small farmer

Chapter 569 Visiting the Ancient Ferry Shipyard

Chapter 569 Visiting the Ancient Ferry Shipyard (22)

But even if there are only fifty or sixty branches nationwide
The revenue of Yelang Restaurant is also extremely astonishing. The monthly operating income is as high as [-] to [-] million yuan, and the net profit is also more than [-] million yuan. Calculated in this way, the annual net profit of Yelang Restaurant will reach [-] to [-] yuan. Billion, such an astonishing profit made the prospective father-in-law extremely satisfied.

It is true that food is the most important thing for the people. For people in a big foodie country, as long as there is delicious food, they can create amazing wealth.

Therefore, now Yiyi's parents have also shifted the group's focus to the catering business. According to the huge potential of the Yelang Group, it is estimated that the domestic alone will be able to create billions of net profits for their family every year in the future.

Moreover, the competition for operating high-end catering is not as great as that of real estate. The real estate industry is too deep. The Liu family only has a small relationship in Guizhou Province, but relying on this relationship, it is impossible to become bigger and stronger in real estate.

So Yiyi's father gave up the plan to expand the real estate business early in the morning. As long as he concentrates on operating the catering business, he believes that Yelang Group will eventually become the largest and most high-end chain catering group in the country.

In the future, if the conditions are ripe and enter developed countries such as Omi, Yelang Group will become the world's catering giant.

Regarding the expansion and development of the Yelang Group, it can be said that Zhang Feng played a huge role, and it can even be said that he played a decisive role. It is because of the Moon Lake vegetables he provided that the Yelang Group has been revitalized, and in the All over the country, we are breaking ground and conquering cities, and we are firmly marching towards the catering giant.


"Hello, are you Zhang Feng, Mr. Zhang?"

At this moment, Zhang Feng received a strange call.

"Hey, I am, what is your name?" Zhang Feng was very surprised, he didn't know who the other party was, how could he have his own phone number.

"Hehe, hello Mr. Zhang, I'm Wang Tianyun, the sales manager of Gudu Shipyard. I wonder if you have time to visit our shipyard recently?"

Hearing the other party's explanation, Zhang Feng suddenly realized. No wonder he felt that the call looked familiar. It turned out that the other party was the sales manager of Gudu Shipyard. Go to their shipyard to see the goods.

"Oh, hello, Manager Wang, I have time this afternoon..." Zhang Feng replied immediately.


"Okay, okay, see you this afternoon!" The two hung up the phone after saying this.

Gudu Shipyard is affiliated to Gudu Shipping Company. At the beginning, it was only the exclusive repair shop of the shipping company. Later, it introduced a [-]-ton small freighter production line.
And relying on the company's technicians, they have independently developed a series of small speedboats and motorboats. Sales are also getting better.

No, even Uncle Seven has switched to products from their shipyard.

At noon that day, Zhang Feng drove his car with his cousin to Gudu Town and drove down the Panlong River along the Tapang River. Within a quarter of an hour, the two brothers arrived at the gate of the Gudu Shipyard.

Manager Wang also waited here early, because for a sales manager like him, the basic salary is only two to three thousand a month. Only when the product is sold can he get a commission and have a higher income.

"You are Mr. Zhang..." Manager Wang greeted Zhang Feng enthusiastically as soon as they got off the car.

"Hey, Hello, Manager Wang..." Zhang Feng hurriedly shook hands with Manager Wang.

"Come with me, both of you!" After getting to know each other, Manager Wang led them to the shipyard.

"Gudu Shipping was established in [-]. We have three small freighters of [-] tons and seven or eight ships of [-] tons. From our Gudu Wharf, we can reach Guangdong and Guangxi, especially Guangdong, etc. Developed areas are where our Qingshan coal is sold.”

"The Gudu Shipyard is a subsidiary of the shipping company. It now has a production line for 300-ton freighters and three production lines for speedboats. Last year's output value reached more than [-] million..."

Manager Wang led them along while introducing them to the basic situation of the shipyard.

"Now our small speedboats are selling very well. Last month, we sold more than 20 speedboats of various types, and we purchased ten boats in Wufeng Lake Scenic Area alone! The sales volume reached more than 30 yuan."

"The sales situation this month is also good. Fifteen ships have been sold so far..." Manager Wang said happily.

Seeing that Manager Wang was so happy, Zhang Feng was a little curious. How much is the sales of more than 30 yuan a month? ?Not even a fraction of my own cooperative! !
"So, the scale of your shipyard is not large!" Zhang Yi commented directly.

"Hehe, it's really not big. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Take our sales department as an example. There are only two people in total, both of whom are sales managers!" A county, just one of their shipyards.

Moreover, the sales of the shipyard are also based on bragging, mainly on service, to make customers feel that the purchase is worthwhile and that the purchase is cost-effective.

"Look, these are several types of speedboats produced by our shipyard. The largest can accommodate fifteen guests, and the smallest is a single-person motorboat..."

"Look at this one. This is the speedboat you are inquiring about. It is [-] meters long and [-] meters wide. It can accommodate five guests in total."

"It uses a domestic four-stroke gasoline engine, which is not only energy-saving but also powerful, allowing the speedboat to reach a maximum speed of [-] kilometers per hour..."

"Can we go down and try?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

" you know how to drive?" Manager Wang asked hesitantly.

"Yes, it's too simple. We also have one like this in our village. You can learn it after a while!" Zhang Feng replied immediately.

"That's okay, let's go down and try." Customers are gods. In order to get more sales commissions, Manager Wang still agreed to Zhang Feng's request.

Seeing that Zhang Feng was very familiar with every step and started driving very steadily, the sales manager was relieved immediately and completely relieved.

"Mr. Zhang is really good at driving. Some masters who have been driving for five or six years may not be as stable as you." Manager Wang said with admiration.

"That's right, my brother learns everything very quickly. Let's take driving as an example. It's been less than a year since I bought the car, and it's better than my old driver who has been driving for five or six years!" Zhang Yi also smiled. Cut in.

"By the way, Manager Wang, how do we arrange the driver's license test?" After driving for a while, Zhang Feng asked this question.

"As long as we sign the sales contract, the company will give you free training and sign up for you, as long as you leave a copy of your ID card and two ID photos." Manager Wang replied with a smile.

In the end, the two parties successfully signed the contract, because Zhang Feng bought two ships at a time, and the other party gave a discount of 1000 yuan.Two speedboats, 9000 each, cost a total of [-] yuan.

However, this contract can only be executed after the two of them get their driver's licenses, because if they can't get a driver's license, they can't drive it when they buy it back, so what's the use.

(End of this chapter)

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