small farmer

Chapter 781 Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 781 Unexpected Surprise (22)

"Brother, there are people diving over there, how about we go diving?"

Seeing someone diving in the diving area, the little girl couldn't sit still, and quickly asked Zhang Feng.

"Diving?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes at the girl and asked, "Do you know how?"

"Oh, brother? Isn't it something that can be learned?" The little girl said to Zhang Feng coquettishly.

For the scenery in the sea, the little girl is really full of curiosity, hoping to see the beautiful corals, beautiful conch, and colorful sea fish on the bottom of the sea.

After the little girl's coquettish offensive, Zhang Feng finally had no choice but to agree,

Diving is dangerous, but there are special divers around, and even if something happens, Zhang Feng will still be there. With his water skills, the little girl will definitely not be in any danger.

It's not so easy to dive in the first place
Certain requirements must be met, at least familiar with water, accompanied by professional divers, and can only be used in shallow water.

"Yiyi, big sister, which one of you is going diving?" Zhang Feng turned around and asked everyone.

"We won't go, you and the younger sister can go!" Both the eldest sister and the mother shook their heads.

Yiyi also waved her hands, unwilling to go into the water.

In the end, there were only Zhang Feng and Xiaomei.

"Go! Let's rent two sets of equipment..."

Seeing that everyone was more willing to bask in the sun on the beach, Zhang Feng didn't force it, and took his little sister to the place where the diving equipment was rented;

The diving areas here are all carried out in the shallow sea area of ​​five to ten meters. After a short training by professional divers, Zhang Feng, brother and sister, led by the divers, started a mysterious seabed exploration journey;
The sea water here is very mild, about thirty degrees.It is just right to enter, neither cold nor hot, the seabed coral reefs are very well preserved, and it is a national key protected area for coral reefs.The sea water here is crystal clear, with visibility ranging from 8 to 16 meters, and in some places up to 25 meters.Because of its good ecological environment, it has attracted many different forms.Colorful tropical fish come here to settle;

The corals on the bottom of the sea are colorful, but unfortunately there are not many swimming fish. There are only a few in twos and threes in sight, but the colors are gorgeous, and the golden scales are shining in the water, which is very beautiful;

After roughly taking a look at the scenery of the seabed, Zhang Feng has been closely following the little girl, worried about what might happen to this crazy girl;
At first, Xiaoyue, who was wearing a diving suit, felt a little uncomfortable, so she swam a little strenuously, but as she swam, she gradually got used to it. The little girl began to have fun in the sea, like a dexterous mermaid, Roam freely in the beautiful sea.

At this moment, the little girl suddenly accelerated, and quickly swam towards a coral reef ahead, as if she saw something precious;
Zhang Feng hurriedly followed, looking in the direction the little girl was swimming.

"Huh! It turned out to be a beautiful conch, very delicate and small." Zhang Feng immediately understood, and he didn't expect the little girl to be so lucky.

The little girl grabbed the little conch, happily swam to Zhang Feng, and asked Zhang Feng to share her achievement and her happiness. Although the little conch was not worth much, Xiaoyue found it with her own hands. Of course, the meaning is different. Therefore, the little girl's eyes were full of joy.

Zhang Feng smiled, gave Xueer a thumbs up, and praised her good luck, and then the two continued to search to see what other good treasures were in the bottom of the sea, hoping to have such a harvest;
The little girl happily put the conch into the net bag, then kicked her legs and attacked again, carefully looking for other treasures in the sea.

Zhang Feng smiled, seeing that the little girl was so good at swimming, he no longer followed closely, and quickly dived, swimming among the beautiful coral reefs, looking for treasures hidden in the sea.

swim in the sea

Suddenly Zhang Feng finally found out
"Big lobster!!" Zhang Feng burst into tears in surprise. It was really not easy. It was an unexpected surprise to find a big lobster in such a tourist attraction!

You must know that there are hundreds of divers here every day, and the seabed here has been searched thousands of times by everyone. It is really surprising that I can still find such a shrimp that slipped through the net.

Therefore, Zhang Feng did not sigh for a long time, and attacked decisively.

Look at the two big claws of the lobster, grab it by the shoulders, and make it immobile.

"Small sample! I still want to move!" Feeling the powerful force of the lobster, Zhang Feng grabbed it tightly, feeling very happy and very proud.

Seeing the movement on Zhang Feng's side, Xiaoyue also rushed over. When she saw the one-foot-long lobster in Zhang Feng's hand, she was so excited that she almost fell into the sea.

It's a pity that wearing a diving suit, the little girl couldn't speak, she could only wave her hands excitedly, like a big black crab, she looked very interesting.

Lobster is a general term for species under the Lobster family of the Decapod Decapod in the Arthropoda Phylum.Also known as prawns, faucet shrimps, shrimp heads, sea shrimps, etc.

It has a thick head and chest, a hard shell, colorful colors, a short abdomen, a body length of 20 to 40 cm, and a weight of about 0.5 kg. Some of them have no claws, and the abdomen can evolve into claws.The heaviest can reach more than 5 kilograms, known as the lobster tiger.

The body is thick and cylindrical, the back and abdomen are slightly flat, the carapace is well developed, thick and spiny, and there is a pair of powerful eye spines in the center of the front edge, with a closed gill chamber.It is mainly distributed in tropical seas and is a rare seafood.

The one Zhang Feng caught was about [-] centimeters long and weighed about a catty.

Putting the lobster into the net bag, Zhang Feng continued to search for various delicacies in the coral reef.

Starfish, sea anemones, sea urchins………

In the diving area of ​​Yalong Bay, Zhang Feng encountered all kinds of small animals, but unfortunately there were too few.

Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up! !

Good guy, this abalone the size of a duck egg actually climbed on a big rock! !
Great harvest!It's really a big harvest!Zhang Feng never expected that he could find something like abalone here.

Didn't it mean that it is only found in remote sea areas? ? ?
"Ah, there's another one next to it!" Zhang Feng was even more surprised, he didn't expect to be so lucky.

On a boulder under the sea, two abalones were found in a row.

What a pleasant surprise!Zhang Feng couldn't help being overjoyed.

Zhang Feng had just harvested two abalones, and the younger sister also found out, and swam towards him screaming.


Seeing Xiaoyue holding a clam the size of a palm, Zhang Feng smiled and gave the little girl a thumbs up.

The brother and sister played on the bottom of the sea for a few more minutes, and the oxygen in the oxygen bottle was finally running out.

So the brother and sister had to end the dive and return to the surface.

"Mom, we're back, brother and I caught a lot of good things!" After changing her clothes, the little girl hurriedly announced the good news to everyone with her harvest.

Seeing the little girl so happy, everyone sat on the beach chairs and laughed happily.

 I am very grateful to the book friend 'Brother Haoxuan' for the reward of 1500 coins, and also thank you for your subscription and votes, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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