small farmer

Chapter 434 Winter Capture

Chapter 434 Winter Capture
Moon Lake covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres and is named for its crescent-shaped lake surface.
With beautiful mountains and rivers, pleasant scenery, rich resources and outstanding people, it is the most beautiful place for leisure and tourism near Qingshan County.

Twelfth lunar month 28 early in the morning
The beautiful Moon Lake has been surrounded by villagers and tourists.

Because today is the annual winter fishing day in Moon Lake, I don’t know when, every year on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, the village will organize villagers to fish, hoping that there will be fish (more than) every year and the weather will be good.

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to catch a few fish for the New Year, to have a tooth-fighting ceremony, and to supplement nutrition for the children. After all, everyone was not rich before, so it is not a small benefit to be able to get a few fish during the New Year.

Therefore, winter fishing has become a traditional activity in the village. Now everyone is not short of those two fish, and more is to experience the fun of the Chinese New Year and make enough food and clothing by themselves.

On this day every year, almost all the young and old in the village join in the battle. The young people row boats and cast nets in the lake to catch fish. The old people stand by the lake and watch everyone working happily. As for the little kids in the village, They were even more happy, running around by the lake with their maids, laughing and having fun.

"Crazy, has the winter hunting started in the village?" Early in the morning, Monkey called and asked Zhang Feng eagerly.

"Hurry up, why don't you come here, kid? If you come late, I'm afraid you won't be able to buy fish scales." Zhang Feng said jokingly.

"Hey, won't you be here? Why don't you save two for me then?" Monkey said cheekily.

"Fuck off, buddy, I want to go into the water to catch fish, if you want to buy fish, get out!" Zhang Feng scolded with a smile.

"Alright, alright!!! Crazy, remember, I'll take care of you when I come!" Said the monkey and hung up the phone.

"You bastard! Whoever cleans up doesn't know yet!" Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly.


"Xiaofeng get on the boat, we're leaving!!" Uncle Qi started the boat and saw that Zhang Feng was still on the shore, so he yelled loudly.

"Hey! Come right away!!" Zhang Feng quickly put on the one-piece suit, and hurried to put it on.

At this time, the lakeside was already full of villagers and tourists, and everyone looked forward to the fishing boats setting out, hoping that everyone would have a big harvest, full of fish, and fish every year.

And all the power cruise ships in the village set off, galloping towards the center of the lake with full horsepower.

When the cruise ships came to the center of the lake, under the arrangement of the old fish uncle, everyone grouped the cruise ships into two groups, and every two fishing boats were divided into groups, pulling the upper two ends of a fishing net, and everyone divided into different directions. The fishing nets move around and cast the nets to catch fish.

It has to be said that the villagers are all good at fishing, relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on water to drink water. The villagers who grew up by the lake are as proficient in fishing as in eating.

Old Uncle Yu was on the opposite boat, tied the fishing net rope firmly to the stern, and then asked Zhang Feng on the other boat.

"Has Xiaofeng fastened the upper end of the fishing net yet?"

"Okay, old uncle Yu!" Zhang Feng also tied the rope in twos and twos, and then pulled it hard to make sure it was tied, and then responded with a smile.

"Okay, Xiao Qi, let's go, remember not to be too fast..."

"Understood, Old Brother Yu!" Xiao Qishu said with a smile, and then the two of them drove the cruise ship with a tacit understanding, and drove towards the shore almost at the same time.

As the fishing nets kept passing under the water surface, the lake gradually reacted, and the reaction became more and more intense, and even the big fish thumping in the water could be seen with the naked eye, which is really gratifying.

"Well, there are quite a lot of fish in the lake!!" Zhang Feng said with a happy face.

"Hehe, of course, the number of fishers in the village has decreased in recent years, and of course there are more and more fish in the lake." Xiao Qishu was also very happy, and explained to Zhang Feng with a smile.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded. Judging from this, today's harvest must be not small.

In the past few years, as the young and middle-aged people in the village have gone out to work, the frequent and lively fishing scenes in Moon Lake have rarely been seen. Only the winter fishing day before the Chinese New Year every year has such a lively scene.

Therefore, there are more and more fish in the lake, and thousands of catties can be caught every year during winter fishing, and this is only the result of one round of fishing.

There are so many fish, each family divides two or three, and the rest will be sold to tourists in the city. Everyone loves the wild lake fish in the lake very much. Even though the price is two or three yuan more expensive than the farmed fish, everyone still prefers it Love the wild fish in Mondsee.

Therefore, every year on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, there is an endless stream of tourists who come to Moon Lake to sell fish.


"Brother, why is Moon Lake so lively today?" On the provincial road outside the village, there was almost a long queue of vehicles coming to Moon Lake, and the driver who didn't know the situation asked curiously to the people beside him.

"Brother, you are not from Qingshan, are you?"

"How do you know, brother?"

"Hehe, if it's from Qingshan, don't you know about the winter fishing in Moon Lake today?"

Seeing that this buddy from out of town doesn't know the briskness of Moon Lake, Qingshan's eldest brother introduced him to him with a smile.

"Moon Lake is not only beautiful, but also because the environment is good, the water quality is good, and the fish in it taste super delicious, so every year before the New Year, the village will fish on a large scale, and then sell some to everyone. My brother will tell you, this Moon Lake The fish is really unusual, the taste is amazing..."

"Is it really that good?" the brother from other places asked suspiciously.

"Of course, have you heard of Moon Lake vegetables and fruits?" Qingshan's elder brother asked with a smile.

"Ah? This is the Moon Lake??" Moon Lake vegetables are well-known high-end vegetables in Guizhou Province. They are only sold in every city-level city, and the price is super expensive. Even the cheapest Chinese cabbage It costs ten yuan a catty.

But I have to say that Moon Lake vegetables are really worth the money. This friend from out of town has eaten them a few times, and the taste is really good, and he still loves them to this day.

"Brother, can a foreigner like me buy the fish in Moon Lake?"

Thinking of the delicious vegetables in Moon Lake, the buddies from other places felt that the fish here must be good, so they felt itchy and asked the old brother in Qingshan expectantly.

"Haha, of course you can buy it, and it can be divided into locals and foreigners? But no one can only buy two at most, because it is too popular, and you can't buy it if you go late." Qingshan's brother laughed.

No wonder there is such a long traffic jam here, the brothers from other places thought to themselves.

Such scenes happened a lot on the provincial road outside the village. Many outsiders waiting for traffic to open to traffic changed their itineraries, and everyone flocked to Moon Lake.

Seeing so many tourists coming to the village, the village head was very happy. While directing the traffic at the entrance of the village, he called the villagers who were fishing in the lake and asked everyone to catch more fish, because there were too many tourists today.

(End of this chapter)

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