small farmer

Chapter 687 Naughty little things

Chapter 687 Naughty little things (14)

"Little duckling, your father is here!"

Zhang Feng yelled, and the little guys climbed ashore with their buttocks bare, and ran away with their clothes on their feet, for fear of being discovered by the adults.

"My lord is here, run!"

"Hee hee, hurry up, hurry up"

"Hey, are you waiting for me?" Ducky shouted anxiously when he saw that everyone had run a long way while pulling his trouser belt.

Seeing the flustered look of the little guys, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, these little kids are really fun.

But you still have to pay attention to safety when taking a bath in the river.
Although the water of the Tapang River is very shallow, most of the villagers do not allow their children to swim in the river. There are too many cases of students drowning in the summer vacation every year.

For example, this year, since the beginning of the summer vacation, dozens of people have drowned because of swimming in the river, and many of them are prospective college students who have already been admitted to key universities. It's really a pity.

Therefore, during the summer vacation, parents should pay special attention to the safety of their children, especially when taking a bath, they must be accompanied by adults, and try not to go swimming in places where there are few people in the wild, otherwise, if there is an accident, it will be called every day. It doesn't work, and there is no one to ask for help.

The little guys ran and ran, and finally found out that Zhang Feng was playing tricks.

"Oh, it's the madman!"

"Crazy brother is good or bad, he lied to us again!"

When the little guy saw Zhang Feng, he was immediately dissatisfied and said angrily.

"Crazy brother, why is it you?" The little duck asked Zhang Feng with his mouth raised.

"Hehe, who am I?" Zhang Feng smiled, and then continued to tell the little guys: "You must pay attention to safety when taking a bath, don't you know that you don't go into deep water?"

"Oh, we know!"

"That's right, why are adults so long-winded!"

The little ones nodded impatiently. These days, I have heard the adults say it many times!
"Oh, you still think I'm long-winded?" Zhang Feng thought to himself, is this okay?
So he used his peerless supernatural power - 360-degree frequency modulation, and grabbed the little guy's ears for a while.

"Ah! Crazy brother, take it easy, you take it easy, my ears are about to fall off!" Seeing the duckling in such a miserable state, the other little kids burst into laughter and clapped their hands gloatingly.

The little kids in the village are just Pi Shi, and it is commonplace to be taught a lesson. The little guy looked very miserable, but as soon as Zhang Feng let go, he ran away immediately, and then made faces at Zhang Feng.

Then he gave his friends a hard look, probably to blame them for being so dishonest just now and laughing at him.

"Remember not to play in deep water? Many people have drowned this year!"

"Got it, madman!"

The little guy replied in unison.

After Zhang Feng left, the group of leather monkeys reverted to their old ways, took off their clothes, naked, and jumped into the cool river with cheers.

Afterwards, the little guys had a water fight in the river, and they had a great time playing. The adults just smiled and shook their heads when they saw it.

If they were really not allowed to play in the water here, these children might sneak out of the village to swim. There are few local people, and it would be even worse if they encountered danger.

And this section of the river is very shallow, and it is at the entrance of the village, next to the big banyan tree and the small square, almost all the adults in the village enjoy the shade here, so even if the children have any accidents, they can immediately rescue them, so the adults saw Just open your eyes and close your eyes.

As a result, this place has become a playground for little kids to play in the water in summer. Every day when the weather is hot at noon, there must be a few kids swimming or playing water fights here.


At noon in summer, the weather is extremely hot, but it is surprisingly cool under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village. There are not only big banyan trees that block out the sky, but also a cool strong wind, because it is just at the outlet, and a gust of cool wind hits, saying It's so cool that it doesn't come out, so under the big banyan tree has become a summer paradise for the villagers.

"Xiaofeng has gone into the city?"

"Yes, send some food to that girl Zhang Yue!"

When we walked to the small square, almost all the villagers were sitting under the big banyan tree to enjoy the shade. Seeing Zhang Feng coming back, they greeted Zhang Feng with smiles.

"General!" At this moment, the chess in the hands of the second uncle slammed heavily on the board, with a proud smile on his face.

"Stealing chickens! Zhang Er Er, you are so shameless!" Pao Shan ran out of breath and roared at the second uncle with his face flushed.

"Hey, how shameless I am, look at my teeth are still good!" The second uncle showed his front teeth indifferently, and said with a smile.

"No, no, it was Xiaofeng who disrupted my train of thought just now!"

"Why don't you count, mountain runners, don't bully people too much!"

So the two old men quarreled again.

When Zhang Feng heard the conversation between the two old men, he couldn't laugh or cry. He thought I was just passing by, but he didn't expect that Master Paoshan would throw the blame on his back.

have to!I can't afford it, can I still hide it? 36 counting is the best plan!
Ever since, Zhang Feng hurriedly ran away, and was easily accidentally injured by the two old men here.

The other villagers also looked at Zhang Feng and smiled. Everyone is used to the routine of these two old men. Every time they win, they are high-profile, for fear that the people who eat melons will not know that they have won.
And those who lose will always find various reasons to quit and refuse to admit defeat.

Therefore, almost all the villagers under the big banyan tree have been blamed, and some have become professional blamers for the two old men.

On the green road in the village

Facing the breeze and smelling the faint fragrance of plants and trees in the air, Zhang Feng walked slowly towards the house.


Two big black dogs appeared on the road. When they chased and beat me on the road, they were covered with mud, dirty like mud monkeys.

Zhang Feng took a closer look, aren't these two dogs from his family?

These two little things, taking advantage of their own lateness and no one at home to restrain them, sneaked out to play wild.

"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

At this moment, the two big blacks first spotted Zhang Feng, and their eyes froze for a moment!Then barking and yelling, he ran towards the house as if fleeing.

Xiao Hei also realized that something was wrong, and fled quickly with his tail between his legs. He lowered his head while running, as if he didn't want Zhang Feng to see it.

Zhang Feng sneered, thinking you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, unless you don't go home, it's almost the same!
So Zhang Feng strode towards the door of the house.

At this time, the mother was dozing off on the rattan chair, and the two little things were lying obediently at the mother's feet. It was found that the two little guys were secretly massaging themselves.

hum! !I thought these two dogs could have some new tricks!Unexpectedly, she still pretended to be a fool, pretending to be a good baby.

(End of this chapter)

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