small farmer

Chapter 778 The End of the World

Chapter 778 The End of the World (12)

Looking at the endless rice fields in front of you

The green one is like a green carpet laid on the ground, which is extremely shocking.

When the breeze blows gently, there are waves of green waves in the whole field, row by row, circles, extremely beautiful, looking from a distance, it is refreshing, this is the beauty of nature!
"Everyone come with me!" He Xiaohua smiled and led everyone to a building not far away.

"This is our office area, and the building over there is the workers' dormitory, which also piles up all kinds of machines and sundries from the farm." Walking into the office area, He Xiaohua introduced to everyone with a smile.

"Huh! This office building is almost an antique?" Seeing the mottled promotional slogans on the office building, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

'The potential of the land is endless, and the yield per mu depends on manpower'

Isn't this similar to the old saying "how bold a person is, how productive the land is".

"Hehe, I didn't expect the boss to know all about Da Yuejin's slogan. I only found out after searching the Internet. This is the slogan of that era." He Xiaohua glanced at Zhang Feng in surprise, and then said.

In fact, Zhang Feng didn't know where he saw it, but he just had some impressions.

After He Xiaohua took everyone to the office area to rest for a while, Zhang Feng asked him: "Mr. He, where are our laboratories and experimental bases?"

"Our laboratory is not far from here. It's only five or six minutes away by car. Let's take a rest and I'll take you there."


Huaxing Agricultural Science's laboratory and experimental base are just to the east of the farm, and the distance between the two is only five or six kilometers.

Soon everyone was here.

The conditions here seem to be much better. The entire base is surrounded by a wall more than one meter high. In addition to various experimental fields, there are several beautiful small buildings in the wall.

Zhang Feng also took a quick tour.

Then pick all kinds of vegetables in the experimental field, and prepare to make a hearty lunch here.

"Brother, look, there are eggplants here, shall we pick two?"

"Hehe, okay, I'll make an eggplant with minced meat for everyone later!" Seeing the surprised look of the little girl, Zhang Feng said with a helpless smile.

"Wow! Brother, there are still beans here!" The little girl was also very happy when she saw the beans in the field.

"Pick some if you like!" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

I remember seeing on the news that people from a certain place came to Nanhai for tourism and often stole the local beans. Zhang Feng thought it was not only because the beans here were good, but also the fried pork with beans was their hometown dish.

Zhang Feng is also very curious, this fried pork with beans is really so delicious, so after seeing it this time, he is going to give it a try.

It is said that I came here for inspection, but it is almost like a rural tour.
Small rivers, fields.There are also various vegetables and crops in the field, which looks like a large leisure farm.

The sky is blue, the sun is shining brightly, the clear river, the green fields, everything looks so beautiful and leisurely.

At noon, Zhang Feng cooks in person, and the eldest sister helps out.
The siblings worked together to cook a bunch of delicious food for everyone.

After eating the delicacies made by Zhang Feng, the researchers in the laboratory were stunned. Although these ingredients were grown by everyone, they became extremely delicious after being processed by Zhang Feng's craftsmanship. Everyone was amazed. Be conquered by the boss' cooking skills.

It was really unintentional, just such a meal, Zhang Feng made everyone completely return, and initially established his own prestige in the company.

I have to say that mastering one's stomach is really very important.


"Brother, shall we go to the farm tomorrow?" Back at the hotel at night, the little girl pouted and asked Zhang Feng with some dissatisfaction.

"What? The farm isn't fun?" Seeing the little girl's expression, Zhang Feng knew what she was thinking. He smiled slightly and asked rather playfully.

"Ah, the farm is fun, but our family is originally from the countryside." The little girl said coquettishly.

The implication of the little girl's words is that she is tired of looking at the rural scenery.

"Okay, then let's go to Tianya Haijiao tomorrow, and let the elder sister and brother Jun take some wedding photos there!" Zhang Feng smiled and stopped teasing this girl.

"Hee hee, big brother, you are so kind!" The little girl shouted happily, and immediately went to tell everyone the good news.

As for the wedding photos of the eldest sister and brother Jun, there is no need to ask a photo studio for help, Yiyi can fully undertake this task.Because Yiyi studied professional photography when she was in college, joined the school’s photography enthusiasts association, and won the first prize in the colorful Guizhou photography competition.

So there is no problem at all for Yiyi to take wedding photos.


"Ah, this is the ends of the earth, isn't it?" When everyone came to the scenic spot the next day, the little girl immediately showed a disappointed expression.

"Girl, isn't that what Tianyan Haijiao is like?" Zhang Feng smiled, and had expected the scenery here.

Speaking of the ends of the earth, it is just a beach.

It was only in ancient times that this was the southernmost tip of China, so it was so famous and left the footprints of so many celebrities.

Therefore, traveling here is not only to watch the natural scenery, but also to pursue the footprints of the ancients.

Sunny beach, and the famous big rock standing on the seashore.

There are also a few big red characters on it - the ends of the earth.

When seeing the eldest sister and brother-in-law walking on the beach in bright red wedding dresses, passers-by stopped to watch.

Everyone has seen a lot of traditional wedding dresses, but they have never seen such stunning and beautiful ones. Therefore, as soon as the eldest sister appeared, they became the focus of attention on the beach.

"Ouch!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman slammed her head on the shoulder of the person in front of her with a bang.

"Hee hee, bro, look at that man, he was really dumbfounded! He didn't know he bumped into someone!" The little girl covered her mouth and whispered to Zhang Feng.

The beauty blushed when she heard Xiaoyue's words, and hurriedly asked the person in front:
"Ah, handsome, are you all right?"

"Haha, nothing…………"

The buddy was still a little angry at who bumped into him, but he turned his head to see that it was a little beauty, and her face turned cloudy in an instant. This face-changing technique is really powerful, even faster than the face-changing in Sichuan opera.

Seeing the accident caused by the eldest sister's wedding dress, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

I have to say that the wedding dress produced by the system is beautiful.

If you don't look at the outside environment, but just look at the clothes of the elder sister and the elder sister, it's as if you have traveled through time and space and returned to ancient times.

Dahongpao, long mandarin jacket, amazing and beautiful.

It is so natural and harmonious to wear on the two people, as if it is the same as the usual clothes of the two, without any excess, every place is so just right.

(End of this chapter)

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