small farmer

Chapter 446

Chapter 446
Da Mao hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, followed the ducklings, accelerated, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Wow... woo..." Mao Ya chased to the gate, but there was no sign of her elder brother, Da Mao, and the others. She burst into tears and burst into tears, crying very sadly.

"What's wrong with Maoya? Who bullied you?" Xiaoyue was watching TV in the house, when she heard Maoya's earth-shattering cry, she ran out immediately.

"Woooo... it's brother, they don't want me anymore, they don't want me to play with them..." Mao Ya cried even more sadly while talking.

What a poor little girl, Zhang Yue touched Mao Ya's head, then knelt down to comfort her:

"Okay, don't cry, Mao Ya, it's fine if they don't want to play with you, let's ignore them, okay, let's go, let's go to the house, sister will give you candy."

The little girl stopped crying slowly, but was still twitching non-stop. She took Zhang Yue's hand and walked slowly into the house.

After a while, Mao Ya's giggles came from the room, as if she had forgotten what happened just now.

"This big hair is really..." Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head, this guy left his sister here, if his father found out, he would definitely have another meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

But seeing these brats, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile, as if he saw his childhood figure in them,

Wasn't it the same when I was a child?Girl Zhang Yue wants to play with everyone every time, but Zhang Feng's older guys don't like such slow-moving oil bottles, and they run fast every time they go out to play. Thinking of this, Zhang Fengfeng smiled heartily , This can be regarded as childhood fun.

After the little ones left, Zhang Feng took a sip of tea, and then walked slowly towards the old man's house.

The yard rented by the old man's house is just behind Zhang Feng's house, only a few dozen steps away.

This yard is not small, about three to four hundred square meters. Under the management of the two elders, it has become very delicate and beautiful. Looking from the outside of the wall, it is full of flowers and plants, including green bamboos, green orchids, and a garden. A circle of beautiful golden coral surrounds the entire garden, and there are many unnamed flowers, plants and shrubs in the garden.

Opening the wooden door outside the courtyard, Zhang Feng was stunned by the scene as soon as he stepped into the small courtyard, and he didn't react for a long time.

Plum blossoms are blooming

Blossoming black plum blossoms hang on the branches.

"What a beautiful Mo Mei!!" Zhang Feng couldn't help exclaiming, this is really incredible, and an ancient poem couldn't help but come to mind:
There are several plum branches in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone, knowing that it is not snow, because there is a dark fragrance.

Those are dark-colored flower bones, hanging sporadically on the small branches. In Zhang Feng's eyes, they are so beautiful and charming, a thousand times, ten thousand times more beautiful than red plum blossoms.

If it wasn't for the flower bone flowers hanging on the plum tree today, Zhang Feng would have forgotten about the Mo Mei. He didn't expect it to actually bloom. Just like the system introduced, it will bloom in the same year it was planted.

Zhang Feng's heart was really shocked, Mo Mei, he didn't expect it to really bloom with black plum blossoms, this is really unbelievable, even if Mo Mei is right in front of his eyes, Zhang Feng still can't believe it.

Zhang Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"The system is really scary!!" Zhang Feng had to accept the surprise, and then sighed.

Mo Mei is just a plum blossom on a painting. I didn't expect that there would be such a seed in the system. If the news spread, the threshold would probably be broken by tourists.

Fortunately, this black plum plant was planted on the edge of the wall, and the tourists outside could not see it, or else something would happen.


Zhang Feng immediately closed the courtyard door to prevent tourists from coming in to see it, otherwise he didn't know what kind of uproar and disturbance would be caused.

Then immediately announced the good news to Yiyi, "Yiyi, I have good news for you..."

"What's wrong? Crazy?" Yiyi was also very happy when she received Zhang Feng's call.

"Hey, let's start the video, and you'll find out later!" Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly. It was also a kind of luck for him to be the first to discover that Mo Mei was open.

Opening the WeChat video, Zhang Feng pointed the camera at the plum blossom in the corner under Yiyi's puzzled eyes, and Yiyi was also stunned.

He stared blankly at the thing in front of him, opened his mouth wide in horror, and was unable to speak for a long time.

"Ah!! This... is this the plum blossom planted by grandma???" After a few seconds, Yiyi cried out in horror.

"Yeah, how is it? Shocking enough?" Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly. When he saw it for the first time, he was also stunned in shock. Mo Mei, this is a legendary new variety. There will be a stormy sea.

"Ah, no, no, I have to tell grandma right away!!" Saying that, Yiyi quickly ran into the living room.

"Grandma, grandma..."

"What's the matter??" Seeing Yiyi panicked, Grandma Liu thought something happened, and asked her granddaughter immediately.

"Grandma, take a look, you planted... the flowers you planted are blooming!" Yiyi said excitedly and incoherently,
"Hehe, you girl, the flowers bloom as soon as they bloom..." Grandma Liu smiled and shook her head, thinking that this girl is really making a fuss. Spring is here, and the flowers she planted bloom, isn't that normal.

"Oh! It's Mo Mei who opened it!" Yiyi stomped her feet and said anxiously.

"What happened??" Not only was Grandma Liu stunned, but the whole family thought Yiyi was talking nonsense.


"Mo Mei???" Grandma Liu stood up abruptly, which was too unbelievable.

Grandma Liu remembered very clearly that this was a gift from Xiaofeng. Although she had heard Zhang Feng say that it was a plum seed, she didn't quite believe it.
At that time, she was just trying to plant them, thinking that it would be nothing if it wasn't Mo Mei, after all, it was a wish of the younger generation, and she also liked the red plum blossoms very much, so planting them in the yard would also bring a lot of glory to the yard.

Unexpectedly, now the granddaughter suddenly told me that the black plums she had planted had blossomed.

"Grandma, take a look for yourself..." Yiyi smiled and handed the phone to grandma.

"Ah! this really the plum blossom I planted??" Although a few small black flowers have clearly come into view, Grandma Liu still feels very dreamy. Can start ink-colored flowers.

Hearing Grandma Liu's exclamation, Zhang Feng smiled, and circled Mo Mei with his mobile phone, so that Grandma Liu could see more clearly.

"I didn't expect that there are black plum blossoms in this world!" After looking around from various angles, Grandma Liu finally believed her eyes, but she still felt very shocked. All this seemed to be in a dream. Unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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