small farmer

Chapter 719 Reward for 1st Exam

Chapter 719 Reward for the First Test (12)

As night falls
The small courtyard of Zhang Feng's house was also lit up.

The whole family sat in the yard, chatting and husking corn.

For corn that has just been brought home, it is best to peel off the outer corn husk, so that the corn is not easy to mold even in rainy days, and peeling off the outer husk is more convenient to dry and reduce the drying time. Experience, as long as the sun is good, it only takes two or three days to dry the corn cobs.

"This corn is so good, each one is so big!"

"Yeah, look how deep its teeth are. The corn kernels are big and long. It's a good variety!"

Looking at the big corn cobs in their hands, the eldest sister and mother couldn't help admiring. Only farmers who often farm the land know how rare such good corn is.

Think about it, if there were such good seeds in the past, there would be no famine. Just growing corn every year can not only feed a family, but also raise several big fat pigs. The small life of a year must be extremely nourishing.

For farmers, as long as the crops grow well and the harvest is good, everyone will feel at ease.

And because as the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. From the perspective of farmers, there is food in their hands and they don’t panic.

"These corns should be five to six hundred catties after they are dried in the sun, right? Tsk tsk, it's unbelievable to harvest so much corn in less than two cents!"

"It's about the same. It should be six to seven hundred catties. The yield of this kind of corn is already very high, and the yield per mu can reach about [-] catties. It shouldn't be a problem for a two-cent property."

"Tsk tsk! Isn't this enough to feed two fat pigs?" The eldest sister asked in surprise.

Now almost no one in the countryside still eats corn meal, so the harvested corn is generally used to feed livestock.

Zhang Feng's family is no exception. The chickens, ducks, cats and dogs in the family need to be raised with corn.

However, it is more troublesome to raise pigs, and the smell is relatively strong, so Zhang Feng's family does not plan to raise this year's pigs by themselves, just go to Uncle Er Niu's house to buy one.

Their family has more than ten pigs, all of which are raised with distiller's grains, so the quality is also very good, which is definitely much better than the feed pigs outside, and it is the best for pigs in the past.


the night sky is quiet

Looking at the dark night sky outside the window, Zhang Feng slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Brother, it's vacation, where should we travel?"

"Okay, Moon Lake, just go out!" Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"Ah, brother, how can you do this? Didn't we all agree that I will be the first in the grade, so I will be rewarded?" The little girl immediately protested to Zhang Feng.

"Am I talking about traveling as part of the reward?" Zhang Feng looked at the little girl and asked.

"That's not true! But..." The little girl was a little frustrated, and then she was about to argue.

"That's over!" Zhang Feng didn't give the little girl a chance to argue, and immediately blocked her mouth.

"Ah, big brother...then what reward do you want to give me?" The little girl asked Zhang Feng expectantly with her mouth raised.

"Reward a bowl of dried noodles, didn't you eat it for breakfast just now?"

"Brother?? Are we still biological? A bowl of dried noodles will send me away?" The little girl immediately refused to agree, and quickly pulled Zhang Feng's arm and shouted resolutely.

"What's wrong with a bowl of noodles? Isn't it just a bowl of longevity noodles for the old people in the village to celebrate their birthdays?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph, I don't care, either go on a trip, or buy me a tablet..."

So all morning, the little girl was entangled with Zhang Feng, insisting that Zhang Feng fulfill her request.

In the end, Zhang Feng had no choice but to agree to sell her a tablet computer. The little girl suddenly looked like a general who had won a battle, and she was very proud.

After dismissing the little girl, Yiyi walked in after a while.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaoyue Xiaolin, let's go to the mountain to pick wild chrysanthemums?"

"Sister Yiyi, why are you picking wild chrysanthemums?" Xiaoyue asked curiously,

Because wild chrysanthemums are all over the mountains and plains, as long as you go to the wild, there are many in the fields and on the hillsides, but usually children come to pick them for fun, and no one will pick them.

"Hehe, grandpa is going to make some chrysanthemum tea!"

Chrysanthemum tea clears away heat and detoxifies, similar to honeysuckle tea. Zhang Feng also drank chrysanthemum before.

So a group of young people, carrying bamboo baskets, happily walked towards the back mountain with their grandparents.

In summer, Qinglong Mountain is lush and lush, walking on the path between the mountains, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Colorful small flowers are competing to open, and a gust of breeze blows, setting off waves of colorful waves.

In this season of blooming mountain flowers, the bees are the most industrious and favorite time. The little yellow bees are like beautiful elves, wandering among the wild flowers, collecting pollen, and brewing delicious honey.

As the ancient poem said, after harvesting a hundred flowers into honey, it will be sweet for whomever works hard.

But these are all people's self-indulgent troubles. For the little bees, this is their life and the meaning of their existence.

"Wow, butterfly, what a beautiful butterfly!"

Seeing Xiaoyue chasing the butterfly among the flowers like a cute kitten, everyone laughed at the same time.

"Xiaofeng, haven't you harvested honey for another month?" Seeing the bees buzzing among the flowers, the old man asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Oh, master, I'd have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!" Zhang Feng slapped his head and said with some annoyance.

Because in the summer when the nectar source is abundant, honey can be harvested once a week at the shortest, half a month at most, and if it exceeds half a month, it will be quite a waste.

"You kid is really reckless! Such a good Baihuami can be forgotten!" The old man shook his head helplessly, he really had nothing to say to Zhang Feng's laziness.

"Old man, don't worry, go back, I will cut the honey when I go back, and send it to you when the time comes!" Hearing what the old man said, Zhang Feng quickly laughed.

A group of people chatted while picking wild chrysanthemums on the roadside. The yellow petals the size of a thumb exude a strong fragrance. No wonder they can be made into delicious chrysanthemum tea.

Due to the arrival of the summer vacation, there are more and more tourists in the village. On the hillsides on both sides of the mountain, groups of tourists are picking wild fruits, wild mountain pickles, red thumbs, sheep's eggs and so on.

At this time, the tourists were having a great time, and there were bursts of exclamations from the mountain from time to time. It seemed that everyone had gained a lot.

A group of people, admiring the roadside scenery and picking wild chrysanthemums while walking, became incidental instead. Everyone seemed to prefer to be close to nature and appreciate the beautiful scenery of the back mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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