small farmer

Chapter 735 Red-bellied Golden Pheasant

Chapter 735 Red-bellied Golden Pheasant (22)

Zhang Feng climbed up step by step

If it wasn't for the purpose of checking whether the ladder is strong for the people behind, Zhang Feng would have climbed to the top three or two times earlier.

Seeing how leisurely he climbed every step, as if he was taking a walk, without any nervousness at all, the mountain runner smiled and nodded, thinking that in the past, this kid must also be a good mountain runner.

Running in the mountains is a very dangerous occupation. They spend years and years traveling in the mountains to make a living, collecting mountain treasures and medicinal materials, as long as they can be sold for money, they are their goals.

However, although Qinglong Mountain is large, there are not many valuable treasures. The places that are easy to find have been trampled by the villagers. Therefore, if you want to make money to support your family, professional mountain runners must take risks and go to more dangerous places. Whether it is a deep mountain, or a cliff, no matter how dangerous the destination is, as long as there is money to be made, mountain runners will overcome fear and difficulties and dig out mountain treasures.

Therefore, mountain runners not only need to have a strong body, but also have a good psychological quality, otherwise they will not be able to do the job of a mountain runner at all. This is also the entire Moon Lake, even tens of miles around. reasons for being a professional mountain runner.

With the aging of the mountain runner and the development of the social economy, the villagers now no longer need to plan food in the dangerous depths of the mountains, so the mysterious profession of the mountain runner has gradually disappeared from the public. in the field of vision.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng felt a little complicated. He really didn't know whether he should be happy for the progress of the society, or feel sorry for the disappearance of such traditional mountain people.

"Xiaofeng, there is a pine tree on it, you tie a rope to it, and then throw it down." Seeing that Zhang Feng climbed up the cliff smoothly, Master Paoshan reminded with a smile.

"Oh, I got it!" Zhang Feng also found the pine tree on the edge of the cliff,

He took out the rope from the back basket, quickly tied one end to the root of the pine tree, and threw the other end down the cliff.

The running mountain master below got the rope, and then smiled and said to the second uncle: "Second Zhang, you are second at home, and you are the second one!"

"Hey..." Zhang Yi covered his mouth and started laughing when he heard this.

"What are you laughing at, you brat!" Hearing the laughter, the second uncle glared at Zhang Yi, and then gave Pao Shan a blank look.

Just kidding, running mountain master and the second uncle are still very careful about safety, they cooperated with each other and tied the safety rope firmly around their waists.

"I'll go up first!" The second uncle pulled the rope around his waist, feeling very strong, so he turned to the second uncle and Zhang Yi and said.

"Okay, hurry up!"

Although the second uncle is over [-] years old, I have to say that the old man is always strong and healthy, and his body is much better than those of the otaku in the city. He climbed on the bamboo ladder, steadily, without the slightest shaking, and quickly climbed smoothly To the top of the cliff.

Thanks to the safety rope, Zhang Yi was no longer afraid. After the second uncle went up, he just climbed up. About a few minutes later, the running mountain master came to the top of the mountain.

Everyone is here, everyone continues to set off, and there is still about half an hour to walk up the mountain road before reaching today's destination, the top of Yunwu Mountain.

Along the way, the dew was wet and slippery, each of us took a wooden stick as a crutch, and slowly climbed up little by little.

Just like Tao Yuanming said, the road is narrow and the grass and trees grow long, and the evening dew stains my clothes.It is not a pity that the clothes are stained, but the wish is not violated.

Walking on the rugged and slippery mountain road, although the two old men panted slightly, they did not stop to rest, and they still marched firmly towards the top of the cloud.

Suddenly a gorgeous pheasant soared into the sky
"Ah, pheasant! Pheasant!"

Zhang Yi screamed excitedly,

At the same time, the moment he saw the pheasant, he threw the wooden stick in his hand, but unfortunately his eyesight was so poor that he didn't even touch a pheasant feather.

"Ah, fly away!" Seeing the man, the pheasant fluttered its wings and disappeared into the woods.

Poor Zhang Yi could only look at Lin Xing and sigh, he was very regretful that he failed to catch the pheasant.

"Master Paoshan, this doesn't seem like an ordinary wild dog?" Zhang Feng quickly realized, and asked curiously to Master Paoshan.

Because the one just now is really different from the one I usually see, the hair is really super beautiful, Zhang Feng feels that it is no different from the peacock.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng has good eyesight. This is not an ordinary pheasant. Fortunately, Xiaoyi, you didn't hit it, otherwise you will be in trouble if people find out!" Master Pashan chuckled, glanced at Zhang Feng and his brothers, and then So the trickster said.

"Ah, could it be that the thing just now is to cherish birds?" Hearing Pao Shanye's words, Zhang Yi was startled suddenly, and at the same time he was very fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he missed just now, otherwise it would have been really miserable.

"Hehe, of course, that is the golden pheasant, a national second-class protected animal, and it is relatively rare in the whole country. Do you think it is cherished?" Pao Shan said with a smile.

"No way, Master Paoshan, how do you know?" From Zhang Yi's point of view, neither he nor his elder brother knew, how could Paoshanpa, an old farmer, know so much.

"Hehe, you brat, don't you like you to study, but don't we old men also read books?" Master Paoshan said with a smile.

"Come on, old man running the mountain, you can only deceive these stinky boys with your little shit. The elderly people in the village don't know that you have eaten public meals for a few days and studied for free for a few days. Otherwise, you would know so much. ??" The second uncle said contemptuously when he heard Pao Shanye's words.

"Ah, Master Pao Shan, have you ever worked as a civil servant?" Zhang Yi was taken aback, and asked in confusion.

"Hahaha..." Hearing Zhang Yi's words, the second uncle burst into laughter, and even Zhang Feng couldn't help smiling.

Even Master Paoshan had a black line on his face. He felt that Zhang Yi was really a bit of a guy.

"Just him? Returning to the civil servants? Hahaha?" The second uncle almost laughed out loud, pointing at Master Paoshan with trembling fingers, and said, "He, is that prison food, okay?"

"Okay, okay, you, Zhang Laoer, expose my old background all day! Let Xiaofeng and the others laugh." Looking at the second uncle who was leaning back and forth with a smile, Master Pa Shan looked helpless, and then glared at the second uncle angrily. said the uncle.

"No way, Master Paoshan, you have been in prison, why haven't I heard of it?" The second uncle's words immediately aroused Zhang Yi's gossip fire.

"Fart, I'm detained or in prison, okay?" Master Paoshan shouted angrily.

It turned out that in the early 90s, Master Paoshan had a year of Chinese New Year. In order to prepare for the New Year, he added a new dress to his wife at home, so he took a few pheasants he caught to the vegetable market. Unexpectedly, one of them was red. Golden pheasant.

You must know that this animal is a second-class national key protected animal, and it is so alive that it was discovered by a policeman at that time, so everyone got all the stolen goods, and Pao Shanye was arrested on the spot at the police station.

In the end, if Tang Shu hadn't been in the Public Security Bureau, Paoshan Master would not have been detained for a few days, and he might have been sentenced to a year or two.

Therefore, this has become a rare stain in Pao Shanye's life.

(End of this chapter)

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