small farmer

Chapter 475 The Joy of Meeting Friends

Chapter 475 The Joy of Meeting Friends (23)

The little cat tied to the gate,
In an instant, I felt that my cat life was hopeless.

With an unrequited look, curled up and lying on the ground, staring blankly into the distance.

"You two did a good job this time, do you want to keep working hard to understand?" Seeing the dogs surrounding him begging for praise, Zhang Feng squatted down with a smile and rubbed their heads.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom the master praised, the two black-clothed guardians immediately danced happily, shaking their heads and brains around Zhang Feng with joy.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing the owner and the two dogs talking and laughing in the room, Xiao Miao was even more sad, drooping her head, looking downcast.

"Xiaofeng, what's the smell? Is your cooking mushy?" Suddenly the eldest sister came out of the room and asked.

"Oh, it's terrible!" Zhang Feng ran to the kitchen with a whimper, the soup that he had just cooked was still in the pot.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng came a step late, the pot was almost boiled dry, and the cabbage and tofu soup in the pot can be imagined, and it must be impossible to eat.

"It's all the fault of the little meow. I really should not feed it for three days." Zhang Feng said viciously, and the poor little meow lay on the gun again.

A ladle of water was poured into the pot, and the iron pot was cleaned quickly. Fortunately, the ingredients I prepared were left over to entertain the guests at night.


The family had a simple lunch,

Zhang Feng started busy again, preparing the ingredients needed for the evening.

Carrying a bucket and a net bag, Zhang Feng came to the backyard again.

In response to the call of the general public, Zhang Feng of course prepared eels and carp for everyone.

As for the pheasant? ?
Then I'm very sorry, now there are only two left in the family, one male and one female, and they still have cubs, how can they be willing to eat.

A handful of feed was sprinkled into the ditch, and after a while, there was finally movement in the ditch.

The eels that had been in Maodong all winter crawled out of the cave one after another, and suddenly there was an undercurrent in the ditch.

Whoa! !

A few seconds later, there was a tumbling in the ditch, eels and small fish rushed in, scrambling for food in the water.

Zhang Feng would not look at it stupidly, he immediately seized the opportunity, and with a swipe, he struck out like lightning, copied the net and fell into the water. When he reappeared, the net pocket was already full of eels and small fish.

"Not bad! Not bad! After raising them for the winter, they really gained a lot of weight." Zhang Feng said with a satisfied smile while throwing the small fish and small eels into the water.

After a winter of growth, the eels in the ditch have generally grown a lot, most of them have reached four or five taels, and the largest one is about one catty, which can be regarded as the king of eels. Ordinary If the eel wants to grow so big, how can it be possible in less than five or six years.

With this net alone, Zhang Feng caught more than two catties of eels, which was not counted as being thrown back into the water.
Then Zhang Feng caught two more carps weighing about one catty, and planned to make a braised carp for everyone at night.


In a blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

Zhang Feng had already prepared all the ingredients, and was waiting for the monkeys and the others to arrive.

Two carps, a plate of eels, and a native chicken were already stewed in the pot. At this time, the whole kitchen was filled with the aroma of chicken stewed with mushrooms.

"Haha, here we come, lunatics!!" When the sun was about to set, the monkeys finally arrived.Several people were still carrying gifts in large and small bags.

"Everyone, come in and sit down, what are you doing with so many gifts?" Zhang Feng greeted the students with a smile.

"Hey, these are not valuable things, but some local products in the city." Monkey said with a smile.

"Thanks, thank you, Zhang Yue likes these little things." Zhang Feng looked at them, they were just some glutinous rice cakes and candy snacks, and they were delivered to the younger sister in just two days.

"Monkey, find the rooms by yourself. By the way, remember to reserve two rooms. There are still guests coming tomorrow."

"Understood!" Several people were already familiar with the road, and quickly found the room they liked.

"Crazy, when do you want to eat?"

"What? Are you hungry?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, that's not true, it's just that we want to go to the back mountain to see the peach blossoms!" Monkey explained with a smile.

The few people have been looking forward to the sea of ​​flowers on the back mountain of Moon Lake for a long time. These days, the circle of friends is almost full of information about flower appreciation. If it wasn't for work, they would have come here long ago.

"I'll go, you old men, are you so interested in flowers?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Fuck you, buddy, this is for cultivating sentiments, you know if you get close to him?" Leizi rolled his eyes and said.

"All right, all right!!! You go, remember to come back before dark." Zhang Feng waved his hand with a smile.

Afterwards, Houzi and the others drove Zhang Feng's three-wheeler, roaring and galloped towards the back mountain.

In order to enjoy the flowers, the four of them worked hard, and rushed to Moon Lake without stopping just after get off work.

Not only them, but Yiyi's girlfriends and friends will also come here tomorrow to enjoy the beautiful sea of ​​flowers in Moon Lake.

The sun was setting, and the afterglow of the setting sun illuminated the whole west.

A hundred birds are returning to their nests, and the light little swallows are flying round and round on the shore of the lake, just like performing an air show. Their skills are so superb that even the most skilled pilots can't hold a candle to them.

As soon as he helped his mother close the stall, he saw Houzi and the others driving back home.

"The lunatic has eaten!" Everyone was sitting at the dining table, except for Zhang Feng, so the monkey shouted to him.

"You eat first, my family waits for the dog to eat, and then we eat." Zhang Feng turned around and said.

"I'm going!! Crazy, why do I feel that something is wrong with your words??"

"That's right, we have to eat first, isn't it... woof..." Leizi paused, and then let out a funny cry.

"Ah... what should I do if I've already started eating?" The gluttonous chubby picked up a piece of rice eel and ate half of it. Hearing everyone's conversation, he wanted to cry without tears.

"Hahahaha!!! Who made you so greedy?"

"That's right, it's retribution now!!!"

The monkeys laughed happily.

"Okay, okay, you children are really bullying Xiaopang." Mother Zhang said sympathetically when she saw Xiaopang's pitiful look.

"Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good when it gets cold!" Wang Guilan said to everyone with a smile.

"Thank you, Auntie!!"

"Well, everyone, hurry up and see if Xiaofeng's cooking has improved?"

While eating, the students chatted about their high school life in those years. Recalling the passion of working hard together in those years, everyone felt excited and could not help but smile on their faces.

Cha classmate was young, bookish, and scolded Fang Qiu. At that time, everyone was very immature, but also full of confidence and hope. Thinking about the funny things in high school, everyone couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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