small farmer

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

The thrush in front of the door chirped and jumped up and down in the cage.

Only then did Zhang Feng remember that he hadn't fed it today, so it would be hard to explain to the old man if he was starving.

Before returning home, the old man entrusted their family's thrush to himself. Zhang Feng smiled, and hurriedly stepped forward to check. Sure enough, the water and feed in the birdcage were all clean.

Zhang Feng quickly scooped a spoonful of feed from the balcony and put it into the food bowl, and then added some water to the thrush.

Thrush may be starving, and when she sees the feed, she starts to gorge on it, pecking at the feed in the snack bowl, after a few mouthfuls, she may feel thirsty, then turns around and jumps to the water bowl, drinking water heartily.

Zhang Feng smiled, added some water and feed to the thrush, and then went back to the house and started cooking. As for the little girl, he couldn't count on it at all.

After washing rice and cooking, Zhang Feng also began to think about what to eat for lunch.

"Simply, make a salad with side ear root leaves, and then make a stir-fried side ear root with bacon, um, and a soup..."

After thinking for a while, Zhang Feng decided to make a cabbage tofu soup, which I believe everyone will like.


"Brother, what are you frying? It smells so good!" When Zhang Feng was busy in the kitchen, the little greedy cat smelled the strong fragrance, sniffed Xiao Qiong's nose, ran into the kitchen and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm making bacon side ear root. How about it? Do you like it?" Zhang Feng smiled, becoming more and more confident in his cooking skills.

"Hee hee, of course I like the dishes made by big brother!" The little girl swallowed her saliva and nodded with a smile.

"Fire it up for me!" Zhang Feng immediately ordered to the younger sister when he noticed that the firepower in the stove had decreased.

"Understood brother!" The little girl hurriedly opened the fire door, put a few dry sticks in with a match, and soon the fire in the stove was blazing again.

After a while, a bowl of fragrant bacon pianergen was finished.

Zhang Feng poured a ladle of water into a large iron pot, cleaned the pot quickly with a pot scrubber, and then started making tofu and cabbage soup.

Let the soup boil in the pot, Zhang Feng started to make cold salad, the leaves of Pleurotus chinensis and a small amount of sauerkraut, then poured in an appropriate amount of salt, pepper and monosodium glutamate, and stirred evenly with chopsticks.

Although this cold salad does not have too many condiments, it tastes very good, and the locals like it very much. The unique fragrance of pianergen and the refreshingness of sauerkraut make it really delicious.


"Wow woof... woof woof..." Just as everyone was eating, the two dogs came back to the house bit by bit.

"Hehe, you guys are back, big black and little black?" Wang Guilan asked with a kind smile when she saw the two dogs.

"Woooo..." The two little guys ran over quickly, playing tricks and being cute, which made Zhang's mother very happy.

"Xiaofeng, quickly prepare food for Dahei and Xiaohei!" Lafayette was served, and of course the benefits of being a dog's leg were indispensable.

Zhang Feng shook his head and smiled helplessly. He was about to become a full-time nanny for these two little guys. Wang Xingren is really happy in this age.

"Go and get your food bowls!"

Hearing the master's words, the two dogs rushed to the eaves, brought in the brightly washed food bowl, squatted on the ground, and raised their heads to Zhang Feng.

Vegetable tofu soup with rice, plus a few pieces of bacon, this will be the lunch of the two little guys today.

Fortunately, they are not very picky eaters, and with Zhang Feng's superb cooking skills, even if it's just vegetarian soup, it must taste good, so the two dogs worked hard, eating with relish.


After lunch, Zhang Feng walked to the backyard with a hoe on his shoulder.

After a few days of spring breeze, the vegetables in the backyard have bloomed and seeded, and they are no longer edible.

So Zhang Feng vacated a small piece of land and pulled out all the flowering cabbage on it to prepare for seedlings.

After loosening the soil, Zhang Feng began to sow the seeds. He planted some vegetables, including cabbage, green vegetables, cowpeas, cucumbers, and more than ten kinds of common vegetables.

After the seeds were sown, Zhang Feng got some sheep manure from the sheep pen to fertilize, and finally poured some clean water. I believe that these vegetables will grow seedlings one after another in two days, and it will be good to transplant them when the time comes.

After washing his hands, Zhang Feng lay leisurely on the recliner, sipping tea leisurely.

"Xiaofeng, can you help me send the goods?" Recently, the business of the online store has been very good, and the elder sister has been busy all day. Now that Zhang Feng is free, she asked him.

"Got it, sister!" Zhang Feng hurriedly got up, and loaded all the goods packed by the elder sister on three wheels.
Zhang Feng took a general look, and most of them were crispy fish. It can be seen how popular his own crispy fish is. In the first half of the Chinese New Year, he sold hundreds of catties, and the sales reached [-] to [-].

"Where is Xiaofeng going??" Driving on the road, the villagers greeted with smiles.

"Going to the entrance of the village to send something!!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, responding to everyone.

"Xiaofeng is here to send things, you can just put the goods here, I will call the courier to pick up the goods immediately!" Zhang Laosan saw Zhang Feng coming with a cart of goods, and said with a smile.

Now that Zhang Feng has become everyone's God of Wealth, Zhang Laosan's attitude has also changed drastically. Although the voice in his shop is also very busy at this time, he still dare not neglect Zhang Feng at all.

"Thank you third uncle, I will trouble you then!" Seeing Zhang Laosan's good attitude, Zhang Feng responded with a smile, but his impression of him did not improve much.

"Hehe, no trouble! No trouble!" Zhang Laosan waved his hand quickly.

Zhang Feng unloaded the goods at the door of the small shop, took his leave and left.

"Wow... woo..."

"Stop hitting, please stop hitting..."

As soon as Zhang Feng walked to the door of Uncle Er Niu's house, a burst of earth-shattering cries came out of Uncle Er Niu's house. Needless to say, Zhang Feng also knew that it must be the little duck and the monkey who had been beaten again.

Sure enough, when Zhang Feng stopped the car and walked into the yard, the little guy was being grabbed and beaten by Uncle Er Niu. The bamboo pole with thick fingers was whirring, and the little guy was crying dimly and painfully. Wow yell.

"What's the matter, Uncle Er Niu? What mistake did the duckling make again?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile. Watt, so he was beaten with a stick every now and then.

"Xiaofeng, you come to judge. School will start in only ten days. I haven't finished one-third of the homework this dog day. I only finished the first few pages of the two winter vacation homework..."

During the Chinese New Year period, every household in the village is very busy, and the rice wine sold by Uncle Er Niu’s house is also very popular, so Uncle Er Niu is busy making wine all day long, and Aunt Er Niu not only has to take care of the canteen, but also feeds the children at home. Pig, how can the couple have time to take care of him,
So the little duck became a runaway wild horse, writing a few words casually every day, fooling his parents, and then ran out to wander all over the mountains and plains.

(End of this chapter)

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