small farmer

Chapter 429 The Express Has Arrived

Chapter 429 The Express Has Arrived

The Vigorous Moon Lake Pig-killing Banquet ended successfully
According to the final statistics, the number of tourists who came to Moon Lake that day reached an astonishing 8, creating a very astonishing record.

You must know that there are only more than 30 people in the entire Qingshan County, that is to say, on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the number of people who visited Moon Lake almost reached a quarter of the entire population of Qingshan.

Of course, there are also quite a few tourists from other places, reaching more than 1000 people. It doesn’t seem like a lot, and it can’t even be compared with the tourism festival. But this year’s pig slaughter feast is the first time, and the time is very rushed. It has been very successful in attracting thousands of foreign tourists.

That night, the county TV station also reported for more than an hour with the theme of "a pig-killing feast, showing the happy new life in the countryside". The pig-killing feast in Moon Lake was thoroughly spread throughout Qingshan.

Finally, at the end, the news also grandly introduced the earth-shaking changes in Moon Lake Village, and introduced a different way to get rich in Moon Lake.

What shocked the villagers the most was that the pig-killing banquet was actually featured on the news on Guizhou Satellite TV at night.
"The Mythical Way to Get Rid of Poverty and Become Rich——The Legend of Wealth in Moon Lake"

In its news, Moon Lake is regarded as a model of whole-body poverty alleviation, creating a myth of high efficiency in getting rid of poverty and becoming rich in half a year.

"My God, I earned 30 to [-] in half a year?? Is this still a rural area??"

"I'm going? Since when farmers are so awesome?? Just selling a vegetable can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month!!"

"Fuck, Moon Lake is so beautiful, no wonder the vegetables grown in Moon Lake are so delicious..."

At the beginning, everyone didn’t believe it, and they didn’t understand it, because although the villages everyone was familiar with were not impoverished, they were not so wealthy. How could it be possible to earn [-] to [-] a month by growing a vegetable.

But when the TV news introduced Moon Lake vegetables, everyone suddenly realized that the best vegetables and fruits in Moon Lake come from Moon Lake. No wonder the villagers are rich. You must know how popular Moon Lake vegetables are now. , although the price is very expensive, it is still in short supply every day.

Then the news also introduced the beautiful mountains and rivers of Moon Lake, as well as the quaint rural style. Everyone was amazed. They really wanted to go to Moon Lake and experience the different rural customs for themselves.

I have to say that the propaganda in the province is good. It has only been on the news once or twice. After the Spring Festival, the number of tourists from other places in Moon Lake gradually increased. caused a stir.


The excitement soon passed, and the village gradually returned to calm.

As the Spring Festival approached, the villagers began to prepare all kinds of preserved meat for the New Year, and even the young people who went out to work returned home.

"Hello? Is it Zhang Feng? Your goods have arrived. Go to the entrance of the village and get them."

"Okay, I'll be right over..."

Zhang Feng ordered two large iron stoves from the Internet. The electric stove at home is very weak for heating, and it is not hygienic to burn wood, so Zhang Feng ordered two iron stoves that burn coal online.

One of them is going to be given to Yiyi's family. Although the two elders are in good health, Moon Lake is still a bit cold in winter. With a coal-burning stove, the elders can spend this winter warmly.

It was impossible for Zhang Feng to carry the two big iron furnaces back directly, so riding on three wheels, Zhang Feng drove towards the entrance of the village quickly.

"Brother Feng!" Just as he walked halfway, a fat man suddenly called out to him.

"Huh! Are you a little chubby??" Zhang Feng was very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that he was a friend who grew up with him since he was a child. However, this guy's body was getting fatter and fatter, and Zhang Feng almost couldn't recognize him.

"Haha, I didn't expect Brother Feng to recognize me!!" Xiao Pangdun exclaimed in surprise, obviously very happy to see Zhang Feng.

"Thank you, thank you, I don't smoke!" Fat Dun handed the cigarette to himself, Zhang Feng declined with a smile,

Then jokingly said: "Why are you getting fatter and fatter, are you planning to develop horizontally?"

"Hey! Brother Feng, it's really hard to see at a glance. Brother, I gain weight from everything I eat, and I have lost weight for a few months. Unfortunately, there is no cure..."

Speaking of his figure, Pang Dun couldn't help but sighed, this was really a tear, and he couldn't finish talking about it for three days and three nights.

"It's okay, brother, don't be discouraged. If you come back and plant the land for two or three months, you will definitely lose weight!" Although the weight loss method Zhang Feng said is simple and crude, the actual effect is really good. Look at the farmers who often farm in the countryside , How many of them are big fat people?

"Yeah, actually, I have this idea. I used to be unable to make money from farming at home, so everyone went to work outside. Now, thanks to you, Brother Feng, I have led everyone to make a fortune. I really don't intend to leave this time. ..."

"Okay, it's good to come back..." Zhang Feng was also very happy. Everyone was able to come to farm, which showed that his cooperative really brought hope to everyone.

"By the way, Brother Feng, where are you going?" Fat Dun recovered his smile again, and asked Zhang Feng.

"I'll go to the entrance of the village to pick up the courier..."

"Brother Feng, you are busy first, let's talk when you have time..."


After bidding farewell to his friend Pangdun who grew up together, Zhang Feng rushed to the entrance of the village again.

"Xiaofeng is here, the two iron stoves you bought are really good!" Seeing Zhang Feng coming, Zhang Laosan came up to chat with him with a smile on his face. Now who doesn't know that Zhang Feng is the God of Wealth in the village, and only by relying on him can he make a fortune. Big fortune.

"Third Uncle, did you sign for me?" Zhang Feng also smiled. Although this person likes to play tricks and only does things that harm others and benefit himself, he does not stretch out his hands to hit smiling people, so he still maintains a superficial politeness.

"Yeah, the guy who pulled the goods was busy leaving, and I saw that the stove was in good condition, so I signed for it for you!" Seeing Zhang Feng being so polite to him, Zhang Laosan was a little flattered,

You must know that he was very worried not long ago, because he was the first to propose hiring someone to help grow vegetables, and was criticized by the village head once. At that time, he thought that this time it was over, and if it was over, he would definitely be kicked out of the cooperative. After waiting for several days, the cooperative did not continue to pursue it, so he finally let go, but now he still feels like he escaped from death.

After receiving the lesson from last time, Zhang Laosan finally became honest and began to act with his tail between his legs. If he was kicked out of the cooperative by the village because of some petty profits, he would definitely regret it to death.

Therefore, the service quality of his small shop has improved a lot recently, and the problem of selling expired food has disappeared, and the satisfaction of tourists has also improved a lot.

"Third Uncle, I'm leaving!!" After carrying the iron stove into the car, Zhang Feng stopped talking nonsense, said goodbye, and left immediately.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, go slowly..." Zhang Laosan waved his hand with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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