small farmer

Chapter 591 Little Fatty

Chapter 591 Little Fatty (33)

"Hey... ouch!!"

Fatty lay on the stone slab, howling feebly.

"What's the matter, Fatty?" Zhang Feng asked with concern.

"Tired, I feel like every cell in my body is exhausted!!" Xiaopang said pitifully, with a pale face.

"I'll go, Fatty, can you stop being so embarrassing? Look at Yiyi, she's still a girl? She doesn't look like you after finishing the work!" The monkey said suddenly speechless.

"Okay, don't talk about the monkey, he must be really exhausted!!" Zhang Feng saw Xiaopang's pale face, and he knew at a glance that this guy must have collapsed.

So Zhang Feng took out a bottle of mineral water from the three-wheeled carriage, opened it, and secretly dripped a drop of Yuehua growth hormone. After drinking this thing, his physical strength will be restored quickly.

"Come on, Xiaopang, drink some water first, just rest!" Zhang Feng handed the mineral water with auxin to Xiaopang.

"Thank you lunatic!!" Xiaopang slowly raised his hand and gave a weak thank you.

"Brother Fat, your health is really bad, you should exercise hard!!" Wang Bin also persuaded.

"That's right, Fatty, the body is the capital of the revolution, you must pay attention to improving your physical fitness!" Leizi also surprisingly did not hit Xiaopang, but seriously warned.

"Yeah, I got it, I'm just too tired, just take a few minutes of rest!!" Just now, I was too exhausted to carry the fruit into the car, and now I'm completely exhausted.

Grumpy Grumpy!

Xiaopang opened the bottle cap, took a sip of water, suddenly his eyes lit up, he felt warm all over his body, and his fatigue immediately eased a lot.

Xiaopang asked curiously: "Huh? This water tastes really good, why does it feel like a stamina potion?"

"Isn't that the way to drink water when you're tired?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

He knew that it was the effect of Yuehua growth hormone, and he believed that Xiaopang would recover soon.

Sure enough, after Xiaopang drank half a bottle of water, he saw the effect in about 5 minutes. His face recovered a little blood, and his physical strength also recovered by half.

"How is Xiaopang? Can you go?" Zhang Feng asked Xiaopang after seeing it.

"Let's go! I'm almost starving to death, go back and have a big meal!!"

Little Pang Gulu got up, not like the soft-legged shrimp just now, but a wolf that had been hungry for three days and three nights.

"Hehe, this guy will be resurrected with full blood when he mentions eating!" Monkey shook his head with a smile.

"Let's go, everyone get in the car, let's go home!!"

Zhang Feng drove his own three-wheeler and drove towards home with a few guys.

Sitting in the car, blowing the breeze, I feel that the fatigue of the whole body is swept away,

I have to say that the beautiful scenery is really a good medicine to relieve fatigue.

Breathing the fresh air by the roadside and looking at the beautiful scenery in the mountains, everyone felt refreshed and their tired spirits recovered a lot.


"Ah! I'm so full, Grandpa Liu's dishes are delicious!!"

After lunch, Xiaopang was already full of food. He lay in the yard and touched his belly, and said with a look of enjoyment.

"Look at you eating so much again. People who don't know think that the baby in your stomach is already seven or eight months old?" The monkey touched Xiaopang's big belly and joked with a smile.

"Get out!" Xiaopang rolled his eyes.

"Hey? Someone like you with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, others will not want it." The monkey hit Xiaopang.

"That's right, even if you donate rice greens, you need to have a high degree of education. Xiaopang, you are an undergraduate from an ordinary university, and you might think it's disgusting to give it to someone else!" Leizi also sneered.

"Yes, yes, is it okay if I can't do it? If you can do it, do you want me to provide you with the Huaxia Sperm Bank's phone number??" Seeing the two guys talking more and more out of line, Xiaopang immediately turned back.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! Look at him, he still has the phone number of the sperm bank. It seems that he has already contacted him, right?"

"That's for sure, I've probably donated several times already!!"

The two monkeys caught the loophole in Xiaopang's words and continued to laugh.

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, these guys had nothing to do when they were full, they just discussed these boring things.

"Go fishing later, who of you will go?"

As soon as they heard that they were going to go fishing, everyone immediately raised their hands, only Xiaopang wanted to take a nap, he was such a lazy pig.

So Zhang Feng took everyone to the backyard and dug up the soil to find earthworms, which are the best bait for fishing.

"Wow! So many!!"

"I wonder why these earthworms are so big? Could it be a sperm?"

"Wool, can it become fine after the founding of the People's Republic of China?"

Zhang Feng dug down with a hoe, turned over the surface soil, and immediately five or six thick earthworms were exposed.

"It looks so disgusting??" Seeing the disgusting pus left by the dug up earthworm, Leizi shook his head and said.

"Hey, don't look at this disgusting thing, it's very useful as bait, and there are people who eat it!!" Zhang Feng immediately caught all the earthworms that were about to escape and threw them into the small bucket.

"No way? Someone eats this thing??" Looking at the earthworms, I felt horrible, but I didn't expect that someone would dare to eat this thing.

"Of course, there are people in Southeast Asia who eat earthworms. If you don't believe me, you can check it online!" Zhang Feng had seen it on the Internet before, so he said to everyone with a smile.

"Forget it, don't talk about this topic again, or I will almost vomit out the dinner overnight!!" Monkey waved his hand.

"That's right, it's really disgusting!" Binzi also shook his head, feeling that he really couldn't accept such a heavy taste.

Eating earthworms is really something you can't even think about.

"Okay, that's enough, let's pick up fishing rods!" Zhang Feng refilled the excavated soil, and then led everyone to the utility room.

Seven or eight fishing rods were neatly hung on the wall, each of us chose one, and happily walked towards the lake.

By the Moon Lake at the end of spring, there are willows and willows, and the green willows are flying with the wind, the breeze is blowing, and the water is sparkling.

On the surface of the lake, lotus leaves meet the sky and red flowers bloom, which is a beautiful picture of spring and summer intersecting.

"Come on, let's go up there!" The place with a good location has long been occupied by fishing experts, so Zhang Feng had to take everyone to a remote location.

"The beauty of the West Lake, God in March, the spring rain is like wine, the willows are like smoke..." Looking at the beautiful Moon Lake in front of him, the monkey couldn't help but sang the song of the white lady.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful?" Zhang Feng asked happily with a slight smile.

"It's beautiful, it's really as beautiful as the West Lake in the south of the Yangtze River..." Fatty said obsessively, looking at the Moon Lake in front of him.

Zhang Feng smiled. The reason why the West Lake is famous at home and abroad is not only its own beauty, but also the beauty of humanities and culture.

For example, Su Shi’s, if he wants to compare the West Lake to Xizi, light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable; Yang Wanli’s lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun are uniquely red.

It is these famous sentences that make the West Lake famous through the ages and become a scenic spot in the civilized world.

(End of this chapter)

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