small farmer

Chapter 704 Earned 5

Chapter 704 Earned 50 (22)

"Ah, I feel like I'm going to die of exhaustion!" The little girl who had stood all morning collapsed in the corner, and said weakly to everyone.

"You're the most tired girl, why don't you get up quickly, is the ground clean?" Wang Guilan glared at her precious daughter and said.

"Ah, Mom, I'm exhausted, just let me rest here for a while!" The girl Zhang Yue shook her head, unwilling to move at all.

"Everyone has worked hard, come and drink a glass of watermelon juice!"

At this moment, Zhang Feng took the watermelon juice and put it on the stone table in the yard.

Hearing that there was watermelon juice, the little girl suddenly came back to life full of blood. She quickly got up and ran towards the yard. The speed was so fast that the mother Wang Guilan and the eldest sister who were watching were stunned.

"Hehe, this little girl is really..." Then everyone couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing.

I have to say that the watermelon juice made by Zhang Feng is very popular with everyone.

Because some Yuehua auxin is added, it not only tastes better, but also has the effect of eliminating fatigue.

"Well, it's really delicious!" After taking a sip of watermelon juice, my whole body felt icy cold, and my tired and sore limbs seemed to recover immediately.

"This watermelon juice is really good. After drinking a cup, I feel a lot lighter!"

"Indeed, I really don't know how this watermelon juice is made. After drinking it, I feel like I am in a ecstasy!"

After drinking the watermelon juice, everyone recovered quickly and praised Zhang Feng's hungry watermelon juice.

Hearing everyone's praise, Zhang Feng smiled without explaining, got into the kitchen, and immediately started preparing today's lunch for everyone.


As the sun went down, Zhang Feng's fast food business finally came to an end.

"Aunt Zhang, Aunt Wang... today is really thanks to you!"

"Hehe, Xiaoqin, don't say that, we are doing things with money, we must do our best!"

The eldest sister smiled, and immediately settled the wages for everyone. No one gave an extra 100 yuan, which was regarded as today's bonus.

Several aunts were surprised when they got 300 yuan, and then asked curiously: "Did you give too much, Xiaoqin?"

"No, everyone worked hard today, and the extra 100 yuan is a bonus for everyone!" The eldest sister smiled slightly, and then explained to everyone.

"Hehe, what an embarrassment!"

"It's okay, this is what everyone deserves. By the way, Aunt Wang, I think we still don't have enough manpower. Can you help me find two or three more people tomorrow?" After the eldest sister finished speaking, she asked Aunt Wang again.

"Hehe, no problem, I will definitely help you find it tomorrow." 300 yuan a day, including two meals, such a good job is not easy to find in Qingshan, so Aunt Wang readily agreed.

Sending off the aunts who helped, the family began to count today's harvest
The fast food at Zhang Feng’s was unexpected. If it wasn’t for the hot weather and the long queue, it is estimated that 80.00% of the tourists would want to buy their fast food.

But in the end, there were quite a few people who came to buy, probably accounting for two floors of all tourists, and the remaining tourists were divided into other families in the village and other fast food restaurants at the entrance of the village.

Although there are only two floors of tourists, there are too many tourists this year. Today alone there are more than 3 tourists, and the two floors have six to seven thousand tourists.
That is to say, Zhang Feng's fast food sold about 20 copies today. If one serving is 30 yuan, [-] fast food is [-] yuan.

The profit was unimaginably high. At night, Zhang Feng calculated again carefully, only to find that yesterday's calculation was wrong. The profit rate far exceeded yesterday's estimate of 50.00%, and it should reach around 80.00%.

Because most of the ingredients are purchased from the vegetable market in the county, so the cost is not high. Counting the high-end vegetables at home, the total cost today is only 1000 to 5, and the labor cost of more than [-] is only more than [-]. piece.

If more than 30 is subtracted from 5, today's profit is actually more than 20, and yesterday's profit should also be [-] to [-].

And yesterday, due to lack of preparation, the lunch and afternoon were all because the food was sold out, so the business was closed early, otherwise yesterday's profit would not be so small.

But even so, the profits of the two days were astonishing. All of them added up to more than 30. Even Zhang Feng was shocked. He never thought that selling fast food could make such a terrifying income.

In Zhang Feng's view, this kind of fast food business is a small business, but the final result shocked Zhang Feng.

No wonder, it is often reported on the Internet that those who stick mobile phone film can buy several apartments in big cities, and those who sell egg pancakes can earn [-] yuan a day.

This made Zhang Feng understand a truth. It turns out that a small business can also make a lot of money.

No wonder people often say that those who run small businesses may be local rich, while those who run big businesses may also be poor.


In an instant

The three-day tourism festival is finally over.

In just three short days, Zhang Feng's fast food business had a total income of more than 60 yuan. Excluding the cost of more than 50 yuan, the net profit was as high as more than [-] yuan.

What a terrifying number this is, if the villagers find out, it will be a disaster.

In just three days, Zhang Feng's family has earned what everyone else can earn in a year. This is the result of the villagers joining the cooperative and their income has increased greatly. Otherwise, it is estimated that they will not earn so much in ten years. money.

Because this is 50 yuan, with so much money, even in the provincial capital, you can have a big house of hundreds of square meters. No one would have imagined that such a small business can earn so much money.

But even if everyone knows it, they can't learn it if they want to, because during the tourism festival, not only Zhang Feng's family is selling fast food in the village, but the business is the best and they only earn [-] to [-] yuan. less than.

Why is there such a big gap? Because Zhang Feng’s fast food tastes good and has a good reputation among tourists. It is claimed that only 20 yuan can enjoy a five-star experience.

That's why so many tourists buy it, otherwise it would be impossible to make so much money.

Therefore, the most important thing is the cooking skills of Zhang Feng and the old man. If the two of them hadn't made such delicious meals, they certainly wouldn't have attracted so many tourists.

They won't make so much money in the end, so even if the villagers know that Zhang Feng's family has made a lot of money, they can't learn it if they want to, because not everyone can learn the skills of Zhang Feng and the old man.

Although I earned a lot of money in these three days, everyone was exhausted!

Fortunately, the three-day tourist season is finally over, and the fast food business has come to an end.

The eldest sister not only earned the money from the decoration of the homestay, but also estimated to have a balance of 40 to [-] yuan. For this, the eldest sister was very happy, and in the next few days, there was a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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