small farmer

Chapter 775 A sensation throughout China

Chapter 775 A sensation throughout China (22)

"Thank you, I would like to ask Professor Zhou a question, that is, on what basis do you judge that the tiger in the video is a South China tiger?" A female reporter from the Provincial Capital Daily asked Professor Zhou with a smile.

Hearing her question, the others couldn't help nodding. This is indeed a question that everyone is very curious about.

Because there are wild tigers in China, for example, there are many Bengal tigers in Yunnan Province, so how do you know that this tiger is not a Bengal tiger?
"Hehe, that's a good question. Everyone knows that our country's tigers include not only the South China tiger, but also the famous Siberian tiger and Bengal tiger. But how can we tell that the tiger on the video belongs to the South China tiger? Let's invite Liu The professor will explain it to you.”

"Hi everyone, I will introduce to you some of the differences between the three types of tigers..." At the same time, a PPT appeared on the big screen in the press conference hall. This is the information compiled by the two professors overtime.

There is a clear comparison of the three tigers above. With the help of pictures, the reporters below can also intuitively find the differences between the three tigers.

Then, the tiger in the video was compared with the South China tiger alone, and everyone found that it was almost the same as the standard photo of the South China tiger.

The South China tiger has a round head, short ears, thick and powerful limbs, a long tail, more milky white on the chest and abdomen, and orange-yellow body covered with black horizontal stripes.There are short and narrow stripes on the fur. The spacing of the stripes is larger than that of the Bengal tiger and the Siberian tiger. Diamond-shaped stripes often appear on the side of the body. It is smaller in the subspecies of tigers.

"Do you have any questions?" Professor Liu smiled and asked everyone.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his and Professor Zhou's identification, Professor Liu also laughed.

"Okay, let's ask the next reporter to ask questions!"

"Okay, it's that CCTV reporter, yes it's you..."

"Thank you, thank you for giving me this opportunity to ask questions. I would like to ask Professor Zhou, how did you know that there are South China tigers in Qinglong Mountain?"

"Hehe, we didn't know at first. The first person to discover tigers in the mountains was also a villager from Moon Lake Village..."

Then Professor Zhou briefly introduced the cause and effect of the tiger discovery.

Everyone did not expect that the process of discovering wild South China tigers was so miraculous. The two professors also happened to be in charge of the excavation and protection of dinosaur fossils in Qingshan. They did not expect to encounter such a thing. I have to say that the two professors The professor's luck is really good.


At the end of the press conference, the two leaders also made passionate speeches, and made a clear affirmation for the improvement of Qingshan's ecological environment.

Qingshan used to be one of the poorest and most backward areas in the whole province, with severe rocky desertification and less than [-]% of the forest coverage area, making it one of the worst rocky desertification areas in the country.

However, Qingshan has now become a veritable wealthy county, and the new agriculture is shining brightly, especially the Moon Lake Vegetable Cooperative, which has led the villagers of the whole county to become rich and brought earth-shaking changes to Qingshan.

Therefore, after the press conference, the provincial leaders did not leave Qingshan immediately, but went to Moon Lake to investigate in person, wanting to see the life changes of the villagers in Moon Lake with their own eyes.

But that night

The whole China is a sensation!

The discovery of the wild South China tiger spread throughout the country with this press conference, causing a huge sensation in the country, especially after it was broadcast on the news network, the impact was even greater.

"Good evening, viewers. Today is December 25th, [-]. Welcome to the news broadcast. The main content of today's program is: x met with the vice president of country xx in XXX......"

"At ten o'clock this morning, Director XX of the State Forestry Administration and XX Notified attended the wild South China tiger press conference. At the press conference, scientists from Guizhou Province announced to everyone the important news that the wild South China tiger has not become extinct..."

With the broadcast of the news broadcast, the whole of China boiled up.

Moreover, the news of the discovery of wild South China tigers was also posted on the homepage of major websites, and this news soon made headlines.

So no matter on the Internet or in reality, the South China tiger is all the rage!Just like Tiger Zhou in 08.

It is even more concerning than the Tiger Zhou incident, after all, this is the news confirmed by Yang Ma.

"Fuck! This can't be fake, can it?"

"Is it really a wild South China tiger?"

"The idiot upstairs is on the news broadcast, isn't it true?"

"I also think it's fake, could it be P's?"

"I'll go, the photo can be P, how can this video be P, please teach me the great god upstairs!"

Netizens have become much more rational now, they no longer follow others’ opinions, and say that they are not good at fooling around. Therefore, some believe it and some doubt it, but none of this can change the fact that wild South China tigers have been discovered.

Moreover, as the news spread, many experts and professors expressed their opinions that night, especially the professors from various universities. Everyone identified the tiger in the video, and the final conclusions were almost the same. Agree with the judgment of Professor Zhou and Professor Liu.

With the affirmation of the authoritative professors, the public opinion was finally unified, and everyone was very happy now, and finally no longer worried about gains and losses, and worried about the reappearance of Zhou Huhu's incident.

The next day

The media throughout China focused on the discovery of the wild South China tiger, and most of the paper media put this news on the front page.

"South China tiger, once 'extinct' animal, reappears in Jianghu" headline of People's Daily;
"The tiger roars in the forest, and the South China dialect shocked China again!"

"A Discovery That Shocked the World - The Discovery of Wild South China Tigers"

"A Farmer's Discovery Shocked the World"

Not only domestic media, but also important foreign media reported on the discovery of the South China tiger.

"The fierce beast that has disappeared for decades reappears in China!" The British Times reported on the South China tiger.

The home page of "On the Improvement of China's Environment from the Discovery of the Chinese Tiger" also carried a small report on the South China Tiger.

"The disappearing South China tiger reappears in China?" This is the headline of the little devil's sour news.

However, this news still attracts the most attention in China.

People all over the country hope to have more evidence, and it would be even better if they could catch the real South China tiger.

Therefore, a week later, a large-scale wild South China tiger investigation team was formally formed, led by the State Forestry Administration, in conjunction with the Guizhou Provincial Forestry Bureau, and famous zoologists from various universities.

As soon as the investigation team was established, team members came from all over the country. First, they came to the provincial capital. They held a meeting for all members and made a plan for the team's next investigation. They hoped to find wild South China tigers again. If other wild South China tiger individuals are found, it will be more convincing of the existence of wild South China tigers.

(End of this chapter)

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