small farmer

Chapter 427

Chapter 427

With the arrival of the twelfth lunar month

The village is very lively every day. Almost every day, one or two families kill pigs.

And Zhang Feng has also become the favorite chef of the villagers and tourists. With him in charge of the pig-killing banquet, it is almost hard to find, and the scene is extremely hot.


Early in the morning on the seventh day of the seventh day, Zhang Feng came to Yiyi's house. "Is the old man feeding the birds?"

"Hehe, it's Xiaofeng, come in and sit down, Yiyi is still in the room!" The old man turned around and saw that it was Zhang Feng, and said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm looking for you, old man, that's how it is, everyone is starting to kill pigs now, I'm going to sell one back, after killing half of our family, what do you think?" Zhang Feng sat down After that, he slowly said to the old man.

"Okay, the old lady and I were still discussing yesterday, when will we buy some pork and come back to marinate the bacon!" The old man was overjoyed. The pork bought outside is not as good as the New Year pig that he killed himself, and the old man is also very happy. Nostalgic for the festive atmosphere of slaughtering pigs in the countryside.

"It's good if you always agree. I'm optimistic about the pigs. I can just buy one from my second uncle's house." The second aunt raises pigs very carefully. The pigs she raises are all local pigs. For about a year, the local pigs were not only of good quality, but also safe to eat.

The breeding period of the feed pigs outside is only three or four months, and all kinds of fattening drugs are used indiscriminately, which is very unsafe. Therefore, in recent years, the rural pigs in the countryside have become more and more valuable, and more and more urban people favorite.

While Zhang Feng was chatting with the old man, the uncle walked in with a smile on his face.

"Xiaofeng, you boy ran to Mr. Liu, and I was looking for you!"

"The village chief is here, come in and sit down..." the old man greeted with a smile.

"thanks, thanks……"

After the uncle was done, Zhang Feng asked with a smile, "Uncle, why do you want me?"

"I want you to cook a pig-killing meal!" The uncle said with a smile, as if he still had something to say.

"No problem, someday I will kill the pig, and I promise to be there on call..." Of course, Zhang Feng would not refuse the uncle's request, and he patted his chest and promised.

"Really? This pig killing feast is not easy!!" The uncle looked at Zhang Feng with a smile.

Zhang Feng was suddenly a little puzzled, could there be any tricks for the pig-killing banquet?

"Recently, many tourists have reported that the pig-killing banquet in our village is very good, but the scale is too small. It would be even better if it were held like a long table banquet in Sanjiazhai!"

"The village committee thought the tourists' suggestions were good, so after an urgent consultation, we decided to hold the first moon lake pig slaughter feast on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day after tomorrow. Tourists from nearby counties and cities will be invited to participate. And the county's tourism department and publicity department are ready to help us with publicity."

"Although the scenery in our village is good, there are too few activities. Therefore, this time, taking advantage of the excitement of the Chinese New Year, we hold the first pig-killing feast, which will also help the development of tourism in our village."

"Well, I have no objection to holding a pig-killing banquet, but is it too hasty on the tenth day of the lunar new year?" Although Zhang Feng is lazy, he still dare not neglect matters related to the interests of the whole village, and he has to contribute his own the power of.

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry, this is just right, you don't know yet, right? The pig slaughter feast you made yesterday has spread all over this green mountain, and the tourists responded strongly. If it weren't for the chef like you, I might not have planned to hold it yet A unified pig-killing banquet!!" said the uncle with a smile,
At this time, Zhang Feng's culinary skills have spread all over Qingshan. As long as he is not there, the first "Moon Lake Pig Killing Banquet" will definitely be a success.

Therefore, the uncle was not worried about too few tourists, but worried that there would be too many tourists, and Zhang Feng would not be able to do it alone.

"Hehe, I think it's very good to hold a pig-killing banquet. I can also cook a dish or two for everyone at that time!!" When the old man heard that a large-scale pig-killing banquet was going to be held, how lively it would be, he was immediately moved. Ready to show off, let everyone try their own craft.

"Haha, it would be even better if you have the help of the old man. With Xiaofeng, the pig slaughtering feast in our village will definitely be a success." The uncle was very happy. It was an unexpected surprise. Uncle is also very aware of his cooking skills, which are no worse than Xiaofeng's, or even better.

Although the pig-killing banquet does not make money, it can build the reputation of the village and drive the sales of various special products in the village, such as delicious mountain mushrooms, fungus, fine wine, dried fish, and various handicrafts in the village.

Therefore, holding a pig-killing banquet is not only for the tourism industry in the village, but also to celebrate this year's harvest, so that everyone can relax, enjoy life, and enjoy the joy of harvest.


The news that the village was going to hold a pig-killing banquet soon spread throughout the small village. The villagers were very happy. After a busy year, everyone just took advantage of the pig-killing banquet to relax.

So the villagers, under the leadership of the village chief, were busy preparing for the pig-killing banquet. Zhang Feng, Zhang Qin, and the old man were the three best cooks in the village.So the job of holding the spoon is naturally handed over to them.

Moon Lake is going to hold a large-scale pig-killing banquet, which not only shocked the entire mountain village, but also spread rapidly to the entire Qingshan County.

Since Zhang Feng's peak culinary skills have spread throughout the county, although many people don't really believe it, many people in the city are still scrambling to sign up.


In a blink of an eye
The first Moon Lake Pig Killing Banquet has finally arrived.

At dawn this day, Moon Lake, a small mountain village on the outskirts of the city, became bustling with tourists from all directions.

As soon as nine o'clock in the morning, the number of people who signed up exceeded 1000, and the queue behind did not decrease at all.

This frightened the leaders of the village. According to such a scene, there were at least 3000 or [-] people who participated in the pig-killing feast.

In this way, what should we do if there are not enough manpower in the village? ?Hurry up to other villages to find someone to help! !
So Sanjiazhai, which has a good relationship, became the object of help, and Sanjiazhai also had experience in holding long table banquets, and immediately dispatched 40 people to help.

With the joining of these fresh troops, various preparations have finally entered the right track and are proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Grandpa, I'll help you while cooking later, how about you always take charge of the command?"

A pig-killing banquet for more than 3000 people is terrifying. Even if there are ten people at a table, there will be more than 300 tables.

After frying so many people's dishes, Zhang Feng felt that Alexander, the old man was over seventy years old, how could Zhang Feng make him tired, so he tried every means to let the old man rest more.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, you underestimate me too much. Since I came to Moon Lake, my health has improved a lot. I eat well and sleep well..." The old man smiled and directly rejected Zhang Feng's offer. Suggestion, for him, cooking is a pleasure, not to mention such a lively situation.

(End of this chapter)

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