small farmer

Chapter 515 Raising Seedlings

Chapter 515 Raising Seedlings (13)

"Yiyi, when are you coming back?"

Lying alone on the bed in a daze for a while at night, Zhang Feng couldn't help calling Yiyi.

"Hee hee, miss me?"

"Of course, I miss you all the time!"

"Don't worry, we will be back tomorrow. By the way, my dad asked me to tell you that the design of the mountain temple has been completed, and the construction team will be in the village in two days..."

Hearing these two pieces of good news, Zhang Feng was overjoyed. Not only will Yiyi be able to return to the village tomorrow, but even the rebuilding of the mountain temple will start soon.

"Well, good bye! Good night!!"

After talking on the phone for more than an hour, the two reluctantly hung up the phone.

Lying on the bed, leaning against the dark night sky outside the window, Zhang Feng had a sweet smile on his face, and slowly fell asleep under the nourishment of love.


Whoa whoa! ! !
The rooster sings the whole world.

Zhang Feng still got up early, finished his breakfast, loaded the tricycle with rice seeds, fertilizers and tools, and then drove to the fields outside the village.

Today Zhang Feng is going to cultivate seedlings in preparation for planting rice.

Seedling raising is to make rice seedlings more nutritious, grow thicker and more vigorous, and increase crop yield.

Seedling raising is actually not troublesome. The first thing is to find a small open space in the paddy field, mix the soil and manure evenly, then spread them flat, and then sprinkle the rice seeds on it. After a few days, the rice seeds will germinate and wait for the seedlings. When it grows to a height of [-] to [-] centimeters, the next step of transplanting can be carried out.

"Xiaofeng started raising seedlings?" Seeing Zhang Feng mixing soil in the field, the second uncle asked with a smile.

"Yeah, second uncle, the seedlings in your house are all tall, right?"

I have to say that the second uncle is really a model worker in the village. No matter what kind of farm work he does, he is the best and most careful person.

"No, it's just sprouted, and there are still a few days before transplanting!" The second uncle said with a smile.

"That's earlier than my family's!!" Zhang Feng kept stirring the soil and fertilizer while talking.

"Hehe, stop talking, Xiaofeng, I'm leaving first!!"

"Hey! Slow down!" Seeing the second uncle carrying two baskets of vegetables, Zhang Feng cautioned.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!!" Although the second uncle is over seventy years old, he is still in good health, even better than last year.
It is estimated that I made money last year, and when I feel happy, my body will naturally get better. As the saying goes, people feel refreshed when they are happy, and this is probably the case.

"Big brother!"

"Xiaofeng is ready to raise seedlings?"

After a while, the second uncle's family also came to the field. Zhang Yi and the second uncle saw Zhang Feng and asked with a smile.

"Hey! Second uncle and second aunt, you are here..."

Seeing the second uncle's family carrying sickles and baskets, Zhang Feng knew they were here to harvest vegetables.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng has to say that the rice seeds you gave are really good. Take a look at my seedlings, they are growing more vigorously than previous years..."

As soon as he talked about raising seedlings, the second uncle laughed and told Zhang Feng about the growth of his seedlings, feeling indescribably happy.

The seedlings of the second uncle's house are next door, and you can see them as soon as you look up. As expected, they are lush and full of vitality.

So Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, wondering if the rice seeds produced by the system could be bad?
Whether it is germination rate or vitality, they are much higher than ordinary rice. Not to mention that the fields of Moon Lake are very fertile, even in some barren places, they can grow very well.

Do it!

Suddenly Zhang Feng felt a pain in his leg!
"I'm going!! Why is this thing!!"

A slender leech actually climbed onto Zhang Feng's calf, and its round sucker was tightly attached to Zhang Feng's skin, sucking Zhang Feng's blood.

This is worth it, bang bang! !

Take two heavy slaps! !His calf was red from being photographed, but unfortunately this guy didn't want to come down even if he died.

So Zhang Feng had no choice but to zoom in. He took out the fruit knife on the keychain, pressed the blade against the skin, and quickly scraped off the leeches.

"Little boy, let's see if you dare to suck my blood!" Zhang Feng picked the leech to the ridge of the field with a knife, and cursed viciously.

"What's the matter, brother? Did you meet a leech??" Hearing the movement next to him, Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

"Hehe, it's okay, I've already taken it off." Zhang Feng looked at his calf, and there was a red blood mark on it. Fortunately, he found it in time, otherwise he didn't know how much blood he would be sucked.

Zhang Feng remembered that he saw a news not long ago. An old farmer encountered leeches when he was working when he was young. When he found the leeches, he had already got into his legs. In his thigh, after many years, leeches lived in his thigh and sucked his blood, and finally almost caused the old farmer to be paralyzed.

In the end, he went to a big hospital for an examination, only to find the abnormality in his thigh. Through surgery, two leeches were removed from his thigh.

From this we can see how tenacious the vitality of the leech is, so you must be calm when you encounter a leech, and take the leech out of your body in a timely and complete manner, otherwise the leech will burrow into your flesh and blood and suck your blood all the time.

Thinking about it is very scary and shuddering.

"Brother, here's a lighter!" Zhang Yi knew Zhang Feng's process of dealing with leeches, and every time he found a leech, he would burn it to death.

Zhang Feng accurately caught the lighter thrown by his cousin, looked at the leech on the ground and smiled evilly, and prepared to surround it with the flame of justice to kill it!
The flame from the lighter burned on the body, and the leech kept struggling and shaking, but unfortunately the speed was too slow, and it was quickly burned into coke.

Return the lighter to Zhang Yi, Zhang Feng continues to work,

After about half an hour, I finally mixed the manure and soil, spread them on the paddy fields, and finally sprinkled the rice seeds evenly. Everything was OK!You're done.

"Xiaofeng finished??" Seeing Zhang Feng standing on the field ridge, the second uncle asked with a smile.

"Okay, second uncle, do you want to help me?"

"No, we're going to finish picking soon!!" The second uncle smiled, several baskets of vegetables are already full, and it's enough to pick three or four hundred catties a day.

Calculated according to the purchase price of the cooperative, cabbage is five yuan a catty, lettuce is eight yuan, tomatoes are also eight yuan, and the price of shallots and garlic sprouts is even higher, reaching about ten yuan. Calculated in this way, the second uncle's family has at least one or two thousand a day. .

It’s very scary to think about it. One or two thousand a day, five or sixty thousand a month. After the Chinese New Year, the vegetable planting area has doubled, and the income has expanded a lot. The annual income can reach at least five or six million. This is what the villagers of Moon Lake Village are now. income situation.

Who would have imagined that Moon Lake Village a year ago was just an ordinary small mountain village, and the average annual income of the villagers was no more than [-] to [-] yuan, but now, everyone's income has not only increased tenfold, even as high as [-] to [-] yuan. Ten times as much is really unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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