small farmer

Chapter 645 Zhang Feng's Suggestion

Chapter 645 Zhang Feng's Suggestion (22)

"Although our village is not a paradise, I also hope to work together with everyone to build our Moon Lake into a small mountain village with simple folk customs, so that tourists will feel like coming home when they come here."

"Of course, my idea may be somewhat idealized, but I think we should start from a small place, at least give everyone a chance to stay overnight, let tourists feel everyone's enthusiasm and the uniqueness of our Moon Lake. The same demeanor." As he spoke, the village looked at everyone with piercing eyes.

Hearing what the village chief said, everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

If we had met so many customers a year ago, we probably would have almost broken our heads in order to compete for customers.
But now, everyone has made a lot of money. Last year, the family with the lowest income in the whole village had an income of over [-] yuan.
Especially in the past six months, everyone sold fruits and vegetables, and earned at least 40 to [-] yuan. Now the villagers don't care about the tourist's accommodation fee.

Because they have to live at home and arrange their three meals a day. Everyone is so busy every day that they are almost overwhelmed. There is no time to take care of tourists.

But now hearing what the village chief said, everyone feels very embarrassed. We really shouldn’t turn away tourists from afar, because many tourists come here for the name and are full of yearning for Moon Lake, but because of everyone’s Rejection will immediately break a basin of cold water for tourists, which will have a very bad impact on the development of tourism in the village and the reputation of the village.

"I think everyone must not have thought about it that much, and I know that everyone is very busy, but I still want to propose here. I hope that everyone will pack up the guest rooms after returning home and warmly receive tourists from afar."

"How is it? Is everyone okay?" After speaking, the village head looked at everyone and asked loudly.

"no problem!"

"Village chief, don't worry, I'll ask my guy to clean up the guest room when I get home!"

"Uncle, don't worry, we promise to receive tourists well and let everyone experience the hospitality of our village!"

The villagers responded enthusiastically that everyone knows that this is related to the development of tourism in the village, and only a good reputation can attract more tourists.

"Hehe, that's good. Although everyone has made a lot of money, tourism is still the development strategy of our village. Although tourism can't make much money, it's a steady stream, so we can't give up."

Hearing the words of the village chief, the villagers nodded silently.

However, if you say that you can't make much money from tourism, this is relatively speaking. This year, due to the rapid growth of tourists, the sales of various specialties in the village are extremely hot.

Many villagers have benefited from this, especially Pao Shan Ye, Jiu Ye, Kidnap Master, and Uncle Carpenter. They are big farmers and craftsmen, and they can earn 8000 yuan almost every month, which is comparable to working outside It's much more cost-effective.

Therefore, everyone dare not underestimate the role of tourists. No matter the village head raised the issue of tourists’ lodgings, everyone immediately took heart, actively responded to the village head’s call, and prepared to tidy up all the guest rooms at home to meet the impending storm. coming guests.

Even Zhang Feng was a little ashamed. The tourists also found their home today, but he didn't think too much about it at the time, so he rejected the guests.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Feng also felt a little uncomfortable with the disappointed look in the tourist's rejected eyes at that time.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's go back and get ready!" The uncle waved to everyone, and the village meeting tonight was finally successfully concluded.

With so many people crowded here, it was already very hot. Hearing the words of the village chief, the villagers immediately dispersed, scrambling to go outside the house.

"Hey! Xiaofeng, why haven't you left yet??" Seeing that everyone had left, the uncle was closing the door and was about to leave. When he turned around, he found that Zhang Feng was still standing in the yard.

"Uncle, I have an immature idea about the issue of tourist accommodation..." Zhang Feng glanced at the uncle while speaking.

"Well, tell me!" The uncle nodded.

"With more and more tourists in our village, the pressure on accommodation in the village will definitely increase. Just calling on the villagers is not a long-term solution..."

"That's right, everyone is so busy growing vegetables every day, it's really difficult to take care of the tourists at home." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the village chief couldn't help but sigh.

"By the way, do you have any suggestions, you continue to say..."

"I think our village can build a hotel where tourists can stay. This will not only generate income for the village, but also solve the problem of nowhere for tourists to stay."

"Hey! Your suggestion seems to be good!!" The village chief gasped in surprise, feeling that Zhang Feng's suggestion seemed feasible.

"Oh, but how can there be so much money in the village?" The village head can understand all the benefits of building a hotel, but the village only has tens of thousands of public funds, so the village head is a little helpless.

"Uncle, there is no money in the village, but the villagers have!" Zhang Feng reminded with a smile.

"You mean fundraising?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the uncle suddenly realized.

"That's right. The village provides land and the villagers fund it. After the hotel is built, it will be managed by the village committee. This will not delay everyone's vegetable cultivation, but also make money. I believe the villagers are willing to contribute." Zhang Feng explained further with a smile.

"Hehe, yes, yes, your suggestion is very good, but if the village lacks funds, I will need your help." The village chief smiled and called Zhang Feng's attention.

"Uncle, don't worry! I will definitely support such a good project, no matter how big the funding gap is, I will cover it!" Zhang Feng assured, patting his chest.

As long as you are not blind, you can see how big the tourism potential of Moon Lake is.
According to the current development trend, it is estimated that within two or three years, Moon Lake will reach the level of a famous tourist attraction in the country. By then, the hotel in the village will be like a hen that lays golden eggs. Regret green.

"Hehe, okay, I'll just wait for your boy's words!!" Seeing Zhang Feng agreeing so readily, the uncle also laughed happily.

Seeing his uncle so happy, Zhang Feng was also very happy. In this way, the two quickly reached a consensus.

Uncle can't wait to build the hotel right away, preferably tomorrow.

"However, uncle, I think the exterior design of this hotel must conform to the overall layout of our village." Zhang Feng still expressed his worries.

"Well, it's really good. The hotel can't be too obtrusive. It needs to be well planned!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the uncle also frowned,

If it is built into a high-rise building, it will definitely be able to receive more tourists, but this will affect the scenery of the village. Think about it, everyone, a modern building suddenly appears in a simple and simple mountain village. What does it look like?

Therefore, how to build and design this hotel needs to be discussed in the long term.

(End of this chapter)

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