small farmer

Chapter 459 Panlong River Grand Canyon

Chapter 459 Panlong River Grand Canyon
"Wow! What a beautiful canyon!"

The first-class river flows eastward, like a blue sky knife, splitting the majestic mountain in half. The rushing river, steep mountains, and the good fortune of nature make the Panlong River Grand Canyon so beautiful and charming.

"Brother, shall we go to the Grand Canyon tomorrow, shall we?" After seeing the precipitous and beautiful pictures of the Panlong River Grand Canyon on TV, the little girl was immediately moved.

The apes on both sides of the strait couldn't help, and Qingzhou had passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Think about Li Bai's poems, take a boat in a flat boat, go down the river, look up at the tall and straight cliffs, steep and majestic canyons, sitting on the bow, enjoying the natural scenery on both sides, it must be very pleasant .

"No! No! What's so interesting there?" Zhang Feng waved his hand and refused.

"Oh, big brother..." The little girl continued to say coquettishly: "Second sister and I will start school in a few days, can you take us to play for a while?"

The little girl was very smart, and she was afraid that she would not be enough, so she brought the second sister along. Hearing what she said, both Zhang Feng and Zhang Lin couldn't help laughing, she was really a playful girl.

"Okay, I'll take you there tomorrow."

"Yeah! Big brother, you are so kind!" The little girl immediately cheered and shook Zhang Feng's arm excitedly.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes, if I don't take you to the Grand Canyon, will I be bad?
But Zhang Feng didn't have the same knowledge as this girl, and continued to watch TV with everyone. It was really Qingshan news at this time, so there was a picture of the Panlong River Grand Canyon.

Panlong River is a larger tributary of the upper reaches of the Pearl River
It originates from the northwest foot of the Wumeng Mountains in Yunnan Province, traverses the entire Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and is also the natural boundary river of the two provinces.

The Panlong River flows straight down from the plateau, crosses two or three steps, flows eastward, and finally flows to the Pearl River and to the distant South China Sea.

The Panlong River has a total length of more than 400 kilometers and a total drop of nearly 2000 meters. Therefore, it is rich in water energy resources, and Qingshan people also rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to eat water, and adapt measures to local conditions. Two seats with an installed capacity of over one million have been built on the Penlong River. The kilowatt hydropower station can bring tens of millions of profits and taxes to Qingshan every year. It can be said that the Panlong River is the mother river of Qingshan, raising tens of thousands of Qingshan people on both sides of the river.

The Panlong River originated in the distant orogeny era. After hundreds of millions of years of galloping development, the beautiful Panlong River Grand Canyon has been created.

The Grand Canyon is beautiful and steep, majestic and majestic, and in the canyon, there are still the mysteries of Yelang culture such as ancient murals and ancient city ruins, as well as historical traces such as iron chain bridges, cliff stone carvings, and ancient post roads.

It can be said that the Panlong River Grand Canyon is a new highlight of the tourism line in the west of Guizhou Province, and it is also a "window gallery". Even the beauty of the Three Gorges is nothing more than that.

The Panlong River Grand Canyon is a collection of canyon scenery in Qingshan County, and is famous for its series of karst and Danxia landforms.

There are tiankengs, ground fissures, high mountains, and canyons. In the canyons, there are raging peaks and forests.

The canyons on both sides have various forms, karst and Danxia landscapes are rich, and various types of waterfalls are quite spectacular.There are many karst cave landscapes, such as the famous Qingjiang Grand Canyon, petroglyph corridors, and Wumeng Iron Lock Bridge, which are distributed along both sides of the river.

Francois Langur Nature Reserve and dozens of rare species of animals and plants such as Davidia glabrata, Xikang Magnolia, and Taxus grow along its watershed.

There are also Buyi and Miao villages on both sides of the strait, scattered on both sides, like gems inlaid in the mountains on both sides of the Grand Canyon,
The unique and rich ethnic customs, history and culture, and many other humanistic landscapes are perfectly matched with the natural landscapes and complement each other brilliantly.


The next day, Zhang Feng drove down the road along the Tapang River with his two baby sisters and his cousin Zhang Yi. After a few minutes, only a few people arrived at the confluence of the two rivers. .

"See, the Tapang River flows into the Panlong River right here..."

When we came to the Panlong River, the river surged several times in an instant. Along the low-lying valley, mountains opened up, cutting through the sky and the earth, creating the majestic and steep Panlong River Grand Canyon downstream.

"What a big river!!" Xiaoyue couldn't help exclaiming as she watched the Panlong River flowing eastward outside the car window.

A look of curiosity also appeared on the faces of Zhang Lin and Zhang Yue, their eyes were fixed on the outside of the car window without blinking, worried that they would miss a beautiful scenery.

In order to develop the tourism resources of the Panlong River, the county specially built a brand new asphalt road along the river bank.
The road turns with the mountains, the mountains and the river, the dark asphalt road and the green river, running side by side, along the winding valley, extending to the distance.

Along the way, rolling mountains, towering cliffs, turbulent rivers, green vegetation, everything is so natural and beautiful, without any trace of artificial carving.

"Okay, okay! Get off the bus." About half an hour later, a few people came to the famous Panlong River Bridge.

The Panlong River Bridge is famous both at home and abroad, and it is not one of the tallest bridges in the country, even if it has a certain reputation all over the world.

"Brother, have we arrived at the Panlong River Bridge?"

"Of course, don't you just look at the front?" Zhang Feng smiled, pointed to the towering bridge ahead, and said to the three of them.

There is a special viewing area for tourists beside the bridge, and the edge of the canyon is surrounded by iron railings. At this time, there are still three or five tourists standing there, admiring the magnificent scenery under the bridge.

"Brother, is this bridge the highest bridge in the world?" Seeing the abyss under the bridge, the little girl's feet were trembling, and she quickly grabbed Zhang Feng's arm and asked in fear.

"Hehe, of course, don't you see that there is an introduction here?"

Following Zhang Feng's fingers, everyone saw a stone tablet next to the bridge, and there was an introduction to the bridge on the stone tablet.

The bridge has a total length of 340 meters and a vertical height of 650 meters from the bridge deck to the bottom of the valley, which is equivalent to the height of a [-]-story building—it is also the tallest bridge in the world.

At the same time, the heights of the main piers on the east and west sides of the bridge are 270 meters and 250 meters respectively, and the main span of more than 700 meters ranks second in the world in the span of the main span of the same type of bridge.

As a world-class bridge, the Panlong River Bridge faces many difficulties in its construction, such as the temperature control of the large-volume cap concrete in mountainous areas; Pushing steel truss girders without horizontal force; closing long-span steel truss girder cable-stayed bridges.Obviously, these difficulties have been successfully overcome by Huaxia's technical and engineering team.

"Come on, I'll take some photos for you!!" Zhang Feng waved to the three of them.

"Hee hee..." After getting used to it for a while, the little girl was no longer so nervous, and immediately ran to the stele happily, waiting for Zhang Feng to take pictures.

(End of this chapter)

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