small farmer

Chapter 785 Shark Infestation

Chapter 785 Shark Infestation (13)

Sun, sand, and yachts!

Taking wedding photos in such a beautiful place is really blissful and romantic.

Therefore, as soon as the wedding photos of the eldest sister and brother Jun were posted on Moments, it immediately caused a sensation.

In Zhang Feng's WeChat group, after Xu Yang saw it, he was even more envious. If he and his girlfriend hadn't been very busy recently, they might have bought a ticket to the South China Sea right away.

"This wedding photo is so beautiful! Crazy, where did you buy the big sister's wedding dress?" Xu Yang's girlfriend fell in love with this wedding dress the first time she saw it, full of traditional charm, simple and elegant, Huaxia The wind is very suitable for everyone's aesthetics.

"Why do you want to wear a wedding dress, kid? Then you have to go to Thailand first!" Zhang Feng said with a smirk.

"Fuck off, is our family Li Xue going to dress well?" Xu Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard it, and then said to Zhang Feng angrily.

"Hey, then you should have said it earlier, otherwise I thought you couldn't think about it and wanted to swing your sword out of the palace!" Zhang Feng joked with a smile.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with you kid, I'll just ask where did you buy your eldest sister's wedding dress?" Xu Yang shook his head helplessly at Zhang Feng's mouth on the opposite side.

"Okay, I bought it in a friend's studio. If you want to buy it, take a short video of your figure. I'll send it to my friend so that he can design a few sets for you." Zhang Feng smiled slightly. As long as it can be done in the system mall.

"Shoot a video? How do you shoot this?" Xu Yang asked in confusion.

"Shoot whatever you want, as long as you take pictures of both of you, front, back, left, and right. Of course, it's better if you can walk a few steps." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Ah, so high-tech?" Xu Yang thought to himself that he could also get the data of his body?

"That's right. They have a set of special calculation software. Don't worry about it. As long as you send a video, within two days at most, several sets of plans will be prepared for you. You can choose the one you are most satisfied with."

Unexpectedly, Xu Yang was even more anxious than Zhang Feng thought.

In a blink of an eye, the video of him and Li Xue's figure was sent over.

Zhang Feng clicked on it and almost vomited blood. It’s okay if I go to Li Xue. T-shirt and jeans can completely calculate the figure data, but this guy Xu Yang actually gave a video of last winter. It's like a bear, how do other people's programs calculate?

"Xu Yang, you're dressed like a polar bear. Isn't this embarrassing people's calculation program? Hurry up and make a sexy video, remember to wear less!" Zhang Feng was very speechless, and immediately spoke over.

"Hey, aren't I testing whether the calculation program is reliable?" Xu Yang replied immediately.

"Fuck you, you are the most unreliable person!" Zhang Feng shook his head.

After a while, Xu Yang finally sent over his sexy video.

Zhang Feng saw it, come on, this guy has become an underwear model again, and he appeared on the scene wearing boxers. The most important thing is that he still has a beer belly. I don’t know how this guy is so embarrassed to post it .

"You kid is naked and you don't wear anything. If you don't know, you think you are in the skin business!" Zhang Feng complained speechlessly.

"Fuck off, buddy, this body of flesh has already been sold to our family Xiaoxue, don't be wishful thinking, kid."

"" Zhang Feng almost vomited out the food last night, this guy is really disgusting.

"I'm going, you guy was sent by God to disgust me, right? That's all right, don't say anything, you boy, I received the video, and I will send you a plan tomorrow." Zhang Feng hung up immediately without a word Wechat, I've had enough of this disgusting guy.

"Who are you chatting with?" Yiyi walked over slowly, her every frown and smile were so beautiful.

"What about Xu Yang, he said that Li Xue liked the wedding photos of his eldest sister when he saw them, so let me book a set for Li Xue as well." Leaning on the side of the boat, Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hee hee, it seems that the big sister's wedding dress has really become a heartthrob. You don't know that the little sisters in our group are all clamoring to buy a set!" Yiyi tilted her head and smiled to Zhang Feng.

"Crazy, when we get married, can we also wear such clothes?" Yiyi asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"No problem, you can wear whatever you like!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Yiyi was extremely happy, as if a warm current flowed through her heart, as sweet as eating sugar.


"Wow, shark, shark... everyone, look at the shark..." At this moment, Xiaoyue exclaimed,
After everyone heard it, they all looked into the sea, only to see a big fish swimming in the sea, with a black dorsal fin exposed on the sea surface.

Seeing this, everyone's heart skipped a beat. I don't know if it was because of nervousness, fear, or excitement.

Because everyone has heard a lot of stories about man-eating sharks, and the famous American movie "Jaws" made people realize the cruelty and horror of killing fish.

"Don't worry, this is a sharpheaded shark, also called black fin. It is one of the common sharks in the South China Sea. Its body length is only about 1 meter, and it poses no threat to humans. We often see this kind of shark in aquariums." . " At this moment, the staff nearby explained to everyone with a smile.

Shark is an ancient carnivore that existed as early as 3 million years ago. It is generally considered to be the top predatory fish in the ocean. Next, the staff will introduce to you the 7 species of sharks that are commonly seen along the coast of our country!
The first is the narrow-striped tiger shark
Its appearance is cute, with more than 20 dark brown horizontal stripes all over its body

Alternative names: tiger skin shark, tiger shark, dogfish.The body is yellowish brown with more than 20 brown horizontal stripes.Our country is produced in the East China Sea, the Bay and the South China Sea.Slow in action, up to 1 meter in length, no threat to humans, and has ornamental value.

The second species is called the striped bamboo shark

More than a dozen horizontal stripes and white spots on its body are its characteristics
Alias: dog shark, sand bar.The body is taupe, the abdomen is light white, with 12-13 horizontal stripes and white spots, and it is distributed in the East my country Sea, Daiwan and South China Sea.It often inhabits shallow sea reefs or environments where algae proliferate on sandy and muddy bottoms, and has a protective color.The body length can reach 1 meter, but it is not a threat to people and has ornamental value.

The third species is called plum shark

It got its name because the spots on its body resemble plum blossoms.

The fourth species is called the spiny star shark
This kind of shark is slender and cute when it is young, but it is very fierce when it grows up, and it can grow to about two meters.

The fifth species is called salad shark

It looks mighty and domineering, and it is distributed in the southern coast of my country
The sixth type is the pointed shark that you just saw
The last type of Lushi double shark looks like a chef and wears a chef's hat. It can grow up to four meters. It has a ferocious temperament and poses a greater threat to humans. Therefore, everyone must be careful when you see it, and drive quickly. slip.

(End of this chapter)

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