small farmer

Chapter 431 Order Tofu

Chapter 431 Order Tofu

"Then I will trouble you, old uncle Yu!" Zhang Feng thanked with a smile.

"Hehe, it's okay, I also want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to earn extra money!" Old Uncle Yu waved his hand and said with a smile.

Sure enough, when the other employees learned that the boss needed Xiaoyu, everyone was pleasantly surprised and shouted Long live the boss. They didn't expect the boss to be so good, and the Xiaoyu, which no one usually wants, would actually give everyone a high price of five yuan per catty.

If everyone earns more than 80 catties per day, that is an income of [-] yuan. For rural people, this is not a small amount of income. Buying two bottles of oil is enough to feed the family for half a year.

"The old uncle Yu, I'll go first!!"

"It's okay, you go to work first, catch the fish, and I will send it to you in the afternoon."


Five nine six nine, pigs and dogs freeze to death

With the arrival of deep winter, the small animals in the family are almost nesting at home, especially the little cat who is most afraid of the cold, curled up by the stove all day long, and almost sticks here except for eating time.

The recent temperature is around freezing. Because there is no heating in the south, the villagers used to rely on shaking to keep warm. Now coal fires and even electric stoves have become the way for everyone to keep warm.

Counting nine cold winters, both the north and the south have turned into a world of ice and snow. At this time, on the Internet, the net names of the north and the south are completely divided into two factions, and they are all discussing whether the north is colder or the south is colder.

There is a joke that illustrates this point best.

People in the south said it was so cold at 3 degrees today, and the people in Ludong couldn't help laughing, it's minus 3 degrees here.The people in Beijing also laughed: Our temperature is minus 13 degrees.People in Longjiang laughed when they heard about it: Our place is minus 30 degrees: The southerners sneered after hearing this: I’m talking about indoors, okay?
Therefore, it is obvious that the indoors in the south are colder, especially for those who love cat winter, if there is no stove at home, they can only hide under the quilt.

As the CCTV joker said, the place beyond the bed is far away, and the place beyond the reach of the hand is a foreign country. This is the winter in many places in the south.


"Xiaofeng, take my soaked beans to your second uncle's house and grind them into soy milk. Later, we will make a pot of tofu ourselves." Seeing that her son was idle, Wang Guilan ordered with a smile.

"Got it, Mom!" Zhang Feng immediately picked up a bucket of soybeans and walked to the second uncle's house.

Nowadays, the food sold outside is very worrying, so almost all the villagers make their own tofu.

In fact, it is not difficult to make tofu. The most troublesome thing is to grind the beans into soy milk. In the past, this process required a stone mill, which was completed bit by bit. To make a pot of tofu, it would take a lot of money just to grind it. Most of the day.

But now there is a beater, as long as the soaked soybeans are poured into the machine little by little, it can be done in a maximum of one to two 10 minutes, and the efficiency has been increased several times.

The first step in making tofu is to soak the soybeans. This step is very simple. Just sort the soybeans and pour them into a container for soaking. The beans will expand after about one night.

The second step is to grind the soybean milk just mentioned. Now there is a machine, which is very convenient.

The third step is to filter and squeeze out the bean curd residue.

The fourth step is to start cooking soy milk,

The fifth step, after boiling the soy milk, pour in the sour soup at an appropriate time.

The last step is to pour the tofu in the pot into the mold and press it. After a while, a square tofu will be formed. This is the process of making tofu.


"Xiaofeng, does your family make so much tofu?" Seeing Zhang Feng coming over with a big bucket of soybeans, the second uncle asked in surprise.

"Hehe, I still don't think these are enough. Some of them will be distributed to Yiyi's family, and the rest I will make fermented bean curd and stinky tofu..." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

For fermented bean curd, the whole family likes it very much. Every time when eating, put a little in the dipping water, it tastes really good, it is numb and fragrant, just thinking about it makes your mouth water.

"You guys can also make bean curd and stinky tofu? Why haven't you heard of it before?" Second Uncle asked in surprise,

I didn't expect my nephew to learn so many things without making a sound. Not only does he cook delicious food, but he can also make money. He is good at almost every aspect.

"Hey, although I haven't done it, I can give it a try. I think it should work." Although Zhang Feng has never seen others do it, he has heard of it. Besides, there are so many tutorials on the Internet. , with a high probability of success.

"Brother, you still want to make fermented bean curd, what if it goes bad??" Zhang Yi asked jokingly.

"I'm going, just make the tofu bad. If it doesn't get moldy, how can it be tofu meat? Isn't it the same with stinky tofu? It's all about the tofu being bad." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Ah! Really, then maybe I can do it!" Hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, Zhang Yi suddenly realized, and suddenly felt that fermented bean curd and stinky tofu are not difficult. OK, it shouldn't be that simple.

"You kid is talking nonsense, do you dare to eat what you made?" The second uncle said angrily like glaring at his cousin.

"Hey!" Zhang Yi smiled embarrassedly, thinking that what he cooked must be dark food, let alone others, I am afraid he would not dare to eat it.

"Second Uncle, I need to borrow your tofu cooking tool later."

"It's okay, it's just that it hasn't been used for a month or two, you can just wash it yourself later, by the way, Xiaofeng, you don't have sour soup at home, right?"

Zhang Feng’s family doesn’t have sour soup brine for tofu, but the second uncle’s house just has a big tank. These sour soups are also good things in the countryside. They usually make some sauerkraut and so on, and they are also very delicious.


When he got home, Zhang Feng started to cook tofu step by step.

"Ah, brother, why don't you save some soy milk for me, I'm going to cook soy milk for drinking!"

"You little greedy cat, I want to make it myself with a soymilk machine." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, this girl will make trouble in a day.

"Oh, the soymilk machine doesn't taste good!" the little girl said dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouting.

"Why doesn't it taste good? This isn't soy milk ground by a machine." Zhang Feng rolled his eyes immediately, not giving the girl a good look.

"Hmph, you guys know how to bully me in one day!" Zhang Yue stomped her feet and left the kitchen angrily.

Knowing that this girl has always been so arrogant and unreasonable, Zhang Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, ignored it, buried himself in the fire, and continued to cook his own tofu.

woof woof woof woof woof

Big black and little black have been lying obediently at Zhang Feng's feet. After seeing Zhang Yue leave, they use their hairy heads to arch their master's arms, as if they are comforting Zhang Feng. They are so cute.

"Haha, our big black and little black are the most obedient!" Zhang Feng smiled happily and stroked the two dogs.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......" After being praised by the owner, the two dogs stood up happily, shaking their heads and tails, looking extremely excited.

(End of this chapter)

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