small farmer

Chapter 588 Vicious and Spicy Octagonal Ding

Chapter 588 Spicy Star Anise (33 for subscription)
"Xiaofeng, why are you thinking about building a new house?"

After the contractor surnamed Zhao left, Uncle Dashan asked curiously.

"It's like this..." Zhang Feng told the elder sister and brother-in-law about opening a homestay,
"Okay, tourism in our village is getting more and more popular now, if the family is not too busy, I would like to open such a homestay!!"

Uncle Dashan nodded with a smile. Although it was a bit of a joke, it has to be said that opening a farmhouse or a homestay in Moon Lake is a very good choice.

Recently, the village has received a lot of inquiries in this regard. Many urban residents are planning to rent houses from the villagers, open homestays in the village, and even businessmen want to build resorts in the village.

But the villagers are not very willing, because everyone is not short of money now, and selling fruits and vegetables a year can earn at least three to five million yuan in income. With so much money, of course everyone wants to have a good residence environment,
If outsiders were brought in, the village would not be so pure, and the environment would be much more complicated.

Moreover, even if investment is required, the villagers can handle it themselves. Now each family has hundreds of thousands of deposits, and as long as they raise funds, they can casually raise tens of millions.

Besides, the fat and water don’t flow into the fields of outsiders. Even if there are good projects, everyone will go on their own. Why let outsiders invest.

I have to say that now everyone not only has money, but also has a broader horizon.

As we often say, poverty will limit imagination, on the contrary, with money, everyone also has the capital of ambition, and only by standing higher can we see farther.

"Xiaofeng is okay, I'm going back first?" Uncle Dashan was about to say goodbye and leave.

"Okay, come over for lunch later, Uncle Erniu and the others will come too!!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, the dishes you cook are so delicious, I will definitely come over!" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

As long as you eat the food made by Zhang Feng once, you will never forget it no matter what. The deliciousness is really memorable.


"Sister, you and Brother Jun go to pack the crispy fish, and leave today's lunch to me!"

"Did you come here alone? Why don't you let Li Jun stay and help you?" the eldest sister asked with concern.

"Hehe, no need, it's just food for a dozen people!" Zhang Feng smiled and bowed his hands. There are only a few people, and it's just a table of food, and he can handle it quickly.

Eel is a special feature of the family. It must be available at noon. There are also two catties of mushrooms harvested yesterday, which are stored in the refrigerator. This way, you can make fried mushrooms with green peppers, which tastes very delicious.

Stewing a spare rib and frying a few side dishes, the lunch menu is almost the same!
"Wow... woo..." The little duck cried so sadly, followed his father, and walked towards Zhang Feng's house in a twitch.

"What's wrong with the little duck??" Seeing the little guy crying so sad, Zhang Feng asked curiously, "Uncle Er Niu, did you hit him again?"

"It's okay, why should I beat him? This bastard just climbed up the Jianmu tree to play, didn't he get stung by star anise?" Uncle Er Niu said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Oh, come and let me take a look for you?" Zhang Feng waved to the duckling.

The little guy twitched as he walked towards Zhang Feng.

"I'm going, your neck is red all over! You wait here, I'll get you cool oil to wipe!" Zhang Feng asked the little guy to sit down, and after a while, he took out a box of cool oil from the Jiuzhong House.

"Wait a minute, I'll pull out the fluff on it first!!" Seeing the little guy writhing, Zhang Feng hurriedly held him down.

"Oh! It hurts!"

Aniseed is a very poisonous caterpillar in the countryside. It grows in colorful colors, and its body is mostly green. It is named for its four thorny horns on the head and tail.

In fact, Bajiaoding is the larva of the green moth, also known as Huolapo, Huolapo, Huolazi, Baguola. Once stung, it should be scrubbed with warm water, soapy water or salt water. Of course, the effect of cooling oil is also very good. , If there is a residual stinger on the wound, it should be pulled out immediately.

"It's okay! It's okay! It'll be fine soon! You've become a man, so don't cry anymore!!" Zhang Feng comforted the little guy with a smile.

It's so cute to see the little guy clenching his teeth, trying to cry but not being able to.

Uncle Er Niu smiled and shook his head!
Everyone laughed, thinking that having such a child in the family is really a joy for everyone, and such a day is actually quite happy.


At this moment, under the leadership of Uncle Dashan, the brothers and sisters of Da Mao walked into the hard work,

"Why are you crying, little duck?" Da Mao ran over and asked curiously when he saw the wet tears on the little duck's eyelids.

"Little duck, did your father beat you?" Mao Ya also ran over, squatting down and asked tenderly.

"Hmph! I didn't cry! It's just that I got sand in my eyes just now, okay?" the little guy said sophistry.

"Hee hee, you're lying again! I don't believe it!" Mao Ya said with a smile.

The duckling feels very hopeless. He can't even fool the three-year-old Maoya. What's wrong with this world? ?Is it so hard to lie?
So the little duck turned his head angrily, and ignored the two curious babies, Da Mao and Mao Ya! !

"Erniu, what's wrong with your duckling?" Hearing the conversation of the little guys, Uncle Dashan also asked curiously.

"This guy was stung by an anise!" Uncle Er Niu said angrily.

"It turned out to be like this, I thought I was beaten by you again!!" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

Uncle Er Niu rolled his eyes, thinking that I'm not a violent maniac, I just beat up children when I have nothing to do?

Seeing the duckling's red neck, Uncle Dashan also told his son and daughter:

"Hehe, the weather is hot, and Bajiao Ding also ran out, big hairy hairy, you should also pay attention, don't run to play under willow trees and Jianmu, you know?"

"Understood, Dad!!" The two little guys agreed in unison.

Soon Zhang Yi and A Hong also came, Zhang Feng was not waiting, and immediately went back to the kitchen to start cooking.

A few little guys and adults were chatting in the yard, and the three little guys were running wildly in the yard, running around and having fun.

"Dahei, come to me quickly!!" Hearing Maoya's call, Dahei hesitated for a while, but still walked towards Maoya.

"Hee hee, Dahei, you are so good!" After Dahei came over, Mao Ya squatted down, put her head against Dahei's head, and kissed Dahei's head affectionately, Dahei really liked it very much.

"Mao Ya, let me teach you how to ride a horse!"

At this moment, the mischievous duckling took the opportunity to enter, and immediately rode on Dahei's body, and said triumphantly to Da Mao.

But when the old man was angry, Dahei ran suddenly, and the little guy squatted down, and fell firmly to the ground.

"Ouch!!" The little guy rubbed his butt and immediately got up.

"Hee hee, you deserve it, who told you to bully Da Hei!" Mao Ya gloated and applauded.

Da Mao also laughed on the side.

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(End of this chapter)

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