small farmer

Chapter 443 New Year's Eve

Chapter 443 New Year's Eve
New year has come

On the first day of the new year, you will eat rice cakes in the morning, which means that you will rise step by step in the new year, and your income will increase year by year;

In addition, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the whole family should not leak money, nor can they borrow things from other people's houses. Here, everyone can earn more money, of course, the century-old red envelopes are not included.

"Auntie, Brother Crazy... Sister Xiaolin, we are here to celebrate the New Year..."

As soon as the rice cakes were eaten in the morning, the little guys in the village began to pay New Year's greetings all over the village, begging for lucky money. Today can be said to be their happiest day.

"Brother Crazy Congratulations on getting rich, bring the red envelope...hehe..." The little duck smiled and bowed to Zhang Feng, then stretched out his small black hand to beg for the red envelope.

The other little guys followed suit, bowed to congratulate Happy New Year, and then lined up to wait for Feng's red envelope.

"Hehe, happy new year, happy new year!! This is a red envelope for you guys, don't lose it!" Zhang Feng was also very happy, smiling and handing out the red envelopes he had prepared to the little ones one by one.

"Hee hee!! Thank you madman!"

"Wow, that's a lot of money, it's 100 yuan!"

"Hee hee! Mine is also 100 yuan!"

The little guys immediately opened the red envelopes and saw a brand new Grandpa Mao. They were overjoyed immediately. I didn't expect Brother Madman to be so generous. He actually gave everyone 100 yuan. You know, other people only gave them 20 yuan. Mom and Dad said that Brother Crazy made a lot of money,
Then the little guys chattered and asked each other, and when they learned that everyone was paying 100 yuan, they immediately burst into joy.

Mother also hurriedly brought candies and distributed them to these little guys. For a while, the house became extremely lively.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing that the house was very lively, the two dogs ran back from the backyard quickly. Seeing the scene in the house, they were a little confused about the situation, and looked at everyone with veiled faces.

"Hee hee, Happy New Year, Dahei and Xiaohei..." The little duck hurried over and greeted Dahei and Xiaohei.

"Wow... woof..." Dahei and Xiaohei also squinted their eyes, seeming to be smiling and responding to the little duck for a happy new year.

Seeing Dahei and Xiaohei's well-behaved appearance, Zhang Mu and Wang Guilan felt her heart melt. She took out a small bag of crispy fish from the kitchen with a smile, and rewarded the two dogs.

"Hehe, Dahei and Xiaohei also worked hard last year, come on, grandma will give you crispy fish..."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom the old master said. please.

"Hee hee, Da Hei Xiao Hei is really smart." Duckling said with a smile.

"Crazy brother, can I take them out to play?" The little guy looked at Zhang Feng expectantly and said.

As soon as he heard that the little duck took him out to play, Xiao Hei paused immediately, moved his ears, and then continued to pretend that he didn't know. In fact, he was very excited. He wanted to go out with the little duck and the others for a long time, but he was worried that the master would not agree. That's all.

Seeing Xiao Hei's appearance, Zhang Feng shook his head amusedly, thinking that he is really a showman, but it's a pity that Jiangshan is easy to change and his nature is hard to change. Don't he know its character yet?He has been a playful guy since he was a child.

"It's okay to go out to play, but you have to come back early, do you hear Dahei Xiaohei?" Zhang Feng looked at the little duck, and then asked the two dogs.

"Understood, madman, we'll be back after playing for a while!" The little duck said with a smile, and was very happy to be able to take the two dogs out to play.

"Wow... woof..." Dahei and Xiaohei were also very happy, especially Xiaohei jumped up and down excitedly, like a child.

"Let's go, let's go play..."

"Hee hee, big black and little black, let's go..."

Zhang Feng's family is the last family at the west end of the village. The little guys have finished their New Year's greetings here. With a lot of red envelopes and a bunch of candies, they happily ran to the lake with Big Black and Little Black.


After the little guy left for New Year greetings, Zhang Feng's family also started to visit the village for New Year greetings.

Especially the uncle's family, the second uncle's family, the second uncle, the old uncle Yu... these cannot be left behind.

"Ah, boss, isn't your house setting up a stall today?" Seeing that Zhang Feng was about to close the door and go out with a gift, the tourist outside the door suddenly asked anxiously.

"Hehe, I'm sorry everyone, I have a day off on the first day of the new year!" Zhang Feng hurriedly cupped his hands in apology to the tourists.

"Boss business is so good today, why don't you set up a stall?"

"Yeah, we all heard that your crispy fish is delicious, so we came here because of the name..."

Hearing that Zhang Feng's family was closed today, the tourists waiting at the door were all anxious, and said to Zhang Feng's family in a hurry.

Hearing that everyone came here because of the reputation, Wang Guilan was also a little embarrassed, "I won't go if I don't want to go, Xiaofeng."

"Mom, I'm not going either, I'll help you at home." The eldest sister also said quickly,

"Well, mom, you and eldest sister are at home, and Xiaolin and Xiaoyue and I can go to pay New Year's greetings." Zhang Feng smiled. The New Year's greetings atmosphere in the village is not particularly strong, and in fact, only very good people will go there.

Since Moon Lake is the most famous tourist attraction in Qingshan, there is an endless stream of tourists on the first day of the Lunar New Year. As far as the eye can see, the entire Moon Lake is full of tourists from nearby villages.

Today is also a good day for the villagers to do business, especially Xiaoying's house. Every year on the first day of the Lunar New Year, her family can earn two to three thousand dollars just by selling cold noodle and fried potatoes. There are more tourists this year. It is estimated that It is not a problem to earn five or six thousand.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaoyue, are you going to pay New Year's greetings?"

"Yes, Uncle Mai, where are you going?" Zhang Feng asked curiously when he saw Uncle Mai was carrying a pannier full of packages.

"Hehe, go set up a stall by the lake."

Zhang Feng immediately understood that Uncle Mai is a veteran malt candy maker in the village. He used to walk around the streets with a basket of malt candy on his back during the slack season.when!when!Some of them beat iron tools and shouted: "Sell sesame candy, no money for not sweet."

Think about it, that is also an unforgettable memory in childhood.

Regrettably, with the passage of time, many things have disappeared from everyone's sight, but they are still imprinted in Zhang Feng's heart forever. The good memories of childhood will never disappear, but with the passage of time, they will become more Evocative and unforgettable.

"Brother, let's go buy some sesame candy later, shall we?" The girl Xiaoyue seemed to be reminded of her childhood. Sesame candy was something that the brothers and sisters loved to eat very much when they were young. Every time they got a few cents , I will buy a small piece, it tastes sweet and really delicious.

"Hehe, what a greedy little cat..."

(End of this chapter)

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