small farmer

Chapter 440 Writing Spring Festival Couplets

Chapter 440 Writing Spring Festival Couplets

"Brother, wait for me!"

When Zhang Feng and the two bought the candles and firecrackers, Xiaoyue also carried the roast duck and chased after them with a smile.

"Hurry up, brother and I are carrying so many things!" Zhang Yi turned around and urged.

"Hee hee, bro, you bought fireworks!" The little girl said with a smile when she saw the fireworks in Zhang Feng's hands.

The little girl was very happy when she thought of having fireworks during the Chinese New Year.At this time, I have already fantasized about the beauty of fireworks.

The brilliant fireworks soar into the sky, blooming the most beautiful colors in the sky. Although the beauty of the fireworks is only for a moment, it is also fascinating and fascinating.


After moving the things to the car and putting them away, the three of them walked to the vegetable market again.

"Brother, did we forget to buy Spring Festival couplets just now?" Zhang Yi asked suddenly.

"Hehe, it's okay. I have red paper at home, so I can write it myself when I get home." After not writing for a long time, Zhang Feng also felt a little itchy.

When grandpa was still there, not only the Spring Festival couplets at home were written by him, but even the villagers in the whole village would ask him for help.

Even now, Zhang Feng vaguely remembers the scene at that time. Every year on the morning of New Year's Eve, the house was extremely lively. The villagers took red paper and asked grandpa to write Spring Festival couplets at home, almost breaking through the threshold of the house.

Now the Spring Festival couplets are all over the streets. A pair of couplets costs only four or five yuan, and there are all kinds of beautiful patterns printed on them, and then sprinkled with gold powder, they are much more beautiful than those written on red paper, so everyone is willing to spend money to buy them. .

However, the Spring Festival couplets written by myself seem to be more meaningful. Isn’t this the fun of the Spring Festival?

"Brother, when the time comes, you can write a copy for my family too!" Zhang Yi was very clear about elder brother's handwriting, just like the calligrapher on TV, every time he saw it, he felt incomprehensible.

"Okay, no problem, I'll write it later when I get back." Zhang Feng said with a smile.


When Zhang Feng and others came to the capital market to find other people, everyone had already bought a lot of things, and both mother and Zhang Lin had five or six bags in their hands.

"Come here, Xiaofeng, help us move our things to the car!" Seeing her son arriving, Wang Guilan breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise it would be really torture to squeeze things around in the crowd with her things.

"Got it mom!"

In this way, Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi brothers became coolies. They looked at each other bitterly, and walked to the parking lot with large and small bags of pork and vegetables.

"Hee hee..." Zhang Yue gloated and laughed when she saw the 'tragic experience' of the two.


Everyone had been busy all morning, and finally bought all the new year's goods. In the end, Zhang Feng had to admire the foresight of the second uncle, and drove the truck. Otherwise, the trunk of the SUV would not be able to fill it when it tripled the size of the year's goods.

"Do you have anything else to buy? Let's go back after a few minutes of rest!" When everyone was resting by the parking lot, the second uncle asked everyone.

Everyone thought for a while, then shook their heads,
"By the way, I still want to buy bones for Dahei and Xiaohei!" Suddenly Zhang Feng remembered his promise, if he returned home with an empty watch, the two little things would definitely ignore him for several days.

These two little ancestors are the treasures of the family, the pistachios in the hearts of their mothers and sisters.

"Then you go, Da Hei Xiao Hei likes to eat bones the most!"

No, when she heard that she was going to buy something for the two dogs, her mother hurriedly said.

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, who is her precious son.It seems that I really paid for it.


When I got home, I simply ate a bowl of noodles, and the family was busy arranging the ingredients.

Wash the vegetables and food that are too late to prepare tomorrow and put them in the refrigerator for easy use tomorrow.

The family of five was busy until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and then all the ingredients were sorted out.


Zhang Feng stretched his waist, "Little sister, help me wipe the table, I'm going to write Spring Festival couplets soon."

"Hmph, I've been bossing people around all day, as if I'm a maid at home!" The little girl was annoyed, but she still took a rag and quickly wiped the desk clean.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng suddenly smiled wryly, as long as you are still a maid, I think it is almost the same if you are a young lady.

But who made this little girl the youngest in the family, the little princess of the family, the heart of the mother.

Shaking his head, Zhang Feng walked towards the study.

The room at the back of the hall has been converted into a study by Zhang Feng. Not only are the books left by his grandfather, but some ordinary classics from the mountain temple are also placed here by Zhang Feng.

A long desk with the Four Treasures of the Study placed on it,

The study is surrounded by several wooden bookshelves filled with books.

From the drawer of the desk, I found a few pieces of red paper, which I bought online half a month ago, and I was going to write Spring Festival couplets at that time.

After finding all the pens, inks, papers and inkstones, Zhang Feng walked into the yard.

"Zhang Lin, help me grind the ink off!"

"Okay, bro." Zhang Lin nodded silently, and skillfully grinded the ink in the inkstone with the ink ingot.

Speaking of which, Zhang Lin also learned brush calligraphy for a period of time. At that time, her grandfather had not passed away. In his free time, the old man liked to read and write. He also taught his grandchildren. Therefore, except for the younger sister, everyone else in the family Taught by the old man.

Moved the table to the yard, cut the red paper, and pressed one end of the red paper with a paperweight. Zhang Feng took a deep breath, picked up the brush, and began to write.

I saw that Zhang Feng's movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the brush was moving like a dragon and a snake, and the majestic brush characters appeared vividly on the paper.

The first couplet: The three-point view of the green bamboo
The second line: Hongmei is repaying Wan Jiachun
Horizontal batch: spring returns to the earth

The first couplet: spring is everywhere
The next couplet: Thousands of rivers and mountains are full of glory
Horizontal batch: Vientiane update

Zhang Feng wrote two couplets in a row, one for his own and one for his second uncle's.

"Wow! My brother's handwriting is really good, if only I could write so beautifully!" The little girl looked at Zhang Feng's handwriting with eyes shining, envious.

Although Zhang Yue doesn't know much about calligraphy, beautiful things have something in common. Even a layman can see that Zhang Feng's calligraphy is indeed very beautiful.

"Hehe, as long as you keep practicing for a few years, you should be able to write so well." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hey! Forget it! I don't have enough time to study every day, how can I have time to practice calligraphy?" The little girl shook her head and said nonsense seriously.

Hearing his sister's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. This girl is really irresponsible. Since she was on vacation, one day she spent more than three hours reading.

"You girl is really..." Even my mother couldn't help shaking her head when she heard it.

I have to say that this girl is very smart, but her attitude is not very down-to-earth, her nature is escaped and playful, she is 16 years old, and she still looks like she hasn't grown up.

(End of this chapter)

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