small farmer

Chapter 465 Aging Fruit Tree

Chapter 465 Aging Fruit Tree

winter to spring
In a blink of an eye, it's the busy time of spring again

Classes in universities, middle schools and primary schools across the country have officially begun. After seeing off his two younger sisters, Zhang Feng has also started to work on the crops in the field.

"Xiaofeng, the fruit trees in your second uncle's house have been pruned and fertilized. Shouldn't it be time for ours to take care of it?" Wang Guilan asked her son after dinner.

At this time, Zhang Feng has become the pillar of the family, and he needs to make decisions on major and minor matters in the family.

"Understood Mom, I will go to prune fruit trees tomorrow." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, telling his mother not to worry.

At Zhang Feng's speed, it is estimated that all the fruit trees in the orchard can be pruned in one day, and it doesn't take much effort on his part.

"Okay, let's go together tomorrow, Xiaoqin, you can just stay at home and look after the house." Mother Zhang said with a smile.

"Mom, you don't need to go, just pruning a fruit tree. I can finish it in one day. When it rains, I will go to fertilize." Zhang Feng smiled and rejected his mother's kindness.

Zhang Feng knew that his mother was actually reluctant to part with his own business. After all, setting up a stall at the gate would earn five or six hundred a day.

For rural people, five or six hundred is already a lot of money, and with this little money, five or six workers can be hired to help.

Yes, 100 yuan in rural areas can hire a young woman as a helper, and Zhang's mother can hire five or six people a day.

However, this is nothing to Zhang Feng. After the strengthening of the gene fluid and continuous exercise, Zhang Feng's physical fitness has become stronger by many times. To him, doing this little farm work is just a small case. , not at all exhausting.

So Zhang Feng rejected his mother's kindness.


The next day, just after dawn, Zhang Feng woke up naturally.

Looking at the gloomy sky outside the window, Zhang Feng showed a slight smile on his face. This kind of weather is the best weather for working.

Because when I work, I always face the loess and my back to the sky. If there is a clear sky, it will be called unlucky. It is estimated that the little boy can be tanned into Obama.

After Zhang Feng got up, he saw that his mother and eldest sister were still up, so he walked lightly, quietly climbed downstairs, opened the door, and began to practice aerobics.

After eating breakfast in a hurry, he took out the sickle, saw and other tools from the utility room, drove three wheels, took Dabai Xiaobai with him, and Zhang Feng galloped towards the back mountain.

"Xiaofeng is going to the ground?"

"Yes, Second Uncle, you came really early."

Originally, Zhang Feng thought that he had come early enough, but he didn't know that the second uncle had already walked ahead of him. You must know that it is only 06:30, and the morning of early spring has just dawned for a while.

"Hehe, why is it so early? I came here after picking the vegetables in the vegetable field." The second uncle replied with a smile.

Hearing the second uncle's words, Zhang Feng was shocked. Now that the vegetables have been picked, why not get up at four or five o'clock?
"Why don't you take a good rest, what if you are exhausted?" Zhang Feng quickly persuaded.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'm used to it now, don't you think I'm in good health?" The second uncle waved his hand indifferently,
Getting up in the middle of the night has become a daily routine for him. After all, he is getting old, and he can't fall asleep even if he wants to sleep in the middle of the night.

Afterwards, the old man posed in a fitness pose, showing off his muscles, and said that he was still in good health. Seeing this, Zhang Feng was a little dumbfounded. The old man is really interesting.

After chatting for a few words, the two went to the ground and were busy taking care of their own fruit trees.

"Dabai Xiaobai, go play by yourself." After dismissing the two cute pets, Zhang Feng walked deep into the orchard with the oranges in his hand.

The fruit trees in Zhang Feng's house are all on the mountainside, with a total of seven or eight acres of peaches and plums, and the remaining one or two acres are citrus.

With the arrival of spring, the peach and plum trees in the orchard have also sprouted flower buds, and it is estimated that they will bloom beautiful flowers in a day or two.

It has been introduced before that the more luxuriant fruit trees are not the better, because under the condition of certain nutrition and water, only the best branches and leaves can be preserved to ensure the quality of the fruit, otherwise, because there are too many fruits and lack of nutrition, the fruit will eventually die. If it grows into crooked melons and cracked fruits, such fruits will definitely not be worth the price.

Therefore, the fruit trees in the orchard need to be pruned every year, and the dry and weak branches are cut off to ensure that the fruit trees grow around and can absorb more sunlight.

"These fruit trees are all aging!" After careful observation, Zhang Feng found that many fruit trees were seriously aged, and some of them were even completely dead.

Peach trees are generally 4 to [-] years after planting, which is the juvenile stage. The main characteristics of this stage are vigorous growth, often sprouting a large number of developing branches, leggy backs and a large number of auxiliary shoots, many fruiting branches, sparse flower buds, and joints that are born. High, low fruit set rate.

5 to 15 years after the peach tree is planted is the full fruit period.Generally, it enters the full fruit period 5-7 years after planting.

The length of the full fruit period varies greatly depending on the variety, management level, planting density, tree shape and other conditions. Generally, it can be maintained until about 15 years old.

Pruning during this period should maintain a balanced tree vigor and a good affiliation, otherwise it will soon enter the senescence period until it dies.

As for his own peach tree, Zhang Feng still remembers it clearly. It was planted in response to the village's call in [-]. It was from that year that the number of peaches and plums in the village gradually increased.

In this way, the fruit trees in the orchard are more than ten years old, and the previous poor management has led to rapid aging and degradation of the fruit trees, and some have even dried up and died.

Many people may not know why the growth cycle of peach trees is so short, it is because peach trees secrete a lot of sap.

And these sap will emit a smell that attracts insects. Due to the feeding of insects such as longhorns, the peach tree will gradually age and wither due to lack of nutrition.

Although the growth cycle of plum trees is longer, it is estimated that in a few years, they will also face the problem of aging.

But it didn't affect Zhang Feng much, because the fruit trees in the orchard didn't bring much profit to him. When these fruit trees died, Zhang Feng could just switch to more valuable cash crops.

For example, planting flowers, tea, and medicinal materials, there are many high-quality products in the system. If you plant one-tenth of the area, the income will be dozens or even hundreds of times that of fruit trees.

The reason why these fruit trees are still kept is that Zhang Feng hasn't planned well yet.

Shaking his head to get rid of these thoughts, Zhang Feng speeded up, holding a hand saw or scissors, and quickly trimmed the fruit trees in the orchard.

As the pruning progressed, Zhang Feng found that the progress was faster than he thought, and it was estimated that all the pruning could be completed in one morning.

It has to be said that Zhang Feng's physical fitness is getting more and more abnormal, and the speed of doing farm work is beyond imagination, he is simply inhuman.

(End of this chapter)

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