small farmer

Chapter 558 The Flying Pheasant

Chapter 558 The Flying Pheasant (12)

The seedlings in the field are green

Although they have just been baptized by a heavy rain, it has not affected their growth, and they are still full of vitality.

After pulling out a few special weeds in the field, Zhang Feng left with peace of mind. His time is also very tight today, and the fruits in the orchard are still waiting for everyone to pick them!

"Xiaofeng is back, how is the millet in the field?" Seeing her son coming back, Wang Guilan asked with concern.

In Zhang's mother's view, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the food is the biggest. Only those who have experienced famine know how important the crops in the field are. As long as there is food, no matter how big the natural disaster is, you will not be afraid. If you have food at home, you will not panic Therefore, food is the guarantee of our survival.

"It's growing very well. Those that fell down yesterday have grown up!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"That's good, wash your hands and eat the noodles quickly. After eating the noodles, we have to pick peaches!!" Mother Zhang said with a smile.

"Got it mom!"


"Hello, Aunt Xiaofeng!" At this moment, Li Jun actually came to the house.

"Brother Jun is here?" Zhang Feng was very surprised, and hurriedly called out to the eldest sister: "Sister, Brother Jun is here!"

"Xiaojun quickly enter the house, Xiaoqin cook a bowl of noodles for Xiaojun!!"

"Oh, I got it, Mom!!"

It turned out that Brother Jun knew that the peaches at home were ripe, so he put down the taxi business and went to help at home. After all, the son-in-law has to show himself, right?

After breakfast, the family rode on three rounds and galloped towards the back mountain.

As for the younger sister Zhang Lin, she left with Yiyi just after dawn, took Yiyi's ride to the provincial capital, and then took the high-speed train to the school.

"The peaches grow really well!!" Li Jun said in amazement when he came to the orchard and saw the big and red peaches on the fruit trees.

"Hehe, it's good, Xiaofeng has always been taking care of it!!" The eldest sister said with a smile,
Her heart was full of pride. If her younger brother was not so capable, the family would not know what would have happened. It would probably be the same as before, with nothing but poverty.

"Xiao Feng is amazing!!"

Li Jun nodded quietly. Although he didn't know much about Zhang Feng, he also knew that he was a man of influence in the village and even in the whole county. The Moon Lake Cooperative, which was just established last year, was already well-known both inside and outside the province. Although he was only 25 or [-] years old, he With a net worth of hundreds of millions, it is indeed difficult for people of the same age to hold a candle to.

"Let's go, let's start from here, remember to only pick the red ones!"

"I know!"

Seeing that the eldest sister and brother-in-law had started to move, Zhang Feng and his mother smiled at each other, and walked quietly to the other side so as not to disturb them.


"Crazy brother, we are here again!!"

After a while, the children in the village who hadn't gone to school came to Zhang Feng's orchard again.

"Mao Ya, are you here to help again?" Zhang Feng smiled slightly, knowing that these little guys came to eat and drink again, but with them, the orchard was also full of joy.

"Yes, madman brother, we're here to help you eat peaches!" Xiao Maoya said tenderly.

"Haha, come and help me eat peaches?"

Zhang Feng laughed hahaha, the adults in the orchard couldn't help laughing, thinking that this little girl is so cute.

"Oh, Mao Ya was wrong, we are here to help!"

"Yeah, we all helped out yesterday!!"

Seeing the adults laughing, the little ones started arguing anxiously.

"Got it, got it!! Thank you for your help, I will reward you big peaches later!!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, thinking that these little guys also know that freeloading is not good, so they still have to help adults Just live!

"Hee hee, thank you madman!!"

"Let's go, go pull the weeds!"


With Zhang Feng's promise, the little ones were also very happy, and ran to the side of the road to pull weeds, because only these places had weeds, and the weeds in the orchard had already entered Dabai and Xiaobai's stomachs , and eventually became farmyard manure for fertile land.


Seeing the enthusiasm of the little ones, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and the movements in his hands were not slow at all, and he could pick a basket full in one or two minutes.

"Xiaofeng's speed is so fast!" Seeing Zhang Feng picking a basket of fruits in the blink of an eye, Li Jun sighed to Zhang Qin in surprise.

"Xiao Feng is fast at everything, you will know after a long time!!" The eldest sister smiled slightly, completely numb to Zhang Feng's working speed.

Not only fruit picking, but also farming is much faster than others. The whole village knows this, and everyone is no stranger to it.

"Then let's hurry up and work too!!" Li Jun shook his head, stopped talking and began to work hard.


After the little guys finished their work, each of them took a big red peach, sat on the stone by the roadside, and ate it with big mouthfuls. It was extremely sweet.

At this moment, a pheasant fell from the sky, and it happened to fall in front of the small stone. Facing the sudden pheasant, the little guy was completely stunned and stared blankly at the pheasant. react to.

It was still Mao Ya who reacted quickly, and immediately shouted excitedly: "Oh, pheasant, hurry... Hurry up and catch the pheasant!!"

"Little stone, grab it quickly!!"

The other little guys were also excited.

At this time, the pheasant also looked confused, wondering why there was a little kid in front of him, one person and one chicken staring at each other.

But when he heard the cry of the child next to him, before the little stone could react, the pheasant quickly flapped its wings and flew into the distance in a panic, before disappearing into the orchard.

"Oh, little stone, you are so stupid!!"

"That's right, the pheasants are flying away!!"

Seeing the pheasant running away, the little ones sighed and blamed the little stone for being so useless that they couldn't even catch the pheasant in front of them.

"You guys are amazing, why don't you catch them?" Seeing that his friends were blaming him, Little Shitou was also very upset, and angrily turned back.

"It's not in front of us! Otherwise, we would definitely be able to catch it!!" Erdan also felt that the little stone wasted such a good opportunity, and let it fly when it could have been grabbed by reaching out.

"Huh!" Little Shitou pouted his mouth, and immediately turned his head away, looking angry, so cute.

Zhang Feng heard the movement below, looked around, and just saw the pheasant flying away, so he shook his head and smiled, these little guys really thought, is the pheasant so easy to catch? ?

The pheasant is notoriously clever, as long as there is any trouble, it will fly away immediately. The little ones want to catch the pheasant, and they are still tender!
At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhang Yi rushed over after harvesting today's vegetables.

"Brother, here we come!!"

"If you don't come again, we will call it a day and go home!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Ah, so fast??" Zhang Yi asked in surprise.

But when he saw the piles of peaches on the ground, he opened his mouth wide in horror, one, two, three...a total of thirty baskets, it must weigh more than 1000 catties, right?This is really fast! !

(End of this chapter)

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