small farmer

Chapter 762 1 can not be less

Chapter 762 can not be less (12)

With Xiaoba this guy's gag
The barbecue night in the evening became more joyful. The tourists and villagers present kept laughing, and the whole moon lake was full of everyone's laughter.

Seeing the appearance of Xiaoba Caifan, not only did everyone not hate it, but found it very interesting. Where have you seen the starling who asks for rewards? It's like not being rewarded.

Since there are a lot of ingredients for barbecue preparation, tourists are also invited to participate in the party. Everyone can do it by themselves, have enough food and clothing, and almost have any skewers they want to eat here.

The little ones are always standing by the grill and their mouths are never idle.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw it, thinking that it would be great if these little guys were so serious about their studies. They all worked hard and wiped out a large plate of mutton in a short time.

"Oh! You guys have eaten up all the ducklings and mutton?" Xiaoyue came back from the evening show, and just wanted to give herself a roast mutton test, but found that the mutton had been wiped out by the little guys, and she was immediately surprised.

"Hmm..." The little guy smiled, then nodded vigorously, as if he had accomplished so much by eliminating so many mutton.

Seeing the little guy's appearance, Zhang Yue covered her forehead speechlessly, and smiled wryly.

"Xiaoyue, there are still some in the refrigerator, by the way, take out all the crayfish!" Zhang Feng said to his sister with a smile.

"Ah, good! Hehe..." Xiaoyue ran into the house happily when she heard that there was still some in the refrigerator, and came out with mutton and crayfish in a short while.

great food, beautiful night

In the bright moonlight, tourists and bold villagers come on stage one after another, performing their best talents.

As a result, the sound of a song floated over Moon Lake. Everyone who sang well could not help applauding, and everyone who sang badly laughed happily. Of course, the biggest names tonight are Xiaoba and the village. The little fart boys.

Xiaoba's "I'm a Little Bird" is very popular, every time it can make the atmosphere of the scene so exciting, as for the little kids in the village, they take the cute route, singing what they just learned not long ago "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain".

Although the little kids sang not so standard, and even often went out of tune, their cheerful singing could not conceal their liveliness and cuteness, so the little kids also received the warmest applause from everyone.

Happy times always go by so fast

In the blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock in the evening, and the little ones were brought home by their parents.

With the departure of the little kids, everyone left one after another, so the barbecue party that had been going on for several hours officially came to an end.


"Mom, I'm going to Nanhai in a few days, how about our whole family going there for a few days together?" At noon the next day, after dinner, Zhang Feng proposed to his mother at the dinner table.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, not only Wang Guilan, but everyone looked at Zhang Feng in surprise, because this proposal was a bit abrupt.

"Okay! Okay!! Big brother, I'm going, South China Sea is so much fun!" The little girl shouted excitedly before everyone could react.

"You girl knows how to play!" Wang Guilan glared at her little daughter, then looked at her son and asked:

"Xiaofeng, why are you going to the South China Sea?"

"I invested in an agricultural company there, so I'm going to go and have a look." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"That's it," the mother frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, and then said to everyone: "Why don't you all go, I'll stay at home!"

"Mom, how can this work? Our family has never traveled together before!" Zhang Feng quickly persuaded.

"That's right, Mom, if you want to go, let's go together!"

Of course, family trips are indispensable, so everyone persuaded Zhang's mother one after another.

After hearing everyone's persuasion, Zhang's mother hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

"Okay then, let's go together as a family!"

"Yeah! That's great! Let's go on a trip together!" The little girl waved her arms excitedly.

Seeing the little girl's excited appearance, everyone couldn't help but shook their heads with a smile.

"But we're all gone, what should we do here?" Wang Guilan still couldn't let go of everything at home, so she asked everyone worried.

"Mom, it's okay, just let Zhang Yi watch it for us when the time comes! Besides, there are big blacks and little blacks at home!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"That's right, mom, Dahei and Xiaohei are amazing housekeepers!" Xiaoyue quickly added that Hang Seng was afraid that his mother would stay.

If Zhang Yi was here at this time, he would probably vomit blood angrily when he heard Zhang Yue's words. He would definitely think, can my housekeeping skills be inferior to dogs?

Just when everyone was very happy, Brother Jun said hesitantly:
"Xiao...Xiaofeng, why don't you all go, and I have to stay at home and watch the workers decorate?"

"That's right, Xiaofeng, I can't leave my online store either!"

"Why don't you two go there? Don't you want to go to Nanhai to take wedding photos and spend your honeymoon?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"This... this... our wedding dress hasn't arrived yet?" The eldest sister struggled for a long time, then said.

"Hehe, don't worry, elder sister, your wedding dress is probably coming soon. It will take at most three to five days. By then, the decoration of the new house will be over!" Zhang Feng smiled. Regarding the elder sister's wedding dress, if he was not worried about the speed It was too fast and everyone was scared, Zhang Feng had already redeemed it from the system.

"Really?" The eldest sister didn't expect her wedding dress to arrive so quickly. You must know that Xiaoying's wedding dress was ordered for two months before it was delivered to the village.

"Of course, sister, don't worry, their wedding dresses are produced very quickly because they use new technology, and they promise to guarantee the quality and quantity, and they will replace them for free if there are any defects!" Zhang Feng said with a smile,

Zhang Feng is not worried about the quality of the system's products. Up to now, Zhang Feng has exchanged so many items, and none of them have disappointed him.

So the whole family is as good as possible, and will start a trip to the South China Sea next week to appreciate the great scenery in the southernmost part of the motherland.


At noon, Yiyi heard the news that everyone was going to travel, and her heart was moved, and then she asked Zhang Feng:
"Crazy, you want to travel to the South China Sea?"

"Yes, Yiyi, how about we go together?" Zhang Feng smiled, looking at Yiyi expectantly and asked.

"Okay!" Yiyi smiled and nodded, happily agreeing.

"That's great!" Hearing that Yiyi was going with everyone, Zhang Feng exclaimed excitedly.

"Hee hee..." Seeing Zhang Feng's excited appearance, Yiyi seemed to have a warm current in her heart, as happy as eating honey.

In fact, Yiyi has long planned to go to Nanhai, because Yelang Restaurant also opened a branch in Tianya City, Nanhai. This time, I can inspect the branch there and see if there is a need to open one or two more branches.

 Thank you very much for the reward from the book friend "The Cat Looking Up to Heaven". I really appreciate it. I didn't expect to be able to make up the reward of 100 yuan, but after seeing the cat's support, I was really moved. Here is the tough cat Thank you for your reward, and also thank you for your support. This month, whether it is a subscription ticket or a reward, it is good. I really thank you all. Renmao will continue to write and hope that my book can bring you something. Thanks again for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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