small farmer

Chapter 55 The Tourist Arrives

Chapter 55 The Tourist Arrives
This is written on a mobile phone, the network is disconnected, it is too painful, I hope everyone can help me to save it, thank you all.

The moon lake in the morning is calm and calm,

The blue sky is cloudless, without a single cloud. It seems that today is another sunny day.

Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the village started to be noisy early in the morning. The monkeys had a holiday, and as soon as they got up, the village was full of laughing and playing, and the originally quiet country road became lively. stand up.

At six o'clock in the morning, Zhang Feng still got up early. After washing up, he started exercising without hesitation. After practicing aerobics, Zhang Feng was about to go to the backyard to help his mother and eldest sister pick vegetables, when suddenly two people broke into the yard.

"Wow, Xiaoqian, come here, it's here, it's here..." At this moment, one of the girls yelled loudly.

Looking back, Zhang Feng saw two strange girls walking into the yard, and one of them, a long-haired beauty, shouted excitedly as if she had discovered some treasure.

"Who are you?" Before Zhang Feng finished speaking, the two girls walked into the yard and cried out excitedly again when they saw the sea of ​​flowers in the yard: "Ah, the sea of ​​butterfly flowers, this is the sea of ​​butterfly flowers."

"Excuse me, is this the Butterfly Flower Sea?"

"Yes, this is the sea of ​​butterfly flowers..." Zhang Feng replied with a slight smile looking at the excited two people.

"Ah, the Butterfly Flower Sea was filmed here?" The two girls were surprised and a little unbelievable. They didn't expect such a beautiful place to be right in front of their eyes.

"That's right, the Butterfly Sea of ​​Flowers is here." Zhang Feng nodded generously and admitted. It is estimated that the two beauties saw the photos he took on the forum, so they found this place during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday.

"It turns out that you are a small farmer in the mountains and rivers. This place is really beautiful."

"That's right, I posted the picture on the Internet. It's called Zhang Feng, isn't it two of your surnames?" Zhang Feng asked the two beauties.

"My name is Chen Qian, and her name is Zhang Xi. The two of us came here after seeing the online photos you posted." The girl with short hair said.

Zhang Feng took a good look at the two girls. The girl with short hair looked capable. The girl named Zhang Xi looked Xiaojiabiyu. Although the two of them were not beautiful, they were also youthful and beautiful. They were very beautiful. A beautiful tourist from the city.

"Really? Welcome to come here as a guest, I believe you will have a worthwhile trip." Zhang Feng said to the two with a smile.

"Thank you, the scenery here is really beautiful." Chen Qian smiled quietly, and then asked: "By the way, Mr. Zhang, do you have a place to stay here? Xiaoxi and I will stay here for two or three days."

"Hehe, it happens that there is a vacant room in my house, so I will show you to have a look. If you don't mind, you can live here in my house."

"Really? That's really great." The two were pleasantly surprised. They didn't expect to find a place to live so quickly, and then followed Zhang Feng to the house.

"Wow! The paintings on the wall are so beautiful, did you draw them?"

"I drew it, thank you."

"Xiaoqian, look, look, isn't this painting a sea of ​​butterflies and flowers?... Isn't this one a rainbow bridge?" After entering the room, the two of them seemed to have discovered a new world. The painting on the wall was deeply attracted, and he ran towards the painting excitedly, as if he wanted to rub these words into his eyes.

The two were excited for a while, and then followed Zhang Feng to look at the room again. They saw that the room was fresh and elegant, clean and tidy, and spotless. There were a few ink paintings hanging on the walls of the room. Both of them were very satisfied with the room, so they went to Decided to stay.

"Mr. Zhang, we are very satisfied here. I don't know how to calculate the price?" Chen Qian stroked her hair, and then asked Zhang Feng.

"You're welcome, just call me Zhang Feng. You are the first group of guests to live in my house. I'll give you a discount. 100 yuan per person per day includes food and lodging. What do you think?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No problem, then we will stay for two days first." Said the two immediately handed over four glowing red Grandpa Mao.

"Well, you guys pack your things first, and call me if you need something." After we finished speaking, we exited the room, and the two girls began to pack their things.

"It's really a profiteer, 100 yuan a day and a discount..." After Zhang Feng left, Zhang Xi curled his lips and complained.

