small farmer

Chapter 463 Willow Spring Water

Chapter 463 Willow Spring Water
"Brother, quickly take a photo for me and my second sister."

The little girl tilted her head and leaned on Zhang Lin, posed in a pose, and then said with a smile.

Click click click! !After taking five or six photos in a row, the little girl gave up.

"Come on, the four of us take a picture together."

Then the four of them sat tightly together, Zhang Feng raised his mobile phone high, shouted one, two, three, and snapped a group photo of everyone.

"Brother, bring it to me quickly." The little girl snatched the phone, flipped through the photos on it, and applauded.

As the boat continued to move forward, it quickly penetrated into the canyon, and the entire bottom of the valley became darker. The towering cliffs on both sides blocked out the sky, and the sun did not shine on the river.

The wet cliffs on both sides are covered with green moss and various ferns. When you look up, you can see the cliffs soaring into the clouds, as if they are straight into the sky. Here, everyone finally realized the feeling of sitting in a well and looking at the sky. The innocence is very small Small, like a white silk thread.

"Ahead is the highest part of the canyon cliff, everyone pay attention to it!" After a while, Uncle Wang reminded everyone with a smile.

Hearing Uncle Wang's words, everyone stopped looking around and stared at the front tightly. They were full of expectations for the highest place in the canyon. They really didn't know what it would be like to look up at the 800-meter-high cliff at the bottom of the canyon.

"I'm stupid! Why do I feel like I got into a cave?"

Coming to the deepest part of the canyon, Zhang Yi couldn't help exclaiming.

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, everyone felt the same way, as if they had entered a cave in a mountain, or drilled into the mountainside, and the world outside could not be seen at all.

Everyone was horrified by such a shocking canyon scene. Zhang Feng quickly took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the most terrifying journey one by one.

Finally swam through the highest and narrowest part of the canyon, the front suddenly opened up, everyone finally saw the sun again, and a magnificent cable-stayed bridge came into everyone's eyes. A high bridge.

"Wow, the bridge, the Panlong River Bridge!"

"Hehe, that's right. That's the Panlong River Bridge. This bridge is the key to connect the two counties of Qingshan and Guanshan. In the past, when there was no such bridge, everyone had to rely on boats to cross the river, but everything is fine now. With this bridge, it is much more convenient for everyone to cross the river, saving half an hour each time."

Zhang Feng and the others nodded as they listened. It is really convenient to have this bridge. It used to take at least six hours to travel from Qingshan to the provincial capital, but with this bridge, at least half an hour was saved. Coupled with the popularization of high-speed highways, it only takes three to four hours to get to the provincial capital.

The majestic and steep Grand Canyon, the majestic and undulating mountains, the cliffs that plunge into the sky, and the world's highest bridge that flies across the sky.

The magical precipitousness of the Panlong River is unforgettable, especially the thuja that grows on the cliff. After countless years of wind and rain, it still stands proudly on the cliff, full of vitality.

When the boat passed the bridge, the canyon became shorter and shorter, and the valley became flatter. After a while, everyone came to Shanghe Village, which is also a simple and beautiful Buyi village. The village is full of green trees and black bricks and black tiles. , It is really full of strong ethnic customs.

"Shanghe Village and our Xiahe Village are both Buyi villages. The people in the two villages are almost all relatives. Let's go, I'll take everyone to the village..."

After taking the boat for half an hour, everyone wanted to get up and walk, so they followed Uncle Wang and walked to Shanghe Village.

"My cousin brought tourists here again..."

"Cousin, go sit at my house for a while..."

"Thank you! I will definitely go there when I have time..."

Almost all the villagers in the village wear the clothes of ethnic minorities, and there are people holding the yarn they tasted in the small roads of the village, shaking the spinning wheel and spinning.

Outside the house not far away, there are a few bolts of coarse cloth dyed with indigo, hanging on bamboo poles to dry, and the children in the village with their snotty noses chasing and playing, full of childhood joy.

Seeing all this, I really felt very emotional. Zhang Feng and the others took out their mobile phones to take pictures and took pictures of them one by one.

"Do you see it? It's the sacred tree in the village. It's really very effective. People from all over the world often come here to ask for blessings..."

Speaking of the big willow tree not far away, Old Uncle Wang had a pious smile on his face.

Everyone looked forward, and saw a big tree with two people hugging each other standing on the side of the village, and there were red cloth strips hanging on the willow tree. Needless to say, this must have been thrown on it when everyone prayed for the blessing of the sacred tree. .

Unexpectedly, the higher the throw, the more effective it will be, and the more the sacred tree will bless him.

"What a big sacred tree!!"

"Hehe, of course, this sacred tree has grown for more than 200 years, and experts from the provincial capital came to appraise it a few years ago." Uncle Wang said proudly.

Everyone looked around the sacred tree for a while, and had to marvel at the height of this willow tree, which is almost one meter in diameter. No wonder it has grown for more than 200 years.

"Would you like to drink some water? There is a mountain spring over there. The water is really good. It's warm in winter, but it's very cool in summer. It's better than mineral water." Uncle Wang said with a Everyone go forward.

"Brother, how do you drink without a water ladle?" When she came to the spring, the little girl looked at the clear spring water and could only say nothing.

"Hehe, it's okay. Don't you think there are taro leaves here? Isn't it enough to use them to scoop water?" This is not a problem for Zhang Feng. Since he was a child herding cattle on the mountain, he has already practiced the ability to drink water .

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Wang nodded with a smile. Zhang Yi and Zhang Lin also smiled. Everyone picked a leaf and rolled it into a cone so that they could drink water.

Some people may say, can't you just hold it with your hands?Why is it so troublesome to use leaves?But this is the water source of Shanghe Village, not the spring water in the mountains, so it must not be messed up.

After drinking the water, everyone started to walk back.

"Brother, is this the banana tree?" Seeing a strange tree at the entrance of the village, Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"Yes, this is the banana tree!"

"Hehe, in fact, this is not a banana tree. This is a banana tree that everyone tried to plant a few years ago, but it failed because the climate was not hot enough. There were still many here before, but they were all cut down." Uncle Wang smiled. to correct.

Zhang Feng nodded immediately, because banana trees and plantains look so much alike that if they weren't specialized growers, they wouldn't be able to tell them apart, so it's not surprising that he would admit his mistake.

With the intensification of poverty alleviation efforts, the whole county is now instructing farmers to plant cash crops. Therefore, tropical fruits have begun to be planted in the hotter areas near the river, such as the cultivation of dragon fruit, which has been successful in the downstream. Every year It can bring an income of [-] to [-] to the villagers there.

(End of this chapter)

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