small farmer

Chapter 743 Xu Yang Succeeds in Marriage Proposal

Chapter 743 Xu Yang Succeeds in Marriage Proposal (22)

"Little duck, why don't you go home for dinner, you bastard?"

Uncle Er Niu's voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Little duck, did your father ask you to go home for dinner?" Zhang Feng reminded the little duck with a smile.

"Ah, I got it!" The little guy was stunned for a moment, and then responded loudly: "Daddy, I'll be right back!"

Stamping his calves like a little cheetah, he quickly ran towards his house. If he ran a little slower, he would probably eat a few more chestnuts when he returned home.

After seeing the duckling leave, Da Mao stroked his belly, and then asked Mao Ya:
"Sister, are you hungry?"

"Hmm... well, I don't know either!" Mao Ya thought for a while, and answered an answer that made everyone laugh.

"Hee hee, Mao Ya, don't you know how hungry you are?" Zhang Yue giggled.

"I seem to be a little hungry!" Seeing that everyone was laughing at herself, Mao Ya quickly changed her answer.

"Then let's go home for dinner, shall we?"


Mao Ya nodded desperately, then bounced back home with her elder brother Da Mao.

As for the unlucky bastard, he had already been stripped naked at this time, and the chick that drained the water was exposed. The little guy didn't know how to be shy, but just stood by the lake and twitched, watching his mother wash his clothes that were stained with cow dung.


Moon Lake at night seems to have changed the sky,
The sky is full of dark clouds, and the black clouds are overwhelming the city. The dense black clouds are like heavenly soldiers and generals, standing high in the sky, overlooking the earth.

The atmosphere in the air was somewhat dull, a scene before a storm cloud approached.

The heavy rain came as soon as it was said, and the big raindrops fell down like crazy.

For a moment, dense raindrops fell from the sky like thousands of arrows, hitting the ground and tiles heavily, making a thumping sound.

"It's raining so much!" After closing the window, looking through the glass, looking at the rain like pillars outside the house, Zhang Feng also had to sigh, the rain tonight was really heavy.

Fortunately, all the dried fish and bamboo shoots at home were taken into the house, otherwise the heavy rain came so quickly, it would definitely be too late.

The recent Moon Lake is a little dry, it seems that there has been no heavy rain for half a month, so the villagers are very happy to see such a heavy rain, many villagers even got up from the bed, opened the door or window, and looked at the scenery outside. It was raining heavily, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

Good rain knows the season, and summer is the time when the crops in the field need rain most.

Although the corn harvest in Moon Lake has been abundant this year, the rice in the fields is not yet full, and it is estimated that it will take more than half a month.

Quietly listening to the rain outside the window.

I feel extra peaceful in my heart, as if after being baptized by rain, my heart becomes more peaceful.

Turning on the phone, swiping the circle of friends, almost all of them are scenes of eating and drinking.

Huh!Suddenly a new piece of news caught Zhang Feng's attention.

"I'm going, this guy actually proposed!" Zhang Feng was very shocked, seeing the WeChat pictures of his friends, he was stunned in horror.

"This guy Xu Yang succeeded in proposing marriage, and he didn't inform me of such a good thing."

Xu Yang just sent a wechat in the afternoon, several of which are scenes of him proposing to his girlfriend today.

Kneeling on one knee, holding roses in both hands, and a heart made of petals on the ground. Although the way of proposing marriage is very old-fashioned, the way to succeed is the most useful way.

"Death and life are inseparable, talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand, and grow old together." Below the picture is also written their vows of eternal love.

When he saw the two embrace each other passionately in the end, Zhang Feng also smiled slightly, and felt sincere blessings for his good college buddies.

"Haha, someone is finally willing to take this guy!" Zhang Feng was very happy, because Xu Yang is his best friend in college, and a close buddy who has lived in the same dormitory for four years.

Seeing that everyone and friends left messages under his information, Zhang Feng also left his own footprints, and warmly congratulated the two of them for being able to live forever and grow old together.

However, there are also many complaints from single dogs below. Seeing such a talented woman, everyone looks sour.

For example, a buddy left a message below: "Holding my hand, being dragged away by a dog, I really feel sorry for us single dogs!"

"Ah, why is she showing affection again, does this still let us live?"

"Protest! Protest, spread dog food on WeChat, do you guys still have any humanity?"

But everyone is just joking, most of the friends are wishing Xu Yang and the two of them, hoping that they can grow old forever.


the next morning
Zhang Feng called Xu Yang.

"Hey, boss, what's the matter?" Xu Yang asked Zhang Feng in a daze as if he had just woken up.

"Hehe, did you just get out of Li Xue's bed?"

"Get out, bro, you went back to Qingshan last night, okay?" Xu Yang scolded with a smile.

"Hey, you guys are really good. Why didn't you strike while the iron was hot? If you take Li Xue down and cook the raw rice into cooked rice, it will be safer." Zhang Feng joked to Xu Yang.

"How do you know that I didn't take it down, hehe, buddy, you are no longer a department-level cadre, madman, you haven't taken Yiyi down yet, have you?" Xu Yang countered Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Fuck you, you guys are so good, why didn't you win? I remember that Yiyi chased me back then!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said.

After the two of them joked around for a while, Xu Yang reported a piece of news to Zhang Feng.

"By the way, madman, do you have any idea of ​​investing in a farm?"

"Invest in a farm?" To be honest, Zhang Feng really thought about it, but unfortunately there are no decent farms in China, and there is a limit on the number of years, so Zhang Feng thought about it and immediately forgot about it.

"That's right, I'm a senior who studies agriculture. He set up an agricultural company and contracted a farm of more than 1 mu in Nanhai, as well as an agricultural breeding laboratory..."

"Breeding laboratory?" Although Zhang Feng is also interested in the farm, Zhang Feng is more interested in the breeding laboratory, because Zhang Feng has not forgotten that his own seeds have not yet been washed.

"That's right, my senior was a famous figure in the school at the time, and I admired XX Gene and Mr. Yuan very much. Unfortunately, in recent years, XX Gene has also fallen down on his own. He actually forgot his original ideal and has already withdrawn and become a family only. For the sake of money, they gave up their independent research and development enterprises."

"So my senior founded an agricultural science company last year, and received 500 million investment from a large company at that time. Unfortunately, the company is not doing well this year and is planning to withdraw its capital. So my senior is now soliciting investment everywhere!" Xu said. Yang told the ins and outs of the incident.

"Well, then you can send me the specific situation of their company, and let me take a look first." Zhang Feng thought for a while, and felt that this matter was still a little tricky.

"Hehe, I knew you might be interested. In fact, if I hadn't just bought a house in the provincial capital, I would have wanted to invest." Xu Yang said with a smile.

Xu Yang acted very quickly, and sent the information to Zhang Feng's mailbox in about 10 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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