small farmer

Chapter 574 The Hedgehog in the Trap

Chapter 574 The Hedgehog in the Trap (13)

Fatty Niu was sent away at noon
Zhang Feng drove Dabai and Xiaobai to the corn field in three rounds.

After the rain for the past few days, the corn in the field has grown lush and verdant, looking like a green carpet from a distance.

"Get out of the car!" Zhang Feng parked the car beside his corn field.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoa!" The two cute pets squinted their eyes and jumped down nimbly, and ran to the corn field happily with their short legs.

Looking at the two little things that couldn't wait, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, moved the super fertilizer on the car to a stone slab beside the ground, unpacked the packaging line, and immediately a grain of white fertilizer appeared in front of Zhang Feng.

Putting a pot in a dry plastic pot, Zhang Feng is like a fairy scattering flowers, quickly fertilizing the corn in the field, Zhang Feng's speed is fast, and the throwing of the fertilizer is super accurate, and the fertilizer can be thrown away easily at the root of the corn.

A total of three fertilizers are required to grow corn. The first is the base fertilizer, which is applied when planting. Generally, farmyard manure is used. The second is now. When the corn grows to [-] or [-] centimeters, the second fertilizer can be applied ;

The third time is when the corn is blooming. Fertilization at this time is very important, because it is related to the growth of the corn fruit. If the fertilizer is insufficient, it will affect the final harvest.

Therefore, it is very important to fertilize three times. The first fertilization is to ensure the smooth germination and initial growth of corn planting. The second fertilization is to provide the power for the half-sized corn seedlings to continue to grow, so that the corn grows thick and thick. Strong, as I said the third time above, is to ensure a bumper harvest of corn.

"Ah! It's finally done!!" Zhang Feng stood up, seeing that all the corn had been fertilized, he immediately felt a sense of accomplishment.

Then I looked at the time and found that only 20 minutes had passed, which was really too fast. If it was in the past, it would have taken at least an hour or two.

After loading the remaining fertilizer into the cart, Zhang Feng walked up the mountain with a sickle in his hand.

In the orchard at this time, the peach trees were empty, without a single fruit.

The plum tree was full of fruits, and the branches were almost bent over. Seeing the green fruits on it, Zhang Feng estimated that it would take about a week to mature.

Passing through the lush orchard, Zhang Feng came to the wasteland on the top of the mountain, where thorns are densely covered, and there are many birds, and pheasants often come and go around here.

So Zhang Feng put three trap cages here, I don't know if there is any harvest today.

"I'm going, what is this??" Suddenly Zhang Feng opened his mouth wide in surprise,
I saw a magical creature appearing in the trap. Its head was somewhat like a mouse, and there were sharp burrs on its back. Zhang Feng looked carefully and found that this creature seemed to be the legendary hedgehog! ! !

Seeing Zhang Feng approaching, the hedgehog was startled, pressed its front paws down, and howled at Zhang Feng. The spikes on its back trembled and rustled, as if warning Zhang Feng not to approach him.

Zhang Feng shook his head immediately, this little thing fell into his own trap, and dared to threaten him.

Seeing a wild hedgehog with his own eyes for the first time, Zhang Feng also felt very novel. He immediately took out his mobile phone and took a short video.

After taking pictures for a while, Zhang Feng still decided to let it go. The thing was full of thorns and looked a little creepy.

Zhang Feng opened the cage. Seeing Zhang Feng retreating slowly, the little hedgehog suddenly sped up and quickly escaped from the cage. He quickly got into the dense thorny forest and disappeared completely before Zhang Feng's eyes after a while.

After the hedgehog escaped, Zhang Feng searched on the Internet. It turned out that the little thing also has a name called porcupine. It likes to eat the roots and stems of various plants, as well as fruits and berries.

This time, for some reason, he was probably greedy for the auxin-smelling feed left by Zhang Feng, so he got into Zhang Feng's trap in a daze.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile wryly. This little hedgehog is really too. He didn't want it just to eat his life. It's really man-made for wealth and dead birds for food. The temptation of delicious food is really huge, whether it's human or animal.

Then Zhang Feng checked the other two cages. This time he was lucky, and another pheasant got in. Unexpectedly, there were only three traps, and two of them caught the prey, but the first one caught a miraculous one. The hedgehog was finally let go by Zhang Feng.

Changing the trap to another place, Zhang Feng carried the half-sized pheasant and walked down the mountain.

"Dabai Xiaobai, I'm going home first. After you finish eating our house, you can help the second uncle weed, you know?"

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ! " the two little creatures raised their fluffy heads, nodded to their master, and then continued to gnaw the delicious green grass on the ground.

These two little things couldn't walk when they saw the grass. Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, and drove slowly towards the house.

"Brother Madman, Brother Madman, are you back?"

"Ah, madman brother, is this the pheasant you caught??"

"Ah, Brother Crazy, you caught a pheasant too. It's amazing. My dad caught one a long time ago too!!"

When Xiaoshitou and Maoya saw that they were swinging in the yard of Zhang Feng's house, and when they saw Zhang Feng driving in, they immediately ran towards Zhang Feng with a smile on their faces.

Zhang Feng smiled and greeted the little guys one by one, moved the remaining fertilizer to the utility room, and then carried the pheasant to the backyard, locked them in cages and raised them.

Wherever Zhang Feng went, the little guys followed him! !

"Go, play on your own, don't follow me all the time!!" Surrounded by the little guys, Zhang Feng felt uncomfortable anywhere, so he waved his hand to drive away the curious little guys.

"Hee hee, let's go, let's go on the swing!!"

"Oh, wait for me, little stone!!" Er Dan followed closely behind little stone.

"Humph!! He snatched my swing again!!" Seeing the little stone running towards the swing in a flash, Mao Ya couldn't run, and shouted angrily.

Seeing the little ones leave, Zhang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the whole world is much more spacious.

After taking a shower to wash away the heat from her body, at this time the eldest sister was packing the crispy fish, and Zhang Feng hurried up to help.

"Sister Xiaoqin, I'm here!!" After a while, Mao Ya walked in.

"Hey, Mao Ya is here!!" The eldest sister responded with a smile, she is busy now, and has no time to play with the little girl.

"Hee hee, sister Xiaoqin, can I help you?" The little girl asked with a smile when she saw that the two of them were packing crispy fish, which seemed to be fun.

"Hehe, not now, when you grow up it will be almost the same?" The elder sister shook her head with a smile.

"Then when will I be able to grow up?" Mao Ya wrinkled her face and asked the eldest sister with a sad face.

Hearing Mao Ya's words, Zhang Feng also laughed. Children are like this, they always want to grow up early, but adults hope that they will never grow old.

"Hehe, it's still early!" Zhang Qin smiled and shook her head.

 Went to dinner, there are two chapters tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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