small farmer

Chapter 733 An Unexpected Guest

Chapter 733 An Unexpected Guest (22)

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed.

The first open-air movie in Moon Lake Village is finally over!
"Everyone, don't leave in a hurry, clean up all the rubbish under your feet before leaving!" Seeing that everyone was about to get up and leave, the uncle quickly stood up and shouted to everyone.

Hearing the words of the village chief, everyone responded one after another. Even the little kids in the village lowered their heads and pouted their buttocks to clean up the rubbish under their feet.

It has to be said that the quality of the villagers in Moon Lake Village has improved rapidly. In order to develop tourism and welcome guests from outside, everyone has high requirements for hygiene. The phenomenon of littering has almost disappeared. Even the little farts in the village Children usually also throw rubbish in the trash can.

Caring for hygiene has become a habit in our lives.

Seeing that Zhang Sheng was retracting the projection screen, Zhang Feng hurried over to help.

"Brother Sheng, I'll help you!"

"Okay, just help me stabilize the stool!" Zhang Sheng smiled, stood on the stool and began to untie the rope tied to the top of the screen.

Soon, the two put away the screen.

At the same time, Erniu Uncle Zhang Yi and the others were not idle, and everyone acted together, quickly packed up all the projectors, and sent all the equipment back to the village committee's house.

When everyone returned to the square, the villagers had all left, and the square was extremely quiet at this time.

Bathed in the bright moonlight and looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, everyone walked towards the village talking and laughing.

As the saying goes, people are happy when they have happy events. Since the establishment of the cooperative, everyone's life has become better. The monthly income of tens of thousands of yuan has made everyone very happy. Therefore, the villagers no longer have to be troubled by poverty. It feels a lot easier to walk.


Early the next morning, the uncle came in with a few unexpected guests.

"Xiaofeng, come out quickly, the guests are here."

"Hey, Uncle is here, everyone, come in and sit down!" Zhang Feng was surprised when he saw the strangers behind Uncle, but he still reacted quickly.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, let me introduce you. This is Professor Zhou, and this is Professor Liu..."

After some introductions, Zhang Feng found out that these people were biology professors and their students from the provincial capital university.
They all came for the dinosaur fossils discovered yesterday. Since everyone and Professor Wang are colleagues, knowing that Professor Wang is currently living in the village and presiding over the restoration project of the Yang family compound in the village, several people also moved into the village. .

Of course, it is also because of the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake, and it is very close to the place where dinosaur fossils were found, and it takes only five or six minutes to drive.

So with such a beautiful place, of course everyone would like to live here.

So after Professor Wang's introduction, a group of six people lived in the farmhouse of the uncle's house.

"Professor Zhou, why are you here?" Zhang Feng was a little curious, why did these people come to my house?

Although Zhang Feng is also a student of the Provincial University, he is not a major, and he doesn't know everyone.

"Hehe, it's actually fine. We just moved into the village. I heard that our school has such an excellent graduate as you, so everyone wants to come and visit." Professor Zhou said with a smile.

"Where! Where! It's nothing to me, our school has many alumni who are better than me..." Zhang Feng waved his hands reluctantly, but he didn't expect that everyone came to visit him specially.

Before coming here, everyone had heard about Zhang Feng's deeds, so the graduate students under the two professors all looked at Zhang Feng with admiration.

After all, Zhang Feng's deeds are really too dazzling. Just a few years after graduation, he already has a net worth of billions, and what makes the students admire the most is that Zhang Feng not only made money by himself, but also did not forget to help the villagers , to benefit his hometown, in just one year, he has led tens of thousands of farmers out of poverty and made a fortune. It can be said that he is a rare poverty alleviation entrepreneur in the entire Guizhou Province and even in the whole country.

Therefore, everyone knew that Zhang Feng was such a person, and they couldn't wait for the village head to bring everyone to visit.

"Senior, why are you so good?" One of the female school girls asked Zhang Feng with a look of admiration.

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's just my own hard work, plus some luck..."

Then Zhang Feng briefly explained how he founded the cooperative.

Although Zhang Feng was fooling around, he knew in his heart that his current success was all due to the system. If it weren't for the system, he would still be a salted fish, and he might still be a salted fish that would never turn over.

After listening to Zhang Feng's entrepreneurial story, the young students were very excited and felt that life was full of hope, as if they had seen a guiding light from Zhang Feng.

Ever since, Zhang Feng became their idol and a representative of outstanding seniors.

After chatting for about half an hour, everyone said goodbye and left.

"Goodbye Xiaofeng!"

"Goodbye, senior!"

"Goodbye, everyone!"

After everyone left, the eldest sister came out and asked Zhang Feng: "Xiaofeng, those professors and students have left?"

"Let's go, they still have to rush to Gaopo to excavate dinosaur fossils!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

The eldest sister just nodded and began to clear the tea sets on the table.


At this time, the two younger sisters were not at home, and they went out early in the morning with their easels on their backs, probably to practice painting by Moon Lake.

Zhang Feng stretched his limbs and walked towards the lake with his hands behind his back.

Moon Lake in summer has beautiful scenery and shades of trees.

Tall willows nestle on the shore of the lake, like fairies in green clothes, with fluttering long hair, adding more brilliance to the whole Moon Lake.

When Zhang Feng came to the beautiful Moon Lake,
I saw little Maoya sitting on the grass with a smile on her face, dragging her head with her two little hands, and the two younger sisters had already set up easels to paint on Maoya.

"Hehe, Maoya has become a little model!" Seeing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, the two younger sisters also arrested Mao Ya's young man.

"Oh, little Shitou, step aside, don't block me, sister Xiaoyue and sister Xiaolin are painting for me!" Maoya said to Xiaoshitou angrily.

Xiao Shitou saw his two elder sisters drawing pictures for Xiao Maoya, and felt itchy, so he ran over to harass Maoya from time to time, trying to attract the attention of Zhang Lin and Zhang Yue, and hoped that they could also draw pictures for himself. It's a pity that Mao Ya pushes her away with disgust every time.

"Little Shitou, go and play first, we'll draw for you later, shall we?" Zhang Lin couldn't help but shook her head after seeing Xiao Shitou's little movements, and then said to Xiao Shitou with a smile.

"Ah, really? Sister Xiaolin?" The little guy danced excitedly and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, I'll paint it for Maoya, and my sister will help you!" Zhang Lin promised with a smile.

"Yeah! Sister Xiaolin, you're so kind!" Xiaoshitou shouted happily, overjoyed.

"Oh, sister Xiaolin, there's me, and me!" At this moment, Erdan, who was playing with mud, heard the movement and ran over, for fear that sister Xiaolin would draw pictures for everyone and miss it. own.

Seeing the cute faces of the little ones scrambling to be the first, Zhang Feng smiled heartily.

 Thank you book friend 'Yun Fengxiang' for your reward, and thank you for your subscription and ticket support, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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