small farmer

Chapter 643 Everyone's Pistachio

Chapter 643 Everyone's Pistachio (22)

"Ah, it's finally done!" Looking at the first zongzi he made with his own hands, Zhang Feng said proudly,
"Pfft! Crazy, your zongzi is so ugly!" Seeing Zhang Feng's zongzi, Yiyi couldn't help laughing!
The zongzi made by everyone are all square, and looking at Zhang Feng’s masterpiece, they are crooked, just like crooked melons and dates, just like the ones made by children when they were playing home.

Seeing Yiyi's mocking gaze, Zhang Feng wanted to cry immediately, and said embarrassingly, "Isn't this the first time for me to make a bag?"

"You girl, I think Xiaofeng's bags are not bad, you don't want to think about the time you bag..."

"Oh, grandma!" Before Grandma Liu finished speaking, Yiyi immediately called out to grandma coquettishly.

"Okay, okay!!! Grandma can stop talking!" Grandma Liu said with a smile,

Zhang Feng has heard some clues from the conversation between the two.So he asked curiously: "Yiyi, did you fail the first time you wrapped it??"

"Hmph, I didn't tell you!" Yiyi pouted her mouth, glared at Zhang Feng angrily, then lowered her head, wrapping the zongzi in her hand.

"Hey, I'll know if you don't tell me!!" Seeing Yiyi's intentionally concealed expression, Zhang Feng suddenly laughed.

"Hmph!" Yiyi raised her head and gave Zhang Feng a hard look.

Zhang Feng chuckled and continued to wrap the second zongzi.

Seeing her granddaughter and Zhang Feng quarreling, Grandma Liu watched silently, and then a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and silently blessed them in her heart, hoping that they would be so happy forever.


Just when everyone was happily making zongzi,
The little ducklings had already wrapped rice dumplings and started eating them, and they had to walk around the village in awe, as if they wanted to let everyone know that he was eating rice dumplings.

"Wow, crazy brother, your family is only making zongzi now??" The little guy saw everyone making zongzi, exaggerating on purpose.

"Yeah, you've already started eating?? When did your family make it?" Zhang Feng smiled and asked the little guy.

"Hee hee, my mother wrapped it up yesterday!" The little guy was so happy, he said happily while eating the delicious zongzi.

"Little duck, can you give your sister a bite of your zongzi?"

"Hee hee, okay!" The little guy was generous, ran over and handed the rice dumpling to Yiyi.

Yiyi didn't dislike it either, she took a symbolic bite, and began to chew slowly.

"Is it delicious, sister Yiyi?" The little guy looked at Yiyi and asked with a smile.

"Well, it's delicious! The zongzi made by your mother is really delicious!" Yiyi praised with a slight smile.

"Hee hee..." The little guy was very happy after being praised.

"Why, little duck, you gave sister Yiyi a bite, won't you give it to us?" Looking at the little guy, Zhang Feng asked intentionally.

"Oh, that's not true, brother lunatic here!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the little guy shook his head quickly, and then brought his zongzi to Zhang Feng's mouth.

"Forget it, look, your zongzi is full of saliva, sticky!" Zhang Feng said deliberately.

"Oh, it's not my saliva! Zongzi is always sticky!" The little guy argued anxiously.

Ha ha……

Seeing the anxious look of the little guy, the adults all laughed, such a three- to five-year-old kid is the cutest, innocent and innocent.

"Hmph, Brother Crazy, you're teasing me again!" Seeing everyone laughing, the little guy finally understood that it was Brother Crazy who was teasing him, so the little guy poked his cute little mouth up and looked at the picture angrily. Feng said with a glance.

The little guy ran away at once, and ran to the other side on his own, watching everyone make zongzi silently.

"Hehe, is the duckling angry??"

"Hmph! I don't have it!" The little guy had words of my displeasure written all over his face, but he still refused to admit it, because he was afraid that everyone would say that he was narrow-minded.

"Hee hee, the little duck is so cute now!" Seeing the little guy's expression at this time, not only Yiyi, but all the adults present laughed.

It has to be said that a small family has a treasure, and it is because of these little guys that the village is more lively, just like everyone's pistachio, if there is nothing to do, it will definitely bring laughter and happiness to everyone. hapiness.

"Little duck, have you done your homework today?" Seeing that the little guy was concentrating on eating, Zhang Feng asked again with a smile.

The little guy turned around, and continued to eat his zongzi happily while facing the Moon Lake. He didn't know if he was trying to avoid doing his homework, or because he didn't want to pay attention to Zhang Feng who made him angry just now.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me? Did you not do your homework?" Zhang Feng continued to tease the duckling with a smile.

The little guy poked his mouth up and snorted,
I thought to myself that Brother Crazy is really bad, which pot does not open and which pot to lift, I don’t know if I sneaked out, what if my father catches me back?
Besides, today's homework will not be handed in until after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday!The holiday starts tomorrow, and it's still early before the homework is due!
The little guy seemed to feel that it was dangerous to be with everyone, so he bounced and ran to Zhang Feng's yard, probably to harm the swing in the yard or the cucumbers in the backyard.

Seeing the little guy leaving, everyone smiled and shook their heads, thinking that such a child is really funny and very interesting.

At noon, the weather was getting hotter and hotter, but everyone was sitting in the shade of the trees, blowing the cool breeze, and it was still very cool.

"Yiyi, you and Xiaofeng go home and bring out the crystal jelly we made yesterday, let everyone have a taste!" At this moment, Grandma Liu smiled and ordered to the two juniors.

"Understood grandma! Crazy, let's go!" Yiyi wrapped the zongzi in her hand and called Zhang Feng, so the two happily walked to Yiyi's house.

"Wow, the crystal jelly made by grandma is so beautiful!" As soon as Zhang Feng opened the refrigerator, he was stunned by a large bowl of crystal clear delicious food.

"Hee hee, of course, the snacks made by my grandma are even better than those made by grandpa!" Yiyi said proudly.

I have to say that Grandma Liu made it really well. Not only is it beautiful in appearance, but I think it tastes very good. With the addition of various accessories, sugar, melon seeds, peanuts, raisins... etc., the taste will definitely be very good.

"Hee hee, look at you, you are so greedy, your saliva is about to flow out!" Seeing Zhang Feng's look like Brother Pig, Yiyi laughed and laughed.

"Hmph, you're still talking about me, don't you look much better?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, then walked out of the house with crystal jelly in hand.

"Hey, madman wait for me!" Yiyi hurriedly packed the disposable bowls and chopsticks, put various condiments on the tray, looked around the door in a hurry, and then chased after Zhang Feng.

Seeing Yiyi chasing anxiously, Zhang Feng smiled and quickened his pace to walk even faster.

Yiyi gritted her teeth watching this scene, thinking that the monk can't run away from the temple if he can run, let me catch up later, I must let you know how powerful my aunt is!

(End of this chapter)

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