small farmer

Chapter 769 Finding Traces

Chapter 769 Finding Traces (22)

"Is there a mountain spring in front?" Uncle Tang exclaimed in surprise when he heard what old uncle Yao said.

"That's right, the mountain spring that emerges from the cracks in the rocks is delicious and cool!" Old Yao replied with a smile.

"Great, everyone can just take a rest there!" Uncle Tang was very happy, and ran on the mountain road for more than an hour. Everyone was exhausted and panting. on the ground.

When everyone got the news that they were going to rest soon, they were all overjoyed, especially a few students, who were instantly revived with blood, and their trembling legs were full of strength again.

It has to be said that expectation is power.

Seeing the hope of rest, everyone immediately became lively and rushed to the mountain spring ahead.

About 5 minutes later, Uncle Yao finally stopped, pointed to the spring not far away, and said to everyone with a smile.

"Okay, here we are! Do you see it? There is a mountain spring!"

"Ah, there is water, there is spring water over there..."

Seeing a pool of clear spring water not far away, everyone was so excited that they ran towards the spring with their water bottles in hand.

The spring under the cliff is not big, with a diameter of about two meters. The spring water is very shallow, and the deepest part is less than half a meter. Everyone rushed to the spring water excitedly. drank up.

"Ah, what a pleasure, the natural mountain spring water is delicious!" Several students drank the water happily, and then kept sighing.

"Yes, this spring water is really good, much better than the Wahaha mineral water outside!" Everyone couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Feng smiled, and he could understand everyone's admiration. After driving the mountain road for more than ten miles, everyone was thirsty. He would be very happy to encounter such a mountain spring suddenly.

After drinking the water, the two professors couldn't do it anymore when they saw all kinds of plants beside them. They stood up by the pool and observed carefully.

"Hey! What kind of tree is that over there?" Suddenly, a sharp-eyed policeman found a fruit tree not far away, and some young wild fruits were still hanging on the tree.

"Hehe, that's a hawthorn tree!" Old Yao Shu took a good look and immediately knew that it was a hawthorn tree. This kind of tree is not uncommon in Qinglong Mountain.

Seeing a hawthorn not far away, the curious Professor Zhou and Professor Liu hurried over,

"Come over and have a look!" Seeing some students resting on the ground, Professor Zhou shook his head and waved to them.

The teacher recruited each other. Although several students still wanted to continue to rest, they had to get up and walk to the hawthorn tree, preparing to start a real field practice class.

A few minutes later, seeing that the professor and the students were still resting, Tang Shu immediately stood up and walked towards them.

"Professor Zhou, Professor Liu, you should also take a break, everyone will have to work later!"

"Okay, everyone, let's rest!"

"Yeah! Thank you teacher!" The students couldn't help cheering, and then happily ran to the spring.

"Hehe, these children..." Seeing the students so happy and lively, the professors couldn't help laughing.

After resting for about a quarter of an hour, everyone continued to set off, because it was getting late, and it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. You must know that in the primitive deep forest in the mountains, there are towering trees, and it gets dark very early, so everyone must be at six o'clock. Go out of the mountain before, so as to ensure everyone's safety.

The old uncle Yao who was walking in the front suddenly stopped, and then said to the uncle:
"Notify everyone to be careful, we are already approaching the dead wood forest, and the tiger is likely to be nearby!"

"Okay!" Uncle Tang nodded with a serious face, and then informed everyone in a low voice, especially asking the police to take out their guns to protect the safety of others.

I have to say that Uncle Tang brought all the elite soldiers and generals in the bureau, many of whom participated in the last black bear hunt, so everyone is more experienced, divided into groups of three, and spread out slowly , forming an encirclement circle on the outside, protecting the villagers and experts in the innermost part.

"Old Yaoshu, where was the tiger found?" After searching for a while, but still did not find any clues, the impetuous Professor Zhou asked Lao Yaoshu.

"It should be two or three hundred meters ahead!" Old Yaoshu thought for a while, and roughly pointed out the place Paoshan Master said.

Because he is not an experienced person after all, he can only guess where the tiger once appeared based on his own knowledge of this mountain.

If two or three hundred miles were in the village, everyone could cover it in 2 minutes, but in this dangerous and hidden mountain forest, everyone was very careful and searched slowly.

Therefore, we walked for about a quarter of an hour before arriving at the place where the tiger was most likely to appear.

"Everyone, be careful, the tiger is probably around here!" Although the tiger can move around, it cannot be ruled out that the tiger's lair is here, so we must be very careful.

One pounce, one kick, one cut, everyone who has seen the Water Margin knows that when Wu Song beat the tiger, the tiger's three moves are clearly written.

So the tiger is likely to jump out of the bushes at any time, so everyone dared not be careless, widened their eyes, and searched for the tiger's trace little by little.

"Ah, here, we found something here!" Suddenly, a team from the south exclaimed in surprise.

Hearing that there was a discovery there, the two professors and the villagers ran there excitedly.

However, the police did not forget their mission, which is to ensure everyone's safety, so they still carefully observed the surroundings, and then retreated to everyone, forming a new encirclement circle to protect everyone in the center.

"Professor Zhou, Professor Wang, can you see if this is the hair of a tiger?" Seeing the arrival of the two professors, the first policeman who found the tiger's trace asked the two professors happily.

"Let's take a look first!" The two professors walked over excitedly, only to see a few yellow hairs hanging on the bark of the big tree.

The two professors turned on the flashlight, took out the magnifying glass, and carefully examined it.

Like everyone else, Zhang Feng poked his head out curiously, wanting to see what happened.

It's a pity that it's useless for everyone to see it, because everyone has never seen tiger hair. Among this group of people, Old Yaoshu probably has some knowledge, after all, he has brewed tiger bone wine before.

"Old Yaoshu, is this tiger hair?" Zhang Feng asked Old Yaoshu in a low voice, for fear of disturbing the observation of the two professors.

"I can't see clearly, but I think it should be!" Uncle Yao shook his head, and then said uncertainly.

"Why don't you check it online?" At this moment, Uncle Er Niu suddenly said something.

Hearing Uncle Er Niu's words, the eyes of the others lit up, they immediately took out their mobile phones and started to get up.

And Zhang Feng also slapped his head in frustration, feeling that he was forgetful, and he had forgotten all the functions of the system after not using it for a long time.

"Eggy, show me, is the hair on the tree from a tiger?"

Soon after Dandan scanned it, he compared it with the tiger hairs on the Internet, and after a few seconds, he concluded that the few hairs in front of him were tiger hairs.

When Eggy told him the conclusion, Zhang Feng was also very surprised. He didn't expect that there were really tigers in the mountains, and the king of the forest, who had disappeared for decades, returned to everyone's sight again.

For a while, Zhang Feng didn't know whether this was good or bad.

(End of this chapter)

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