small farmer

Chapter 544 Catching Stone Frogs at Night

Chapter 544 Catching Stone Frogs at Night (22)

If Uncle Seven's iron-hulled boat used to be a slow tractor.

So the current speedboat is a luxurious supercar, which is fast and disappears in front of the eyes.

"Woo, so fast!! Hee hee!!" After a while, the little guy became restless again, stood up and opened his arms as if taking off.

"Sit down, sit down! Otherwise, I won't recognize you sitting down next time!!" Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

The little guy sat down again resentfully, pouted, and there seemed to be four words written on his face, I'm angry!

I have to say, riding a high-speed speedboat, I really have a feeling of Feng Xu riding the wind and soaring upwards. It seems that the whole person is about to float to the sky with the breeze, and become a fairy.

"Xiaofeng, if you want to buy a speedboat, you still need a driver's license!" Uncle Xiao Qi reminded with a smile.

"Ah, you need a driver's license to drive a speedboat??" Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"Of course, even sailing boats have to be verified!!" Xiao Qishu said with a smile.

The local maritime department is stricter on those who drive yachts, especially in terms of safety. On average, only five or six out of ten people can get their driving licenses.

Xiao Qishu also took the test twice before he succeeded, and it was a relatively simple B1E driver's license.

An A-level driver's license is a driver's license for driving on the sea, and a B-level driver's license is an inland river driver's license.

B1F; a hybrid yacht with mechanical and sailing power that can drive any navigable waters in the inland river.

B1E; Yachts powered by mechanical propulsion that can drive any navigable waters in inland rivers.

B2F; hybrid yachts with mechanical and sailing power that can sail closed waters of inland rivers.

B2E; Yachts powered by mechanical propulsion that can navigate enclosed waters of inland rivers.

It's just a driver's license test, which is not difficult for Zhang Feng. Among his skills, there is an elementary driving skill. Although there is no boat driving skill on it, the motorcycle speedboat is not complicated. The most difficult thing should be the theory of traffic safety aspects of the exam.

However, it shouldn’t be difficult for Zhang Feng. After so many years of exams, and Zhang Feng’s brain has been continuously developed, it cannot be said that he has an unforgettable memory, but as long as he reads the information several times, the theoretical part will definitely Can pass.

"Uncle Seven, teach us how to drive first!!" Zhang Feng asked Uncle Seven with a smile.

"Okay, actually it's not bad like driving a motorcycle, and I only learned it for half a day!"

Little Seventh Uncle slowed down, and then began to teach Zhang Feng and the others how to operate.

After several demonstrations, Zhang Feng feels that he has learned it. This operation is really simple. No wonder Uncle Seven can learn it in half a day.

And the reason why Xiao Qishu took the test twice before getting his driver's license was because he failed the theoretical study, so he took the make-up test once.
The situation of the others is similar to his, and they are almost all based on theory. After all, most of these boats are farmers along the Panlong River. It is really difficult for everyone to pass the exam.

"Xiaoyi, you should study hard too. When the time comes, the two of us will go to the examination together. As long as you pass, I'll buy one for you!" Seeing that Zhang Yi's interest was a bit waning, Zhang Feng promised with a smile.

"Ah, brother really??" Faced with this sudden surprise, Zhang Yi couldn't believe it.

"Of course, I can still lie to you?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Hey..." Zhang Yi smiled from ear to ear, he was so pleasantly surprised.

Others are also envious, but unfortunately even if they bought a speedboat, there is no place to store it, it is impossible to drive it to land! !

In the afternoon, Zhang Feng contacted the sales manager of the speedboat, consulted a lot of information about the speedboat, and felt quite satisfied. Finally, the two agreed to go to Gudu Shipyard for field inspection after May [-]st.

As for the driver's license test, don't worry, as long as you buy the manufacturer's products, they will arrange training, and if you pass the training, they will help you sign up for the driver's license test.


Mingyue don't startle, the breeze blares at midnight.

In the fragrance of rice flowers, it is said that the year is good, and listen to the sound of the frog.

Seven or eight stars outside, two or three points in front of the rain mountain.

In the old forest of Maodianshe, the road turned to the Xiqiao.

At night, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, the breeze is blowing, and the birds and insects are contending.

The sky is dotted with stars and the moon hangs high. Everyone wears the stars and wears the moon, walks through the bustling fields, smells the smell of soil in the rice fields, listens to the harmony of the frogs, and carefully walks up the mountain along the stream at the foot of the mountain.

Everyone went up the mountain in the dark to catch stone frogs, and they were very excited and happy along the way.

Stone frogs are social animals. They usually live by the streams and rivers in the mountains. Every year when the spring thunder sounds, they will re-drill out of their hibernating stone caves.

At this time, it is late April, which is the time when the stone frogs start to be active.

Every year at this time, there will always be a large number of stone frogs by the streams in the mountains. Especially in recent years, the environment in the mountains has improved, and the stone frogs have also multiplied in large numbers. It is very easy to catch a dozen or so at random per person per night.

"Crazy, is there really a stone frog by this creek??" After walking for five or six minutes, let alone the stone frog, I didn't even hear a sound from the stone frog.

"Hehe, I can still lie to you! Don't worry, everyone, there must be one in front!!" Zhang Feng smiled and continued to lead everyone to the halfway up the mountain.

Cuckoo! ! !
Just after walking a few steps up the mountain, Zhang Feng stopped listening.

"Listen, this is the cry of the stone frog!" Zhang Feng looked at everyone and smiled, then asked, "Did you hear that?"

"Ah, is this the cry of the stone frog?"

"Isn't the stone frog croaking??"

Xiaopang and Monkey asked in surprise.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

What they said caused everyone to burst into laughter. As soon as they heard this, they knew that the two of them must be rookies, or else they didn't even know the voice of the stone frog! !
Although stone frogs look similar to frogs, their calls are quite different. Frogs croak, while stone frogs coo. You can tell them apart after hearing them a few times.

"Wow, I found it, madman, look here is one!!" Suddenly the monkey shouted in surprise! !
"Don't do anything yet, let me do it!!" Zhang Feng quickly ran to the place where the stone frog was found.

"Yo, not too young!"

At this time, a stone frog the size of a fist was squatting by the stream, staring at the monkey's flashlight with a masked face, and remained motionless.

Zhang Feng was an old hand at catching stone frogs, so he made a decisive attack and caught the stone frog in one go.

"Let me here, let me here, I sent this!" The monkey hurriedly opened the fish basket and shouted anxiously.

"All right! Here it is!!" Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly.

Then he began to explain the simple skills of catching stone frogs to the monkeys. In fact, the most important thing is to have quick eyes and quick hands.

Soon the novices mastered the skills of catching stone frogs. In just half an hour, everyone caught more than a dozen of them, estimated to weigh three to four catties, which is really a rare bumper harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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