-end thing.

"Wow, brother, you didn't call me when you went to the horse race?" Zhang Yi was also very excited when he heard it. He didn't expect that there would be such an exciting event near Qingshan.

"Aren't you playing your king of pesticides every day? Do you still have time to watch the horse race?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said, this guy is already crazy about playing games, and every day he comes back from the sports car to play online games, angry little girlfriend Almost broke up with him.

"Hey, big brother, I'm going to have nothing to do every day. Is this why I play the king? If I knew there was a horse race, why would I stay at home?" Zhang Yi said with a wry smile.

"Tell you to play less games, kid. If you are really addicted, it will be difficult to quit!" Zhang Feng persuaded helplessly.

"Hey, I see bro..."

After knowing that there was a horse race in Qingshan, Zhang Yi and Uncle Er Niu were also very surprised. They didn't expect that the place of the competition was not far from Qingfeng Town.

"How is the big brother's horse race? Is it lively?" Zhang Yi asked curiously.

"Of course it's lively. There are hundreds of people watching every time, and you can bet on the horses, but the bets are not many, and each time you can't exceed 1000 yuan..." Zhang Feng gave the horse a bath, and introduced the horse racing to everyone. Condition.

(End of this chapter)

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