small farmer

Chapter 571 Partnership

Chapter 571 Partnership (24)

And then everyone will only buy washed mushrooms,
In this way, there is no need for too much manpower, as long as the purchase is returned, it can be sold directly, or dried into dried mushrooms, which is much more convenient.


That night, Zhang Feng called Zhang Yi and Uncle Er Niu to discuss the matter of going to the countryside to buy mushrooms.

"Come on, let's have a toast!"

"Do it!!"

There was a plate of peanuts and a plate of crispy fish on the table. While eating, several people discussed collecting mushrooms.

"Xiaofeng, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

"Yeah, madman, tell me quickly."

To be honest, they are also very jealous of the profits from the acquisition of mushrooms, but Zhang Feng did it before, and everyone can't steal his business.

And even if you want to grab it, you probably won't be able to snatch it away, because if there is no sales channel, you don't know who to sell to when you buy the mushrooms.

In that case, what are you busy with?It's better to go to the mountains to pick mushrooms honestly, and earn a lot of money this way. In just over two months last year, everyone earned [-] to [-] yuan, so everyone is unwilling to mess around.

"That's right, everyone knows that there are a lot of mushrooms in Qingshan, but almost all of them are rotten in the mountains, so I plan to expand the scale of acquisitions. As long as everyone is willing, they can go to various towns to buy them."

"At that time, I will give everyone a profit of five yuan for every catty of mushrooms. That is to say, if the mushrooms you buy are sold to me, the price of a catty of red mushrooms will be 20 yuan, and a catty of porcini mushrooms will be 17 yuan." Zhang Feng smiled and told everyone his thoughts.

"How? Think about whether you want to do it or not." Zhang Feng smiled, looked at the three of them, and said.

"Brother, I'll do it. Where can I find such a good business??" Zhang Yi immediately shouted positively.

"Yeah, we did the crazy thing!!"

Uncle Er Niu and Uncle Da Shan responded one after another, as Zhang Yi said, where can such a good thing be found?
Everyone is not stupid. If we follow Zhang Feng’s purchase situation last year, as long as there is rain, each village head can buy seven or eight hundred thousand catties. Even if the loss in the middle is removed, the profit per catty will reach about four yuan. The total profit of seven or eight hundred catties will reach two or three thousand yuan.

And Qingshan is located in the southwest, commonly known as the sky without three days of sunshine. When it comes to the rainy season, almost half of the weather will rain. Calculated in this way, at least one month has ten days of purchase time. According to this calculation, everyone You can earn [-] to [-] yuan, just like growing vegetables.

As for the vegetables at home, there are still women and old people at home.

In rural areas, women hold up half the sky, as long as men can do the work, women can do it, so people don't worry too much.

As for Zhang Yi, there is no need to worry. There are still parents at home, and the sky will not be able to wait for him.

Now that there is such an opportunity to make money, Zhang Yi is of course excited. This is a self-teaching business. He used to hang out with his father, and his pocket money was only a few hundred yuan a month, and his mother kept it from time to time.

Now that he finally had a chance to make a fortune, Zhang Yi was so excited that his hand holding the wine glass trembled with excitement.

"Okay, since everyone is willing to do it, let's first think about where there are more mushrooms and where to buy them..." Seeing that everyone is willing to do the business of buying mushrooms, Zhang Feng is also very happy.

"Hehe, this can't trouble us..."

"That's right, my father and I go to the market to do business everywhere, and we know exactly where there are special products..."

Uncle Dashan works as a construction worker everywhere and is very familiar with all the villages and towns in Qingshan; let alone Zhang Yi.

Only Uncle Er Niu is a little worse. This guy has been doing farm work at home, so he is not familiar with the mushrooms grown there nearby.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't know, as long as Zhang Yi knows, with such a strong relationship between the two, Zhang Yi will definitely share the information about the mushroom's origin with him.

In the end, each of us allocated a village as our designated acquisition area.

Of course, as long as you have the ability, Zhang Feng will be very happy if you collect all the mushrooms from other places. Even if Fatty Niu can't digest them all, isn't there Yelang Group?

Originally last year, the old man wanted to buy mushrooms from Zhang Feng, but because the output at that time could not keep up, Zhang Feng temporarily refused to agree.

But this year, the number of mushrooms purchased will definitely increase several times, even ten times, so it can already initially meet the needs of Yelang Restaurant.

"Madman, what should we do with the rest of the village? Aren't those mushrooms all wasted?" I have to say, relying on the resource treasure house of Qinglong Mountain,

Qingshan County is rich in wild mushroom resources. As long as the villages are close to Qinglong Mountain, there are almost all mushrooms.

"Yeah, the lunatic asked me to say, let's just find a few more people, such as Zhang Sheng, Ah Hong, and Uncle Xiao Qi, and let them take charge of a village!" Uncle Er Niu thought for a while and suggested to Zhang Feng.

"Well, I think Erniu's method is good, and we seem to have fallen into a misunderstanding before. Who stipulated that one person can only buy one village? For example, if we buy in Moon Lake, can we also buy mushrooms from Sanjiazhai next door? Is it??" Uncle Dashan nodded and said.

"Hey, that's a good idea. We lack manpower, but we can let villagers from other villages deliver goods to our door!" Zhang Feng slapped his thigh excitedly, thinking that Uncle Dashan's idea was really good.

If combined with Uncle Er Niu's method, those seven or eight people can completely cover the entire village near Qinglong Mountain.

It has to be said that the three cobblers outmatched Zhuge Liang, and after further discussions among the three, they finally came up with a convenient and feasible solution.

Since everyone agreed to recruit a few more people to join the gang, Zhang Feng immediately called Zhang Sheng, A Hong, and Xiao Qishu.

After receiving Zhang Feng's call, the three hurried to Zhang Feng's house.

When the three of them learned about Zhang Feng's plan, they all happily agreed. This is a way to make money for everyone. If it is done well, it will not be a problem to earn [-] to [-] a month. How can this make everyone unhappy.

"Xiaofeng, I won't say thank you, brother, let me toast you..." Zhang Sheng raised his glass to Zhang Feng with red eyes.

"Brother Feng, I also offer you a toast..."

"Haha, come on, let's all toast Xiaofeng..."

Uncle Xiaoqi also made Xiaofeng happy, and he was very grateful to Zhang Feng for giving everyone the opportunity.

So everyone raised their glasses of wine and expressed their gratitude to Zhang Feng. Men are like this. Although there are many words of gratitude, they are all integrated into the glass of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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