small farmer

Chapter 552 The little guys on duty

Chapter 552 The little guys on duty (13)

Just when Zhang Feng's family was happy for everyone.

The tourists who came to travel were also very excited, because they actually encountered the legendary Moon Lake Flowing Seat.

This is the highest-end, most delicious, and most memorable food feast in Qingshan, and it is even more popular with nearby tourists than the long-table banquet in Sanjiazhai next door.

Because the ingredients used in Moon Lake’s flowing water banquet are almost all Moon Lake vegetables, which are the most high-end vegetables in the country, and its delicacy is impeccable.

Therefore, the tourists were so happy and crazy that they miraculously encountered the Moon Lake Flowing Water Seat. Everyone was extremely excited and called their friends one after another to quickly spread the good news.

As a result, tourists flocked from the vicinity of Qingshan, and everyone rushed to Moon Lake anxiously in various vehicles like going to a market.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Zhang Sheng became anxious when he saw that the queue of tourists still had no end in sight.

"Dad, dad! Something happened!!"

"What's the matter?" The village chief asked curiously when he saw his son's anxious appearance.

"Hey!" Zhang Sheng swallowed his saliva and continued: "Father, there are more and more tourists signing up, and there are still hundreds of people queuing up, and Fatty and I are simply too busy!"

Hearing his son's words, the village head frowned. He didn't expect that it was almost lunch time, and there were so many tourists.

In fact, he didn't know that many tourists came one after another after getting the news, and it is estimated that there are still many more!

The uncle pondered for a while, and then said: "I see, if you want to work, I will add manpower to you immediately!!"

"Hey, Dad, how many more people can you call!!"


After seeing his son leave, the village chief immediately started looking for someone. Unfortunately, the village is too busy today, so many half-grown children in the village were arrested.
In the end, even the elementary school students in the fifth and sixth grades were put on the shelf to help receive tourists. I have to say that this group of boy scouts did a good job, collecting money and issuing tickets in a decent manner.

The tourist smiled and praised: "Little friend, you are amazing!!"

"Hee hee, I helped the teacher sign up at the beginning of school!!" Da Ya said proudly with a smile, looking like a little expert at work.


"Village head! Village head!" As soon as the tourist registration was done, Aunt Osmanthus ran over sweating profusely.

"What's wrong with his aunt?" The village chief knew that there must be a problem with the sanitation team in charge of Aunt Osmanthus.

"Oh, the village head has too many tourists, some people throw garbage everywhere, we are simply too busy!! The village head quickly give us a few more people?" Aunt Osmanthus wiped the sweat from her forehead, anxiously Ask the village chief.

"Where are there still people now?" The uncle smiled helplessly. The whole village, men, women and children have already joined the battle, and they are only a few years old.

"What? Why is there no one??" Aunt Osmanthus was surprised when she heard what the village chief said. There are at least one or two hundred people available in the village, so why is there no one? !

How many are 200 people? ?Five or sixty people are needed just to help with the processing of ingredients, and there are four or fifty people in Zhang Feng's family.

"Hee hee, come on, come and chase me, haha ​​I'm right here!!"

At this time, the little kids in the village were chasing each other in the square, having a great time playing.

Seeing these little kids, the village chief's eyes lit up immediately, can't these little guys come in handy?It couldn't be easier to help Aunt Osmanthus to enforce sanitation order, supervise tourists, and prevent tourists from littering.

"Come here, little ones, come to me!" The village chief smiled and shouted to a group of little kids.

"Hello, Uncle Village Chief (Grandpa)..." The monkeys, all big and small, ran over when they saw the village chief calling him.

"Come on, today I give you a task, which is to maintain order with Aunt Osmanthus, and don't let tourists litter, you know?"

Then the village chief gave each of the little guys a bottle of drink and a red armband, and then turned and left under the suspicious eyes of Aunt Osmanthus.

"Hey!" Aunt Osmanthus could only smile helplessly when she saw a group of kids under ten years old beside her, hoping that these little guys would really come in handy.

Under the skeptical gaze of Aunt Osmanthus, the little guys put on red armbands and went to work with pride, just like the class cadres on duty in the school, with their hands behind their backs, their heads held high, and they kept patrolling the village. If you see tourists littering, stop immediately!
"Ah, ah, I told you not to litter..."

"Whatever you look at, it's you..."

The tourist who was caught suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He was actually found throwing garbage by a kid, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a place to hide.

"Hey, buddy is talking about you, hurry up and pick up the trash!!"

"Yeah, look at the kid wearing a red armband!!"

Being teased by other tourists, the caught buddy blushed to the neck, picked up the rubbish on the ground one by one, and left here as if fleeing.


What happened just now happened in front of Zhang Feng's house, so he saw it completely, so he praised with a smile:

"Wow, duckling, you are really good, will you be on duty again?"

"Hee hee, of course, I was also a student on duty at school!!" The little guy raised his head proudly and said with a smile.

"Come here, madman brother, there are delicious things here!" Zhang Feng smiled and waved to the little duck.

"Ah! Candy? Thank you madman!!" The little guy was pleasantly surprised when he saw Zhang Feng take out a handful of candy from his pocket.

"You can only eat two, do you know that the rest will be given to Da Mao?" Children who eat too much sugar can easily hurt their teeth, so Zhang Feng did not forget to tell the little guy.

"Understood, madman." The little guy nodded happily, took the two most delicious jellybeans for himself, and distributed the rest to his friends.

"Goodbye madman!"

After stuffing a piece of candy into his mouth, the little guy didn't forget his own job, straightened the red armband on his sleeve, and with his little hands behind his back again, he started to patrol the lakeside.

Seeing that the little guy looked like a city management officer, Zhang Feng shook his head amusedly. It seems that these little kids really like this kind of work.

At twelve noon, the engagement lunch finally started.

One hundred Eight Immortals tables filled the squares and roads of the whole village, and there were excited tourists everywhere. Seeing the delicious dishes on the table, exuding a tempting fragrance, everyone was very happy, and felt that the trip to Moon Lake was truly Big profits! !

 Today is too hot during the day, with a high temperature of more than [-] degrees, so the update will be later, and there are two chapters tonight! !
(End of this chapter)

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