small farmer

Chapter 495 3 is just gone

Chapter 495 300 is just gone (23)

"Uncle, don't worry, just like vegetables, the cooperative is responsible for purchasing them, and fruit and corn cost one yuan each." Zhang Feng said with a smile, of course, each corn cob must reach a certain size.

"Hehe, that's good! That's good!!" After receiving Zhang Feng's definite answer, the uncle finally felt relieved.

Don't think that one piece of corn is very cheap. You must know that Fruit No. 1 has a high yield, and one mu can produce eight, nine, or even tens of thousands of corn.

Although this is not comparable to the income of growing vegetables, it is much more cost-effective than growing ordinary corn.

Therefore, everyone is still very satisfied. After planting one acre of corn, they can earn [-] to [-] yuan after more than two months. This is beyond everyone's imagination, and everyone will definitely not only plant one acre.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will purchase the seeds as soon as possible, and they will arrive tomorrow, and I will inform you when the time comes." Zhang Feng smiled and said to the uncle.

"Hehe, that's good, then I'll go back first, just remember to let me know when the seeds arrive." Then the uncle left contentedly.

After seeing off his uncle, Zhang Feng immediately began to exchange seeds.

"Eggy, give me 120 kilograms of Fruit No. 1, and 1 kilograms of Gaoyi No. [-]."

"Good master, please wait a moment..."

It has to be said that compared to Rouge Rice and Yuxiang Rice, these two kinds of corn seeds are much cheaper. Fruit No. 1 is only 2 points per kilogram, and Gaoyi No. 1 is cheaper, and it can be done with only 1 point per kilogram.

So Zhang Feng exchanged 320 kilograms of corn seeds for only [-] points.

"Well, there are 5800 points left, task completion (1.95/10)"

It seems that if you want to complete the task of the next stage, you need to spend money quickly.

However, there is not much demand for exchange at present, what should we do? ?

Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up. In a month or two, won't the production and sales license for Jiejiu Pills come down?
"How many points do you need to exchange Dandan for a production line of hangover pills??"

"Master, a small production line with an annual output of one million pills only needs [-] credits; a medium-sized production line with an annual output of [-] million pills only needs [-] credits; a large production line with an annual output of [-] million pills only needs [-] credits."

"I'll go! Why are the large ones so expensive??" Zhang Feng frowned. You must know that the technology used to redeem the hangover pills was only [-] points.

"Because the larger the production scale, the lower the production cost!! So the price must be more expensive!!" Eggy squinted her eyes and introduced to Zhang Feng.

"Eggy, let's see how much money is left on my card??" Zhang Feng suddenly felt a little pained, because the points are not enough, it seems that he needs to spend money to exchange.

"Master, you have a total of 2308 million RMB on your Dragon Card." Although there is still a lot of money on the card, 3000 million of it has already been used, so Zhang Feng only has 300 million at his disposal.

"Exchange me for [-] points immediately!!"

Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and exchanged for a large production line, because it was an essential expense.

35800 points!

These are the points that Zhang Feng has at this time, but the [-] points will disappear soon.

"Eggy exchange for a large production line for me."

Either don't do it, or do it hard. Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and exchanged for the largest production line in one go, so that there will be no shortage of supply in the short term.

"Master, all the things you exchanged are put in the storage space for you, do you want to exchange anything?" Eggy asked Zhang Feng with a smile, just like a gold medal salesman.

"Exchange for wool??? No exchange! No exchange! My 300 million is gone!!" Zhang Feng waved his hand quickly. If the exchange continues, he must go bankrupt.

Look at your remaining points: 5800
Task completion: (4.95/10)
There is still more than 5 yuan to complete the one-star task, which means that I have to spend more than 5000 million soft sister coins.

God, earth, is it possible that the system wants to train him to be a prodigal son, a moonlight clan without a penny savings? ?

"Hee hee, master, didn't you just earn [-] million?" Eggy is very clear about the company's situation, because of Zhang Feng's instructions, Eggy has been paying attention to the company's operating conditions.

Hearing Dandan's words, Zhang Feng finally felt better.

That's right, although I need to spend a lot of points to complete the task, this month's income alone is enough, and there is still a lot left, so after careful calculation, I still earned it.

The reason why Zhang Feng was unhappy was because he felt that he was being forced to spend by the system. Using points on his own initiative and being forced to spend points by the system were two completely different feelings.


Notice, notice, the corn seeds have arrived, please go to the village committee to collect them quickly.

Notice, notice, the corn seeds have arrived, please go to the village committee to collect them quickly.


Early the next morning, Zhang Feng drove the car outside, and when he came back, he delivered the exchanged seeds to the village committee.

So the excited uncle immediately turned on the loudspeaker and announced loudly that everyone should go to the office to pick up the seeds, as if he wanted to let the whole world hear it.

I have to say that everyone's enthusiasm completely exceeded Zhang Feng's imagination. As soon as the uncle finished the notification, the second uncle rushed into the village committee, and the speed was enough to participate in the [-]-meter trapeze competition of the elderly group.

"Wow! Second uncle, why did you come so fast?" Zhang Feng was almost taken aback.

"Hey, who made me lucky, when I heard the broadcast, I just walked to this door!!" The second uncle showed his big yellow teeth, and said to Zhang Feng triumphantly.

It seems that being the first to arrive is as exciting as finding gold.

"Second uncle, these are your seeds, each of which is a catty."

"Thank you, thank you, Xiaofeng." The second uncle ended up with two packets of seeds, and he was so happy that he couldn't help but thank Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Hehe, you're welcome." Zhang Feng bowed his hand. Helping everyone is also helping himself. After all, the cooperative will benefit a lot from it.

After a while, almost all the villagers in the village rushed here.

With Zhang Feng's assistance, the uncle distributed all the seeds in less than half an hour.

After receiving the corn seeds, the villagers left happily, talking and laughing along the way, full of confidence in their future life.

High-grade vegetables, delicious fruits, magical rice and corn seeds, since Zhang Feng established a cooperative in the village, everyone's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, everyone could only maintain food and clothing. There were some good things at home, but they were reluctant to eat them. They were either sold to tourists, or sold in counties a few miles away, and exchanged for some change to subsidize the family.

But now, butcher Zhang at the entrance of the village slaughters a big fat pig every week, and the villagers buy it up every time.You can imagine how everyone's life has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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