small farmer

Chapter 554 The peaches are ripe

Chapter 554 The peaches are ripe (12)

May [-]nd, with the end of the May Day holiday
The first Guizhou Provincial Agricultural Expo and Huaguoshan Pantao Conference also ended successfully.

As the most well-known agricultural product brand in Guizhou Province, Moon Lake Agricultural Products not only won the Gold Award for Organic Vegetables, but also the champion of the Flat Peach Contest.

It can be said that Moon Lake is the biggest winner of this agricultural expo. After this agricultural expo, the vegetables and fruits of Moon Lake have not only been officially recognized, but also become more famous!
No, as soon as the various award competitions were over, Zhang Hua, who led the team, couldn't wait to report the good news to Zhang Feng.

"Xiaofeng, good news, good news, our vegetables won the gold medal in the organic vegetable group, and the nectarines also won the championship in the flat peach competition. All the more than 1000 catties of peaches we brought were all robbed..."

Hearing Zhang Hua's excited voice, Zhang Feng was also very happy. Although he was very confident in his own vegetables and fruits, he did not expect to win two championships. He was really overjoyed.

Even the vegetables and fruits brought with them were snatched up by the tourists who participated in the agricultural fair. Two 31-jin vegetables and 51-jin nectarines, yes, the prices of vegetables and fruits have increased, but they still couldn't stop the excited customers.

As Moon Lake won two important awards, countless high-end vegetable and fruit dealers flocked to represent Moon Lake's vegetables and fruits.

It's a pity that they don't know that Moon Lake's vegetables and fruits are not worrying about selling at all, and even the current production is simply in short supply, so dealers all over the country can only return disappointed in the end.

And with the continuous reports of the TV media, the vegetables and fruits of Moon Lake are well-known in Guizhou Province, which will play a great role in the future development of the cooperative.


Because the peaches at home are ripe.

Early the next morning, Zhang Feng's family and his second uncle's family came to help pick the peaches, because Zhang Feng's peaches were three to five days faster than those of other families in the village because of the use of auxin.

In the peach grove, there are red peaches all over the mountains and plains. Due to the good sunlight and sufficient nutrition, Zhang Feng’s peaches are surprisingly good. The fist-sized nectarines are smooth and shiny, and they look very attractive .

"Mmm, it's delicious!" Zhang Feng couldn't help picking one up, and took a bite, and the peach juice burst, filling his mouth with fragrance.

"Sweet and crunchy, it's really delicious!!" Zhang Yi bit off half of a peach in one bite, wishing he could swallow it all in one bite, because it was so fragrant.

"You kid, you haven't started working yet, you're eating now!!" The second uncle smiled and shook his head.

"Hey..." Zhang Yi smiled cheekily, picked another one, wiped the skin, and started eating again.

"It's okay, second uncle and second aunt, you can try it too, let's eat a few first and work is the same!!" Zhang Feng is not in a hurry, because with everyone's help today, he will definitely be able to finish work before ten o'clock.

Hearing this, the second uncle and the second aunt were not too polite, they picked a bright red peach and ate it with a smile. It was really delicious, fragrant, sweet and delicious, no wonder it can be sold for dozens of yuan a catty.

Although there is plenty of time, Zhang Feng also wants to finish picking and go home early. After all, after the sun comes out, the temperature will rise rapidly. Under the scorching sun, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he has to take off a layer of skin. .

So Zhang Feng held the fruit basket in one hand, and reached out to the peaches on the fruit tree with the other hand, grabbing each one accurately, and the speed was very fast, just like practicing the shadowless hand.

All the big and red peaches were picked by Zhang Feng, and the remaining blue ones were not yet ripe, and it was estimated that there was still a day or two left, so I saved them for picking tomorrow.


The little ones have been eyeing Zhang Feng's peaches for a long time, because his peaches not only ripen earlier, but also taste better. No, as soon as they got up, they ran towards Zhang Feng's orchard.

"Crazy brother? Crazy brother?"

"Why are you here? Are you here to help me pick peaches?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile on purpose.

In fact, seeing the eyes of the little guys staring at Taozi, Zhang Feng knew that these guys must be here to eat.

"Hee hee, madman brother, let's help you pick peaches, can you give us peaches to eat?" Xiao Shitou said with a smile on his face.

At this time, Maoya, Erdan... the little kids in the village all looked at Zhang Feng expectantly, and the little guys had long been coveting his peaches.

"Forget it, let you help, I think the more you help, the more busy you are!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile,
Except for Little Stone and Erdan, the rest of them are all toddlers with runny noses, and there is even a little guy wearing crotch pants, if he gets scratched by a branch when climbing a tree, That's not good.

"Ah, crazy brother, why??" The little guy asked anxiously.

"Yeah, crazy brother, why don't you want us to help..."

"Crazy brother..."

The other little guys were also anxious, and argued to Zhang Feng chatteringly, that look was really cute.

"Okay! Okay, you can help me, but you don't need to help me pick peaches. You just need to help me pick some weeds to cover the peaches, you know?" Seeing the anxious looks of the little guys, Zhang Feng felt that these guys It's so cute.

"Hee hee, I know Brother Crazy, so Taozi won't be exposed to the sun, right?" Xiao Shitou immediately understood Zhang Feng's meaning, so he said happily.

"That's right, our little Shitou is so smart!!"

"Hee hee..." Upon receiving the compliment, the little guy almost burst into laughter.

Then Zhang Feng gave two peaches by himself, and dismissed the chattering little guys.

"Thank you madman!!"

"Brother Madman is so nice!!"

When the little ones got the peaches, they didn't even rub them, just took a bite, and immediately the mouth was full of fragrance, crispy and refreshing, it was so delicious! !
"Hehe, these leather monkeys are really..."

When her mother Wang Guilan saw it, she couldn't help but shook her head with a smile. Seeing how cute these children were, her desire to hug her grandson became stronger.

The second uncle and the second aunt also smiled slightly. With this group of leather monkeys, the orchard suddenly became lively.

After eating the peaches, the little ones did not forget their mission, and ran to the side of the road to pull out weeds. Although a small one could only pull out a few, but there are many people with great strength, and in a short while, all the fruits picked by the adults were covered. up.

"Crazy brother..."

"Brother Madman, we're all covered!"

"Crazy brother, look at us covering all the peaches!"

After finishing the work, the little guys asked Zhang Feng for credit one after another, as if they were saying, madman, do you see how good we are?
Zhang Feng smiled, and each of them rewarded another big peach. The little guys hugged the peach, were very happy, and ran to the shade of the tree with a smile on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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