small farmer

Chapter 535 Bow your head but see the sky in the water

Chapter 535 Bow your head but see the sky in the water (13)

Putting green seedlings in the field with your hands, you will see the sky when you bow your head.

A pure heart is the way, and stepping back turns out to be moving forward.

After lunch at the second uncle's house, as soon as Zhang Feng returned home, he sent a few pictures of rice planting in the morning to Moments, and accompanied it with the "Poems on Planting Rice Plants" written by the monk Bu Dai of the Tang Dynasty.

Finally, Zhang Feng also called on all friends to come and experience rural life!
"Tomorrow, my family will also be planting rice seedlings!! Brothers, do you want to experience it??"

"This one seems to be very difficult! But buddy also wants to challenge it, the lunatic is waiting for me tomorrow, I will definitely try it!!"

Monkey was the first to reply. Seeing Zhang Feng transplanting rice seedlings, he really felt like living in a garden under the Dounan Mountains, so Monkey also wanted to experience what farming work in the countryside is like.

It is common to see rice transplanting by yourself, but it is really rare to say that you have made friends and classmates.

"Don't you want to lose weight, Xiaopang? Hurry up and sign up. You can help the lunatic work and lose weight. It's so good!" Shi Lei knew that Xiaopang didn't like sports, but he deliberately @ chubby.

"That's right, little fat, hurry up and sign up, tomorrow the lunatic will definitely make a lot of delicious food!" Hua Zi also teased Xiaopang with a smile.

"Hmph!! If you want to go, let's go together, do you guys dare?? Ah? Dare?"

Xiaopang was finally blasted out by everyone, but he is not a fuel-efficient lamp, everyone doesn't want him to have a good time, and he doesn't want to make these booing guys have a good time, so Xia Shi Lei and Hua Zi launched a challenge.

"Hua Zi, hurry up, I can't let Xiaopang watch it all, if it wasn't for my buddy, I would go on a blind date tomorrow, I would definitely beat Xiaopang to death!!" Shi Lei saw that Xiaopang was so fierce, and wanted to drag himself into the water , immediately find an excuse to get out.

"I'll go! Leizi, you're giving up now!!"

"That's right, Leizi, you're too cowardly, you were so scared by Xiaopang that you hid!!"

"Ahem!! Let me declare first, buddy, I have to work overtime tomorrow, so I will definitely not be able to plant rice seedlings with Xiaopang!!" Leizi hurriedly explained, otherwise his fame would be ruined in Xiaopang's hands.


After some gags, monkeys and chubby were the only ones who decided to join in the weekend planting and experience rural life.

After flipping through WeChat for a while, Zhang Feng fell asleep on the recliner in a daze! !

Falling asleep, for some reason, Zhang Feng suddenly felt his nose itch, as if something was moving on his nose.


"Oh, keep your voice down, brother crazy is about to wake up!!"

Hearing the voices of Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou, Zhang Feng didn't know that these two troublemakers were teasing him.

But he didn't open his eyes right away, and continued to pretend to be asleep, ready to frighten these two daring little guys.

Sure enough, the little guys carefully observed Zhang Feng for a while, and found that he hadn't woken up, so they walked over quietly again, each of them held a piece of grass, and stimulated Zhang Feng's nose and ears with a smile. Zhang Feng treated it as a toy and had a great time playing with it.

"Ah!" Suddenly Zhang Feng yelled, making the two little guys tremble in fright.

"Hahaha, let's see where you are going!!" Zhang Feng stretched out his hands and hugged the two naughty little guys tightly.

"Oh, crazy brother, you scared me to death!!" Xiao Shitou breathed a sigh of relief, he almost scared the baby to death just now!

"That's right, madman brother is really a big liar, he's already awake, and he lied to us!!"

Mao Ya was really terrified just now, and now she could hang up the kettle with her small mouth turned up, and said to Zhang Feng angrily.

"Hey, who told you two little guys to tickle the grass!" Zhang Feng chuckled, and each of them gave a violent shudder, and then let the two little guys go.

Seeing Zhang Feng let go, Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou ran to the gate and looked back at Zhang Feng with a smile, as if they had escaped from the tiger's mouth, they were extremely happy.

"Oh, you guys are leaving! I also want you to taste it for me. Is my cucumber delicious?" Zhang Feng said with a smile when he saw the two little guys were about to leave.

"Hee hee, no! We're just here to see the ants!"

"Yeah, madman brother, look at how many ants there are here!"

The two little guys looked at the door pretendingly, they obviously wanted to eat cucumbers from Zhang Feng's family, and they also learned to make excuses, the two little guys are really cute.

"Let's go! Let's go pick cucumbers in the backyard! Do you want to go together?" Zhang Feng stood up, stretched himself, and asked Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou.

"We're going, we're going too!!"

How could the two little guys let go of such a good opportunity if they could have cucumbers to eat, let alone how happy they were, they happily followed behind Zhang Feng, bouncing and jumping towards the backyard.

The two cucumbers planted more than a month ago have been pulled by the vines, and the green vines and melon leaves are covered with melon stands. The yellow flowers are blossoming, and the green cucumbers are watery, like pieces of exquisite green Ruyi is very beautiful.

Zhang Feng looked at it, and picked three cucumbers. The arm-thick cucumbers were about a foot long, and each was about a pound in size.

"Come on, try it!!" Zhang Feng broke off a piece for each of the two little guys.

"Crack! Mmm, it's delicious, so crunchy and sweet!!"

Xiaoshi took the cucumber, and like a little squirrel, he showed his snow-white front teeth and began to bite.

"Well, madman brother, your cucumbers are so delicious!!" Mao Ya's food was much more refined, but she ate it with relish and was full of praise.

"Hehe, just eat it, let's go, let's sit in the yard and eat slowly!!" Zhang Feng picked a few more peppers and two tomatoes, and then walked to the front yard with the two furry children.

Today is Friday again,

The little girl said that she would come back today, and this girl had already ordered a large table of good food.

Although not all of them can be satisfied, at least one or two of her favorite dishes should be prepared for my sister.

Spicy beef, braised eel, and a russula mushroom soup! !

These dishes are my little sister's favorite dishes. Of course, I also need to make a few farm stir-fries, stir-fried cabbage, braised eggplant, and a hot and sour potato shreds.

Hmm, with these dishes, I believe the little girl should be satisfied! !
The little girl usually only goes home once every half a month, so Zhang Feng is also very happy. Although the little girl is a bit eccentric and loves to bicker with him, but after seeing each other for a few days, Zhang Feng still has some concerns in his heart. This may be the strong relationship between siblings. Strong blood relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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