small farmer

Chapter 510 Production line put into operation

Chapter 510 Production line put into operation (13)

"Goodbye madman!"

"Goodbye, Sister Yiyi!"

"Well! Remember to go home quickly!"

After waving the little ones home to report to their parents, Zhang Feng and the others walked into their yard with a smile.

After putting all the things away, everyone went back to each house to find their mothers, and Zhang Feng also got into the bathroom.

"Ah, it's really comfortable!!"

After taking a bath, lying in the yard to enjoy the cool, I was immediately refreshed, and my whole body was in good spirits.

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan,
Lying leisurely in the small courtyard, enjoying the happy rural life.


After squinting for a while, the mobile phone on the table rang. Zhang Feng woke up immediately. He took the mobile phone and saw that it was Xu Yang.

"Hahaha, the lunatic tells you good news. Our new production line will be put into production tomorrow. Shouldn't you, the chairman, come and see it?"

"Really?" Zhang Feng was also very happy. The new production line started, and the company's fruity fragrance will occupy more markets, and the sales volume will also increase rapidly.

"Of course, work starts at 08:30 tomorrow morning, remember to come early, everyone is waiting for you!!" Xu Yang reminded with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will be there on time!" Zhang Feng assured with a smile that the expansion of production capacity is extremely important to the company and himself, and Zhang Feng must go and see for himself.


"Brother, where are you going?" The next morning, seeing Zhang Feng fully dressed and ready to go out, the little girl asked curiously.

"I'm going to the company, remember to do your homework at home!!"

"Got it! Got it! Go!!" Zhang Yue waved his hand impatiently, as if he thought Zhang Feng was too wordy.

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, knowing that this girl was like this, he quickly came to the parking lot, and drove the SUV towards the city.

The industrial park in the south of the city, this is the only industrial park in Qingshan County, but the scale is not large, it can even be said to be very small, the total area is only a few hundred acres, and most of them are still vacant.

At this time, there are only five or six companies in it. Except for Zhang Feng's Tianyang Technology, they are either wineries or pharmaceutical factories and other low-end industries. The annual industrial output value is only 2000 million, which is not much better than manual workshops.

However, since the tax declaration a few days ago, the entire industrial park has been boiling, because the monthly revenue of Tianyang Technology has reached an astonishing 2.8 million. In this way, it is still because of the gold and coal mines, and the contribution of other industries is only 2000 to [-] million. This can imagine the important role of Tianyang Technology in the entire Qingshan.

But Tianyang Technology is the pillar enterprise of the future, the golden thigh of the future.

"My God! How come there are so many people??" When Zhang Feng came to the gate of the factory, the place was already full of vehicles. Zhang Feng walked in and saw that the factory was already full of guests.

"Could it be that you are here to participate in the ribbon-cutting of the new production line?"

It should be so, maybe the company's reported marketing revenue this month is too amazing, which has attracted the attention of the county, so the leaders came to participate in the ribbon-cutting.

"Boss, you're here!" Xu Yang's secretary was waiting at the gate to greet the guests, and when he saw Zhang Feng, he greeted him with a smile.

"Well, why are there so many people today??" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Both the secretary and the county magistrate came to participate in the ribbon-cutting, plus the heads of various departments, isn't there so many?"

"Oh! The leaders of the county are here??"


As soon as I walked into the factory compound, I met Uncle Santang, the director of the Public Security Bureau.

"Xiaofeng is here?"

"Third uncle, aren't you from the police? What's the matter, come to join in the fun?"

"Don't be poor, kid, come here and I'll introduce you to the leader..."

Under the introduction of his uncle, Zhang Feng got to know the heads of the county. Of course, he had known the county magistrate for a long time. The magistrate Xu is the father of Zhang Feng's classmate. We've known each other since we were young, and met once not long ago.

When we met again this time, county magistrate Xu was also amazed. He already thought that Zhang Feng was good enough. He founded a vegetable planting cooperative two or three years after graduation, leading the villagers to become rich and worth tens of millions.

Unexpectedly, at the end of this month, after receiving a report from the leader of the tax bureau, it was only then that they realized that the shallow water in Qingshan actually raised real dragons, and the monthly revenue reached more than [-] million. What a terrifying figure.

After some research, it was discovered that this company was actually Zhang Feng's property, which shocked the county magistrate even more. He really didn't expect Zhang Feng to do such a thing, and he was also happy for him.


At 08:30 in the morning, crackling firecrackers sounded in Tianyang Technology.

After the leaders and Zhang Feng finished cutting the ribbon, they did not leave immediately, but listened to the general manager Xu Yang's report on the company's business.

"Our company was established in June last year. The important products are fruity fragrance and super pesticides that sell well all over the country."

"Just last month, the company's turnover reached 2.8 million yuan, realized a profit of more than 3000 million yuan, and provided more than 100 jobs for the society..."

Hearing Xu Yang's introduction, Zhang Fengfeng smiled heartily. The profit must not be so small, because the company's profit is too staggering, more than [-] million yuan a month. All lined up on the street.

"Not bad! The development of Tianyang Technology is better than we imagined. I wonder how the company's output will meet the market demand?" The secretary nodded with a smile, and then asked Xu Yang.

"Because the sales of Guoguoxiang are so good, the supply has been in short supply, but today the new production line has been put into production, and it is expected to meet the market demand next month."

According to Xu Yang's introduction, the company now has four fruity fragrance production lines, of which the old production line has a very low output and can only produce 30 bottles per month.

But the new production line put into operation this time is different. It is the most advanced pesticide production line on the market, with a higher degree of automation, and the output has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Shift, that production can be tripled to 100 million bottles.

Therefore, three production lines have been added, and the company can produce at least more than 300 million bottles of fruity fragrance per month. If the production is at full capacity, it can produce tens of millions of bottles a month, which can fully meet the market demand.

"Okay! Mr. Xu must come to us for any difficulties. The county will do its best to help you solve them."

Hearing that Tianyang Technology is developing so rapidly, and that the sales volume will increase significantly in recent months, the leaders of the county are very excited, and excitedly hold Xu Yang's hand to promise.

With the guarantee from the county, Zhang Feng and Xu Yang also breathed a sigh of relief. From now on, the development of Tianyang Technology has finally embarked on the fast track.

(End of this chapter)

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