It’s a good thing Zhang Feng didn’t hear it when he left, otherwise he wouldn’t have been wronged, because 100 yuan a day is not expensive, it can even be said to be very cheap, because Zhang Feng’s meals are all good ingredients, and in Niuzhong’s In the restaurant, the cheapest dish costs 88 yuan.

"Okay, Xiaoxi, I think this place is very good, the environment is so beautiful, where can travel be so affordable?" Chen Qian didn't have any ideas, and felt that it was worth the money.

"I see, I'm just talking casually. This person is really, two big beauties live in, and there is a fee."

"Hehe, if he doesn't charge you, then you have to be careful, you might have to pay for it."

"Ah, Xiaoqian, you are going to die, you"


Hearing the two fighting in the room, Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Xiaofeng, who came just now?" At this moment, the mother and elder sister picked the vegetables, returned home, heard the movement just now, and asked Zhang Feng.

"It's two tourists from other places who are going to live in our house today." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, so? Our family's farmhouse opened today." The eldest sister also asked in surprise.

In fact, Zhang Feng did not expect that his family's farmhouse opened so quietly.

"Xiaofeng, how do you charge?" This is what my mother is most concerned about.

"100 yuan per person per day includes food and lodging..."

"Will it be a little expensive? Other families in the village have 81 days." Mother said with some concern.

"Why is it so expensive? It's just opened today, so it's cheaper, and the price will increase in the future." Zhang Feng is very confident in such accommodation conditions and meals, and believes that even if the price increases, many tourists will want to stay here.

"That's right, Mom, our family's conditions are much better than those in the village, so it's only natural that it's more expensive." The eldest sister has been traveling for several years, and knows that 100 yuan is already very cheap. If she stays in a hotel for one night, it will cost one or two hundred. The food here is a good thing, even more delicious than the average big hotel, so 100 yuan is really not expensive.

"Well, I don't care about the fees. You can do as you see fit." Hearing what her son and daughter said, Wang Guilan couldn't say anything more.


"Hello, this is my mother, this is my sister, if you can't find me, you can find them." Soon the two beauties came out of the room, and Zhang Feng introduced his mother and elder sister to them.

"Hello, auntie, hello sister, my name is Chen Qian... My name is Zhang Xi, sorry to bother you."

"Hehe, don't bother, don't bother, you are welcome to come to our house as guests, if you have anything to do, feel free to contact us." The mother and eldest sister said to the two with a smile.


"Sister Xiaoqin, your garden is so beautiful, did you plant all these flowers?" Soon the two got acquainted with the elder sister, and Zhang Xi asked curiously while holding the elder sister's hand.

"No, these are all made by my brother. They are all wild flowers picked from the mountains." The eldest sister smiled slightly. She was also very happy that her garden was appreciated by others.

"Oh, is this a cockscomb?"

"Yes, this is cockscomb"

"Is this a daffodil? It's so beautiful!"

"No, it's a lily..."

"Ah, this is the wild lily in the legend?" The two were amazed, looking at the white flowers in front of them, they didn't expect the wild lily to be so beautiful.

"Then, what about this one? What about that one..." The two of them had never seen so many beautiful wild flowers. Looking at the colorful and beautiful flowers in the yard, they were overwhelmed.

"This is amaryllis, that one is orchid, and the one over there is wild chrysanthemum... Do you see the flowers on the wall over there? That's morning glory."

"Aren't all morning glories red? Why are they so colorful and beautiful?" Seeing the morning glories all over the wall, like a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, the two opened their eyes wide and asked in disbelief. road.

"Hehe, there are more than one color of morning glories. You can see that they not only have red ones, but also blue ones and purple ones..." the eldest sister pointed to the morning glories on the wall and said to them.

"Ah, it's so beautiful, it's like a colorful picture hanging on the wall." The two looked at the morning glory on the wall, dazzled and amazed.

After that, the two kept shooting with their mobile phones. After taking pictures of chrysanthemums and lilies, and after taking pictures of lilies and orchids, it seemed that they could never get enough of the beautiful scenery in the yard.

Half an hour later, the two of them were probably tired from taking pictures. They sat on the stone bench to rest, and they had to sigh in their hearts. The beautiful scenery here is really fascinating.

(End of this chapter)

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