small farmer

Chapter 597 Surging Tourists

Chapter 597 Surging Tourists (44)

"Xiaofeng, I think honeysuckle should be used in the village. It's a pity that such a good honeysuckle rots on the mountain!"

When the tea leaves are inhaled, there is no need to watch them all the time, so the old man suggested to Zhang Feng.

"Then how do we use it? Everyone doesn't have that much time?" Although there are a lot of honeysuckle on the mountain, each family only has two to three hundred catties, and the ones that are too much are only three to five hundred catties. Jin is not bad.

Even if it is 20 yuan a catty, it is only about a thousand yuan.

In the past, when the villagers were free, they might have gone up the mountain to pick some.

But now everyone is so busy every day, not only the vegetables in the field, but also the rice and corn in the field need to be taken care of.

In this way, how can everyone be so busy, even if they have some free time, everyone wants to rest and rest, after all, farmers are not hard-working, are they?
"Then what should I do??" Yiyi also asked curiously, and she also loved the fragrant and beautiful honeysuckle in the mountains.

"Hehe, I have an immature idea, I think we can do this..." Then the old man spoke out his idea.

It turns out that the old man was inspired by the picking projects of tourists. Since tourists can go up the mountain to pick fruits by themselves, why can't they pick honeysuckle.

There are quite a few people who like honeysuckle. As long as the village guides it properly, there will definitely be many tourists interested in honeysuckle in the mountains.

Especially some old people who love to drink tea, and women who love beauty and health care. These people are potential consumers, so everyone thinks that the old man's idea is very good.

But this approach is not without flaws.

"The old man doesn't seem to be able to do this. It's impossible for the villagers to keep watching on the mountain."

"Yes, grandpa, if you don't keep an eye on it, how can you know which company the tourists picked?"

Both Zhang Feng and Yiyi raised questions.

"Hehe, I think since everyone doesn't care much about the income from honeysuckle, can we take all the income from picking honeysuckle from the tourists to the village committee?" At this moment, Grandma Liu gave her Solution.

"Hey, old lady, that's a good idea!!"

"Hee hee, grandma, you are amazing!"

Zhang Feng also nodded with a smile, very much agreeing with Grandma Liu's solution.

I believe that the villagers will definitely agree to this plan once it comes out. After all, the money is taken from the people and will eventually be used for the people. Everyone is very relieved of the village committee.

It has to be said that combining the methods of Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu has indeed perfectly solved the problem of wasting honeysuckle.

However, there are still some small details that need to be added.

For example, how to mobilize the interest of tourists, who will be responsible for this matter and so on.

But Zhang Feng can't control so much, he just needs to tell the village head about this suggestion, and then let them have a headache.


"Haha, boy, your suggestion is really good!!" When Zhang Feng came to the village committee and told the uncle about the honeysuckle, the uncle immediately laughed happily.

"Hey, this is actually not my suggestion, it's the idea of ​​both Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Haha, then I will take the villagers of the whole village to thank them!!" The uncle was also very happy when he heard that. Unexpectedly, the two elders were still worried about the affairs of the village.


"Uncle, I'm leaving!"

"Oh, don't worry, I will notify everyone at noon, and try to start implementing it tomorrow." The uncle said with a smile.

After Zhang Feng left, the uncle immediately called several leaders of the village committee, so the meeting lasted until twelve noon.

Everyone discussed the specific implementation details, and at noon that day, just after eating, the villagers were notified to hold a meeting at the village committee.

When the villagers learned the content of the meeting, they all agreed to the village's proposal. After all, if the honeysuckle is not picked by tourists, it will be rotten and wasted in the mountains anyway. It is better to sell it to tourists and let them go up the mountain to pick it. There is no need for everyone to work hard, and the money earned can also be used to subsidize the village and improve the public environment in the village.


In order to attract tourists, in the afternoon, the uncle asked his son to print a few large posters, which printed all kinds of knowledge about honeysuckle.

Simply put, it is to let tourists understand how beautiful honeysuckle is and the powerful medicinal effect of honeysuckle.

In addition to the posters, the official website of the village was also quickly updated, with pictures of honeysuckle in full bloom.

The white flower buds, yellow petals, and its green leaves are all woven into a beautiful carpet, turning the back mountain of Moon Lake into a beautiful picture.

At the same time, the uncle also used his relationship to get reporters from the TV station to come to interview. That night, the sea of ​​honeysuckle in Moon Lake appeared in Qingshan News.

Even the city's tourism promotion website reposted pictures of Moon Lake, calling on citizens who like honeysuckle to visit Moon Lake to enjoy the beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

I have to say that the influence of Moon Lake is getting bigger and bigger.

With the spread of the propaganda machine, citizens in seven or eight nearby counties and cities have seen the latest news about Moon Lake. Seeing such beautiful honeysuckle flowers, everyone can't help but want to visit here.

The next day is Sunday.

Uncle's arrangement was a great success.

On this day, Moon Lake was full of tourists, and everyone was attracted by the honeysuckle in the village.

Seeing so many people, although the uncle was busy, he was very happy and full of a sense of accomplishment. Finally, the honeysuckle in the village no longer worried about not being able to sell! !

"Hehe, Xiaofeng is here? Come and help!" The uncle smiled when he saw Zhang Feng's face.

Everyone is really busy now, so seeing a strong man like Zhang Feng, we must not let him run away!
"There are so many uncles?" Zhang Feng was also taken aback when he saw the tourists huddled together, waiting to be weighed and settled.

Five or six villagers were too busy to settle accounts together, so Zhang Feng hurried over to help.

As time goes by, the number of tourists does not decrease, but more and more.

When Zhang Feng saw the dense crowd at the gate of the village committee, he immediately went to Alexander.

"No way, uncle, there are more and more people!"

"Okay, hold on first, I'll call someone over to help." The uncle wiped his sweat and called for help.

After a while, both Zhang Sheng and Zhang Hua were called over, as well as a few employees of the cooperative.

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile, this is the real father, the brother who fights the tiger, a father and son soldier in battle.

When he was too busy, the uncle thought of his two sons.

With the addition of these five or six new forces, everyone finally relaxed a lot. In less than 10 minutes, the tourists gradually dispersed.

The uncle left his two sons on duty, so he dismissed everyone and asked everyone to go home for dinner. There must be many tourists in the afternoon.

 The four changes are over, ask for a bowl of subscriptions and tickets! !
(End of this chapter)

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