small farmer

Chapter 783 Yachting out to sea

Chapter 783 Yachting out to sea (23)

In Zhang Feng's family

When eating with relish in the box

The business of the entire Yelang Restaurant was booming. In the hall on the first floor, all fifty tables were full of customers.

Even the boxes with a minimum consumption of [-] were sold out, and in order to eat the delicious food here, many customers were still queuing up at the counter. The business was so good that it was indescribable.

You know, the consumption of Yelang Restaurant is not ordinary, even the cheapest cold cucumber costs 38 yuan.

From this, one can imagine how high the consumption of Yelang Restaurant is, but even so, it still can't stop the delicious guests.

"I'll go, is this menu wrong? A stir-fried cabbage costs 88 yuan?"

"Isn't it? Is there a decimal point missing?"

At this moment, a group of young couples came to the restaurant. When they saw the menu in the hall, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hehe, you two don't know Yelang Restaurant, right? The consumption here is so high, the whole country is unified and the price is the same, and there are never any activities, but the business is so good every day. If you come late, you have to queue up." Long queue!" At this moment, I thought that the old customer introduced to the two with a smile.

"Ah, this Yelang restaurant is so good?" The young man smelled it to his kind elder brother in surprise.

"Of course, the most important thing is that the food here is delicious. If you ask me, it can't even match the three-star Michelin." The kind-hearted elder brother said with a smile, because he is a big eater. White-collar workers with an income of [-] to [-] yuan almost became paycheck to paycheck.

Three-star Michelin, both of them knew it, but I never thought that Yelang Restaurant, which I had never heard of, was so awesome, it was even better than the three-star Michelin restaurant.

It's about the same as the couple just now

Many customers who entered the store for the first time were intimidated by the menu here.

There are also many people who directly cursed, thinking that this place is even more disgusting than Qingdao prawns, it is simply a cancer of Yalong Bay's tourism industry, and a shame for the entire South China Sea Province.

However, those who knew the truth just laughed it off, and everyone completely ignored it.

Because although the consumption of Yelang Restaurant is high, the prices are clearly marked, and the customers are never cheated, so the reputation has always been good.

Moreover, Yelang Restaurant is originally a high-end restaurant. Such consumption may seem high, but compared with foreign high-end restaurants, it is much more friendly to the people.

Of course, the most important thing is that the dishes here taste surprisingly good, completely conquering the stomachs of customers, so everyone thinks that you get what you pay for, and it would be strange if such delicious dishes are not expensive. People don’t look at foreign high-end restaurants. , Just a piece of seafood costs tens of thousands of Ruanmei coins!

Therefore, compared to the high consumption abroad, Yelang Restaurant is nothing.

That afternoon
After resting for a while, everyone came to the beautiful Yalong Bay Beach again, where the eldest sister and brother Jun will continue to take their wedding photos.

Wearing a big red robe, a phoenix crown and a xiapei, and a Chinese-style wedding dress, the elder sister became the focus of the entire beach. Everyone couldn't help but marvel, what a beautiful wedding dress!

There are also many unmarried girls who are completely fascinated by such a beautiful wedding dress at the first sight, and at the same time secretly make up their minds that they must wear such a beautiful wedding dress when they get married in the future.

Stunning and beautiful!
The eldest sister's wedding dress is beautiful and natural, just like the ancient court where everyone traveled through time and space and came to the modern age. There is no deliberate carving at all. It fits so well on the eldest sister's body, adding a point too Fat, lose one point and lose weight, very perfect.

As the sun goes down,

The entire sky and sea were dyed fiery red.

The two newlyweds, walking by the sea, or hugging each other sweetly, or happily chasing each other, every bit of happy time was recorded by everyone.


The next day

Everyone plans to go out to sea by boat and take some different wedding photos on the sea.

"Hee hee, I'm going to go out to sea on a yacht tomorrow!" The little girl who got the news at night shouted excitedly.

"You girl, don't you just take a boat? Haven't you never been on a boat at home?" Seeing her daughter cheering, her mother Wang Guilan shook her head with a smile.

"Hee hee, how can this be the same, our family's is a speedboat, not a yacht!" The little girl argued with a smile.

Beaches, yachts, and the boundless sea, just thinking about the little girl is full of longing, and her eyes are full of infinite longing.

At this moment, Yiyi received a message from Manager Wang.

"Xiaofeng, come and take a look, this is the yacht Manager Wang gave us!"

"Wow, what a beautiful yacht!"

"Hehe, not bad!" Even Zhang's mother kept nodding, very satisfied with the yacht.

" the rent too expensive? It costs more than 1 a day!" Seeing the rental price on the information, the eldest sister asked with a frown.

"It's not expensive, it's only more than 1 yuan. You and your brother-in-law take such a wedding photo in your life, so of course you can't be careless. And we also go out to sea to see the scenery on the sea!"

"Yes, yes, eldest sister!" Xiaoyue also nodded heavily, and the little girl was also very happy to be able to go out to sea on a yacht.

Hearing everyone's persuasion, the eldest sister smiled slightly and felt everyone's concern for her. At this time, it was like a warm current flowing through her heart, full of warmth and happiness.

"Brother, why don't you buy a yacht, so that we can come here for winter and summer vacations in the future!" The little girl suggested to Zhang Feng whimsically.

"You girl is talking nonsense, a yacht costs hundreds of millions, and it's sold to let you come and play during the holidays?"

When Wang Guilan heard her daughter's words, she immediately gave her a dissatisfied look, thinking that this girl is really ignorant, so she just bought such an expensive thing!

After being reprimanded by her mother, the little girl drooped her head, knowing that she had caused serious trouble, she silently lowered her head and did not speak.

"Auntie, don't scold Xiaoyue, she's just talking!" Seeing the little girl's tears rolling in her eyes, Yiyi quickly persuaded with a smile.

"Tell me? You can't talk about it, and you don't even think about it. Is it easy for you to make money? If everyone is as prodigal as you, even if there is gold and silver in the family, you will lose it all!"

For the generation like Zhang's mother, they don't know how much hardship they have suffered, how much tiredness they have endured, and they know that making money is not easy.

So when she heard Xiaoyue's words, she immediately became very angry.

Hearing her mother's scolding, the little girl was so aggrieved that she almost cried out, her mouth turned up high, and she almost hung up the oil pot.

"Mom, you've been offended, my little sister definitely didn't mean it!"

"Yeah, mom, just calm down, Xiaoyue will understand your painstaking efforts when she grows up!"

The eldest sister and Xiaolin also persuaded.

(End of this chapter)

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