small farmer

Chapter 44 Night Tour Moon Lake

Chapter 44 Night Tour Moon Lake (Part [-])
Chapter 3, please recommend for collection, thank you for your rewards from book friends such as 'Lei Zhen Cang Qiong', 'Bear's Life', 'Lonely Flying 607', thank you all.

Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

Moon Lake at night has a hazy beauty,
After dinner, everyone greeted the faint moonlight and came to the beautiful Moon Lake to enjoy the quiet night of Moon Lake.

A gust of breeze blows, the willows flutter and rustle, and the lake surface is sparkling and refreshing.

The crescent moon in the west exudes a faint light, covering the entire Moon Lake with a thin layer of gauze. The willows on the shore of the lake suddenly look like princesses in a fairy tale world. Wearing a long white dress, the breeze is light With a light blow, the long skirt flutters with the wind, making it extremely beautiful.

In the hazy moonlight, the whole world seems to have become a fairy tale. Bathed in the moonlight, Moon Lake seems to have become a fairy lake in the sky, looming in the misty night,
The willows on the shore are like fairies in the sky, with fluttering white clothes, dancing with the wind, every movement is so graceful, so natural, so fascinating.

"The night is hazy, Yangliu Yiyi, the night here is so beautiful..." Seeing the beautiful night in front of them, everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

"Such a beautiful night, if you can take advantage of the night to go boating, it will be..." Liu Yiyi looked forward to it excitedly and then asked: "Crazy, how about we go on a boat?"

"No problem, I'll just borrow one later." There are not many other things in Moon Lake, but there are so many boats. In the past, almost every household had them. Although there are fewer now, it is not difficult to borrow one.


"That's really great, to be able to visit Moon Lake at night..." Everyone was surprised at once. Seeing how beautiful Moon Lake is, everyone wanted to be in it and feel its beautiful night scenery.

"Of course, you wait for me here for a while, and I'll come as soon as I go." Zhang Feng said and walked towards Old Yushu's house.

"Is Uncle Yu at home?"

"Who is it? It's so late..." Old Uncle Yu was smoking a pipe at the door, and only found out when Zhang Feng approached, "So it's Xiaofeng, what can you do with me?"

"Uncle Yu, I came to you to borrow your boat..."

"The boat is parked at the door. If you want to row away by yourself." After taking a puff of tobacco, the old fish uncle asked curiously: "Why are you borrowing a boat at this late hour?"

"Didn't some classmates come to play at home? So I want to take them to Moon Lake to see..." Zhang Feng handed old Uncle Yu a cigarette and said with a smile.

"So that's the case, then you can row away, just remember to row back." Old Uncle Yu took the cigarette and put it on his ear, then waved his hand and said.

"The old uncle Yu, I will row the boat away..."

"Row away! Row away!" Old Uncle Yu waved his hands and muttered softly, "People in the city can really make a fuss, it's so late..."

He doesn't understand poetic beauty, hazy beauty, he only knows what to see in the dark at night.

For Uncle Yu, the boat is his fishing tool. He stays on the boat almost every day, 360 days a year, so sailing to Moon Lake at night is simply enough for him. trouble making.

Zhang Feng's ears are very good. After hearing what Old Yushu said, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.Then Zhang Feng quickly came to the pier, untied the rope that moored the boat, and vigorously paddled the boat in the direction of everyone.

The reason why Zhang Feng borrowed the old Yushu’s boat was because it was an old-fashioned wooden boat without modern power, and it looked more primitive and rustic.

"Ah, madman is really great, it's actually this kind of fishing boat..." Everyone who was waiting on the shore was surprised to see Zhang Feng sliding the oars from a distance. Although this kind of boat is primitive, it is more poetic. It is more interesting and more suitable for cruise ships.

"Hehe, this boat is very simple, doesn't it have a kind of poetic flavor of 'one boat, one oar, one fisherman'..." After systematic modification and continuous training, Zhang Feng's strength has greatly increased, so it is very easy for him to sail alone. The boat can be rowed very fast, and it will soon come to everyone.

"The fisherman's poetry is not there, but it has the feeling of 'little boy in a small boat, stealing white lotus back'." Monkey said mischievously.

"Fuck, your eyes can go back in time, right? You can go back to my childhood for a man like me..." Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily.


"Everyone, hurry up and get on the boat..." Zhang Feng hurriedly said to everyone when the boat stopped.

"Let's go, let's set sail..." Everyone was very excited after boarding the boat.

After everyone stood still, Zhang Feng waved the oars, and the wooden boat started instantly, driving away the duckweed in the water, and sailed straight to the center of the lake.

"Seeing such a beautiful night, buddy, I suddenly became very interested in poetry, and I wanted to write a poem. Listen up, everyone:

"Night Tour Moon Lake"

Ah, bright moonlight, misty mountains,

The beautiful lake, the little boat,

I love your hazy beauty,

Love your ethereal magic. "

"Damn it, brother Lei, is this poetry?"

"It's Leizi, your Chinese is taught by your physical education teacher, right?"

"I'll go, such a frustrating poem, it pollutes my ears." Everyone laughed and attacked Shi Lei.

"Brother Lei, your poem is too bad, everyone listen to me: Moon are full of water, crescent seem to open your mouth..." This time it was the turn of Xiaopang's poetry, but unfortunately a poem Before I finished reading, I was stopped urgently by everyone, otherwise I would really die.

"Stop, stop, stop!!! Don't spoil such a beautiful scenery, okay?" Liu Yiyi finally couldn't stand this group of rude guys, who had no literary talent at all, and the poems she wrote simply ruined such a beautiful night scene.

"That is, if you don't know how to write poetry, don't do it. Like me, just be a beautiful man quietly!" Monkey King said boastfully.

Hearing the monkey's words, everyone hissed and despised the monkey's thick skin.

After that, everyone stopped messing around, but sat quietly in the boat, admiring the bright moon and the vast stars in the sky,

As described in a song: Looking at the sky and the moon, it is still the circle of my hometown.The moon is the circle of the hometown, and the water is the sweetness of the hometown.Just a ray of breeze, drink a sip of nostalgia, the end of the world does not feel cold, and return to the hometown with dreams.

Looking at the familiar mountains and rivers and the familiar night, Zhang Feng felt that his hometown was so beautiful and fascinated him.
Just like what is said in "Zeng Guang Xian Wen": Beautiful or not, the water in my hometown, whether you are close or not, the people in my hometown.


Looking at the bright moon in the sky and the high mountains in the distance, only then did Zhang Feng realize that his hometown is so beautiful, and he is so attached to it.

The boat is still moving forward slowly. Sitting on the bow and looking at the hazy reflection in the water, there is really a poetic feeling, just like what the ancient poets said: the boat is on the blue waves, and people are swimming in the painting.The boats on the lake and the tourists on the boats have become beautiful scenery and an indispensable element in this "Night Tour Moon Lake".

Sitting on the boat, everyone seems to have returned to their original nature and integrated into the whole world. Haohao seems to be relying on the wind to control the wind, without knowing where it stops.

Everyone swam on the Moon Lake and enjoyed the beautiful night scenery of the mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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