small farmer

Chapter 423 Leizi's Simple Request

Chapter 423 Leizi's Simple Request
Moon Lake in winter night
It looked a little cold and desolate, and the village was dark and silent.

Taking advantage of everyone not paying attention, Zhang Feng quietly came to the stable in the backyard.

Chestnut is the horse that Zhang Feng just bought. Seeing the owner coming, he glanced at Zhang Feng slightly, but continued to chew the hay in his mouth.

Zhang Feng stretched out his hand, and a Qiling Pill appeared in his hand, and the rich fragrance instantly permeated the entire stable. Chestnut shrugged his nose and sniffed it, as if he knew that the pill in Zhang Feng's hand was a good thing, so he poked his head out immediately. Want to swallow this delicious pill.

Qiling pills have an unparalleled attraction to animals. Chestnut swallowed Qiling pills in one bite, just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, looking very eager.

Qiling Pill is really powerful!
As soon as Chestnut swallowed the pill, his eyes blurred immediately, as if he was about to enter a deep sleep to evolve. Zhang Feng didn't dare to neglect, and immediately untied the rein tied to the post.

The next moment, Chestnut plopped and fell on the ground covered with hay, falling into a deep sleep.

Seeing that the chestnut has begun to evolve, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and quietly went back to the room again, believing that when he wakes up tomorrow morning, a magical horse will appear in the world. With strong expectations, Zhang Feng fell asleep.


A long howl pierces the sky

It turned out that the horse in the stable had awakened, and the successfully evolved Chestnut was no longer the stupid horse it was before. Maybe it was because it didn't want to be tied up in the stable, so it neighed loudly!
"Huh? Could it be that Chestnut has woken up? No, I have to go and see it quickly..." Zhang Feng put on his clothes in twos and twos, and ran to the backyard quickly, really wanting to see what the evolved Chestnut looks like.

Seeing Zhang Feng's arrival, Chestnut's eyes flashed with surprise. After the evolution, his expression became more obvious, and his eyes became more spiritual.

"What's wrong?? What's it called??"

Zhang Feng stroked Chestnut's head with joy.

Chestnut, hastily tugged on the rein, as if to say that the outside is so big, I want to go and see, Chestnut who has just opened up his intelligence is like a two or three-year-old child, full of curiosity about the world, and it is the best time to move. So unwilling to be bound in this narrow stable.

"Hehe, you still want to go out for a stroll?" Seeing Chestnut's movements, although Zhang Feng couldn't understand the animal language, he could still guess Chestnut's meaning.

"咴咴!!" Chestnut shouted excitedly in response.

"Another playful guy!" This horse is not very old, only about four years old. Although it is an adult, it has the wisdom of two or three years old, so it looks as immature as a child.

Zhang Feng smiled, untied the rein, and then led the horse and walked out of the gate.

"Remember, you can't step on the vegetables in the backyard and the flowers and plants in the yard in the future, remember?" Zhang Feng taught while holding the chestnut.

"Yu Yu!!" Chestnut nodded happily, looking left and right curiously, as cute as a child going out to play with his parents.


"Hey, Xiaofeng, you are going to walk the horse so early??" When Zhang Feng rode the horse and walked slowly in the village, the second uncle also carried the vegetable basket and walked out of the village.

"Yes, second uncle, are you going to cut vegetables?" The old people in the village usually get up very early, especially the second uncle, who gets up the earliest every day, picks vegetables early, and waits for the truck to pull vegetables arrival,
It is really hard work, no gain, only hard work, can have a better harvest.

Therefore, the villagers can earn two to three million yuan in just half a year. This is not only the opportunity brought by Zhang Feng, but also the sweat of everyone.

"You guys have a really cool day!!" Seeing Zhang Feng riding a horse and wandering slowly in the village, the second uncle shook his head endlessly.

"Hey, can you retire when you are old? How about playing chess and square dancing at the entrance of the village every day?" Zhang Feng persuaded with a smile. They have all retired early to take care of themselves.

"Hehe, my old bones are born to work hard. It's okay to play chess in my free time. If I want to stay at home all day, that's not good." The second uncle said with a smile.

The two walked out of the village while chatting.

After parting with the old man, Zhang Feng led Chestnut to the downstream river beach.

The terrain here is flat and has a long sandy beach. The terrain here is open and flat, which is very suitable for horseback riding.

After comforting Chestnut, Zhang Feng got on his horse and jogged on the river beach on Chestnut. As his riding skills became more and more proficient, Chestnut's speed became faster and faster. One person and one horse galloped on the beach like lightning.


"Crazy, you are so awesome, you even bought a BMW! How about we go to your house this weekend to learn how to ride a horse?" Seeing the photos of Zhang Feng riding a horse in Moments, the monkey was envious and jealous, and imagined that when he was riding a horse The tall figure is very excited.

"Okay, but I don't know if my chestnut will let you ride!" Zhang Feng said with a chuckle. Chestnut is different from ordinary horses. After evolution, it also has its own emotions. If you don't like it, probably It would be strange not to be thrown off the horse.

"It's definitely no problem, wait for me on the weekend!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine this weekend."

The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.


"Crazy, you can do it, you have ridden the BMW, how many thousand did you spend?" After a while, Shitou also called.

"Thousands of dollars? Thousands of dollars, how many horses are you going to buy to see? This cost me more than 2 yuan, okay?" Zhang Feng said speechlessly.

"What? So much? Could it be that poverty has limited my imagination?" Shitou exclaimed, never expecting to pay so much for a horse now.

"You have a car and a house, you are considered poor, you are poor and you only have money left?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Damn, can you compare with a local tyrant like you? Dude is so poor that he can't even afford a wife, and now he's still a bachelor!" Thinking about Zhang Feng's daughter-in-law, who is as beautiful as a flower, Leizi is envious and jealous, and thinks instantly A person is quiet.

"I'll go, isn't it? Just now I heard the monkey say that there is a beautiful woman chasing you? If you want me to say, you should just accept her."

"Fuck, beauty?? That's a killer from behind, okay? The scariest thing is, she also has a pair of cross-eyed eyes. Can you blame my buddies for being picky?"

"Hey, my brother actually doesn't have high requirements, as long as someone with normal facial features is enough, why don't you say that God didn't even agree to my simple request."

"Hey, can you blame God for this? If you want to blame, you can blame Yue Lao?" Zhang Feng smiled, thinking how many times God has been the blame man, he probably couldn't count it himself.

Emotional things are the most wonderful, and you may not be able to find them after thousands of turns, but love may find you at the next moment.Isn't that what Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi were like back then, everything was fate.

(End of this chapter)

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