small farmer

Chapter 764 Big Sister's Helper

Chapter 764 Big Sister's Helper (12)

The crispy fish at home has changed from the traditional handmade to the current machine processing.

Although the production method has changed, the taste of the crispy fish has hardly changed, because the machine produced by the system is so awesome. After so many times of formula optimization and adjustment, the crispy fish fried by the machine is still so delicious , even tourists can't tell the difference.

In addition to the machine for frying fish, Zhang Feng later exchanged for a machine for washing small fish, otherwise it would take an hour or two to wash the fish.

After that, every time the fish is washed, it will be done on its behalf. It only takes about ten minutes to clean all the hundreds of catties of small fish.

"Sister, if you want me to tell you, you should find a helper. Otherwise, you and your brother-in-law will be busy with homestay affairs every day, so it's impossible to keep staring at the online store?" Zhang Feng saw that the elder sister was so busy every day, So he said with some distress.

"This... I'll think about it again." The eldest sister hesitated for a while, and then said with some confusion.

"Okay then, but if you want me to tell you, I'd better find a helper quickly. Aren't we going to travel to the South China Sea in a few days? It will take a few days to take wedding photos, at least someone will look at them for you." Online shop!" Zhang Feng glanced at the elder sister and continued to persuade.

Eldest sister thought about it, and it really makes sense,

Since opening the online store, I have been busy every day, and I don’t even have time to rest, but now the labor is not cheap, and the salary of a person who can run an online store is at least four to five thousand, so the eldest sister is still a little bit reluctant.

Seeing the changing face of the elder sister, as if there was a strong conflict in her heart, Zhang Feng smiled and continued: "Sister, now you have an income of [-] to [-] yuan a month, isn't it good to spend a few thousand yuan to hire an employee? It will be easier for you"

"Besides, isn't your homestay going to open after November? By then, how much time do you have to manage the online store?"

After Zhang Feng's persuasion, the eldest sister finally decided to find a helper for herself, but it was not easy to find for a while, and she needed to inquire from many parties.

In the evening, Brother Jun heard from his elder sister that he wanted to find a helper, and immediately found a better candidate.
That is a neighbor girl of their family, named Zhu Xiaomin, who is now working as a cashier in a supermarket. She is also a high school graduate and is no stranger to the Internet, so it is no problem to be the customer service of the online store.

As for whether the other party is willing to come, there is almost no need to worry, because the salary in the supermarket is extremely low, and the income is only [-] a month, so as long as the salary is [-] to [-], the other party will definitely be willing to change jobs and come to Moon Lake to work.

"That's fine, you can ask her to come and have a look tomorrow, as long as it's okay, we'll choose her!" The eldest sister said to Brother Jun with a smile.

"Hey, I'll tell her later." Brother Jun is also very happy, because the family conditions of the old neighbor's family are not very good. Zhu Xiaomin has been very sensible since he was a child. He not only respects his parents, but also has good grades. I went to college, but because my father was sick and my younger siblings had no one to take care of me, I gave up my chance to go to college.

So Li Jun is also very happy to help her.

Hearing Li Jun's introduction, everyone felt mixed feelings. It turned out that Zhu Xiaomin's father was a monk from out of town. After living in Qingshan for decades, he married a foolish wife. Therefore, the children he gave birth to were almost unhealthy. All of them are mentally deficient. There are five members of the family, only Zhu Xiaomin and his father are normal people.

It is a pity that Lao Zhu is very old, nearly 70 years old, and broke his leg while riding a bicycle the year before last. The life of the next family is almost desperate, and even his daughter has not had to give up when she is admitted to university.

Now Lao Zhu's family lives on Zhu Xiaomin's meager income, so life is very difficult.

Hearing the situation of Zhu Xiaomin's family, everyone was very sympathetic, so the eldest sister decided that as long as she passed the one-month probationary period, she would be offered a high salary of more than five thousand.

Yes, in the local area, more than [-] yuan for such an easy job is considered a high salary. Unless you are admitted to the civil service, where can ordinary ordinary people find such a good job.

The next day

Early in the morning, Zhu Xiaomin came to the village.

Looking at the beautiful Moon Lake, Zhu Xiaomin felt a little dazed all over,
Speaking of which, last night, I received a call from Brother Jun. I heard that my sister-in-law's online store is recruiting people. The probationary period is [-] per month. After one month, you can get [-] salary.

Hearing such a good condition, Zhu Xiaomin was immediately moved and agreed immediately.

That night, Zhu Xiaomin tossed and turned, so excited that she couldn't fall asleep, until midnight, when she fell asleep in a daze.

Speaking of Moon Lake, she is no stranger to it. As the most beautiful tourist area in Qingshan County, Zhu Xiaomin and her friends have been there several times, so they quickly found Zhang Feng's yard.

Seeing Zhang Feng's house, which was the beautiful small courtyard with a big cypress tree, Zhu Xiaomin clenched her fists and secretly cheered herself up.

"Zhu Xiaomin! You can do it!"

"Little sister, are you Xiaomin?" Seeing an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl wandering around the gate of her house, the eldest sister came out and saw it, and asked with a smile.

"Well, I am, are you sister-in-law?" Zhu Xiaomin asked a little uncertainly.

"Hehe, come in quickly, my name is Zhang Qin, you can just call me Sister Qin." The elder sister carried Zhu Xiaomin into the room with a smile.

"Sister Qin, isn't Brother Jun here?" Zhu Xiaomin walked into the room, looked around, and then asked the elder sister.

"No, he should be in the new house next door, taking care of the workers' decoration!" Zhang Qin said with a smile.

"By the way, Xiaomin, have you had breakfast?" After the two sat down in the elder sister's room, the elder sister asked Zhu Xiaomin with a smile.

"I've eaten it, I just ate it at the entrance of the village!" Zhu Xiaomin made all the preparations because she was going to interview for a new job.

Knowing that Sister Qin opened an online store, Zhu Xiaomin also breathed a sigh of relief, because online shopping is no stranger to her, and she has a lot of contact with it, so she believes that she must be qualified for the job of an online store.

The two had a brief exchange about online shopping, and the eldest sister was quite satisfied with Zhu Xiaomin, and then began to introduce her to various jobs in the online store.

For example, how to communicate with customers, how to print the bill of lading, how we pack the goods, when to deliver the goods every day, and so on.

Because she went to high school, Zhu Xiaomin is also a fast learner, almost every job can be seen once, so the eldest sister gradually showed a smile on her face, she was very satisfied with Zhu Xiaomin's cleverness, and immediately decided to let her Start an internship.

"Thank you, Sister Qin!" Zhu Xiaomin also blushed with excitement. She did not expect to pass the test so smoothly and get a valuable internship opportunity.

"Hehe, it's okay, just work hard in the future!" The eldest sister said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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