small farmer

Chapter 561 Richer Than Jack Ma

Chapter 561 Richer Than Jack Ma (22)

"Xiao Hei, stop for me!!" Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's shout, Xiao Hei ran even faster, disappeared into the yard in a flash, and ran to the backyard.

"This little bastard!!" Zhang Feng was so angry that the two little guys were so annoying.

Holding the stick, Zhang Feng immediately rushed to the backyard, thinking that he would never give up until he caught this little bastard! !

Just like that, one person and one dog were chasing each other in the yard, the scene was extremely funny, and Zhang's mother was very happy to see it, and found it very interesting.

At this moment, the eldest sister came back from a walk and saw her younger brother chasing Xiao Hei, so she curiously asked her mother:

"Mom, what are Xiaofeng and the others doing??"

"Hehe, Xiaofeng is going to trim Xiaohei's hair!" Wang Guilan explained to her daughter with a smile.

Hearing her mother's explanation, the eldest sister Zhang Qin was also very happy, thinking that this person and a dog are really interesting, especially Xiao Hei is so cute, and she still despises Xiao Feng's craftsmanship, it's so funny! ! !

"Stop!" Zhang Feng shouted at Xiao Hei in a 'panic' manner.

"Woooo..." Xiao Hei looked back at Zhang Feng, shook his head, and then continued to run.


"Forget it, it's really a dog who bit Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart! You won't be hot to death later!!"

After chasing around the house for several laps, Zhang Feng was also sweating profusely. Unfortunately, this guy was too slippery, so he was never caught by Zhang Feng.

Sitting at the stone table, gulping down two cups of tea, Zhang Feng shook his head and didn't plan to talk to this little guy any more.

Xiao Hei was not much better either, his whole body was soaked and he looked miserable.

At this time, the little thing was standing under the eaves, panting heavily, looking at Zhang Feng vigilantly, as if ready to flee at any time.

"Hey, how's it going? It's hot, isn't it? I told you to pluck your hair and you refused to let it go. Now you know how amazing it is!!" Seeing Xiao Hei's back was dripping with sweat, Zhang Feng gloated and said with a gleeful smile.

Xiao Hei also hesitated immediately, thinking whether to ask the master to trim the long hair for him?

No!Xiao Hei shook his head again, the master's cut was too ugly, let's see how Da Hei was harmed?It's so ugly that I don't even recognize myself!So Xiao Hei put out the idea of ​​letting Zhang Feng cut his hair again.

"Come and drink a glass of juice!"

The eldest sister brought a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice from the house, using her own peaches, frozen in the refrigerator, sweet and icy, and tastes really good! !
"Sister, did Brother Jun go back??" Zhang Feng asked the eldest sister after drinking the juice in one gulp.

"Hmm!" The eldest sister replied with care for words like gold.

"Why don't you let him play here for a while longer, go rowing, fishing, watching the sunset and so on?" Zhang Feng suggested to everyone.

"He's still busy with the sports car, how can he have time to play?" the elder sister shook her head and said.

Zhang Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and thought to himself, could this be a reason?
But thinking of the introverted characters of the two, Zhang Feng can barely understand.

But when it comes to falling in love, what should be played is to play, go shopping, watch movies and so on. Although it doesn't have to be very romantic, there must be more time to get together.

Therefore, Zhang Feng felt that it was necessary to remind Li Jun of the piece of wood that boys must be more proactive, otherwise, what's the point of dating.


"Dahei, come here, I'll help you take a shower!!"

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing that he was going to take a bath, Dahei was overjoyed, and ran towards Zhang Feng, jumping up and down,

Taking a cold bath in summer is not too comfortable.

"Go, go to the water pipe and wait!!"

Zhang Feng ordered, and went back to the house to bring a piece of rubber hose and shower gel for bathing.
Connect the hose to the faucet, turn on the switch, and the clear water will come out with a splash.

"Stand still, don't move, you know!!" Zhang Feng has washed him many times, so the little thing is already very experienced.Standing obediently by the pool, let Zhang Feng get soaked and rubbed!

Zhang Feng had to sigh, Da Hei is still good, unlike Xiao Hei, who is a naughty ghost, mischievous all day long, making people uncomfortable.

Seeing Dahei taking a shower, Xiaohei looked envious, wishing he could take a cold shower too! !

Seeing Xiao Hei's tangled face, the elder sister said with a smile:
"Xiao Hei, how about asking my sister to trim it for you? My sister's skills are reconciled!!"

Xiao Hei: Really? ?

"Of course, I learned how to cut hair before!!" Seeing Xiao Hei's disbelieving eyes, the elder sister explained with a smile.

"Come here quickly, my sister will take a cold bath for you after cutting, look how much Dahei is enjoying now!"

At this time, Dahei squinted his eyes and enjoyed the coolness of the tap water. It was so cool, as if he had arrived in Antarctica, his whole body was icy cold! !
Under the constant temptation of the elder sister, Xiao Hei was finally moved, and walked slowly towards the elder sister.

"You little thing, stand still!" Zhang Qin hugged Xiao Hei's neck, rubbed its head, and said dotingly.

Click click! !
The hair on Xiao Hei's body is getting shorter little by little, and the hair is even in length, how much better than Zhang Feng's haircut for Da Hei?
"Look, Xiaofeng, how well your sister cuts Xiao Hei, no wonder Xiao Hei hates you!" At some point, Wang Guilan walked into the yard and saw how well the elder sister cut Xiao Hei, so she said to her son .

"Hee hee!" The eldest sister also smiled happily.

"Mom..." Zhang Feng turned his head and could only smile helplessly, thinking, isn't this the first time I've done it?

"Hehe!" Seeing her son's bitter expression, Wang Guilan laughed cheerfully.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." At this moment, Dahei suddenly yelled, as if urging Zhang Feng to take a bath quickly.

"Okay, okay, don't move, just wash off the foam!" Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly,
Point the hose to Dahei, and wash the hair of the little guy.

A gust of cold water rushed over his body, and the little guy couldn't help shaking comfortably. This feeling was really cool.

Xiao Hei also looked envious, wishing he could immediately replace Da Hei from the past and let the cold water wash over him.

"After washing, go over there to bask in the sun!" Zhang Feng turned off the tap water, and waved his hand to send Dahei away.

"Woooo..." He looked at Zhang Feng with big black eyes and was unwilling to leave. He really liked the feeling of taking a shower.

"You bastard!!" Zhang Feng smiled helplessly, and poured cold water on Dahei for another 2 minutes before this guy reluctantly walked to the side.

"What about Xiaofeng's dog hair??" At this moment, the eldest sister also cut Xiao Hei's hair.

There was a whole pile of dog hair, piled up like a hill, Zhang Feng was also very speechless, wondering if these two guys were dogs or little sheep? ?
If dog hair can be sold for money, I guess I am richer than Jack Ma! !

(End of this chapter)

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