small farmer

Chapter 787 Wang Hai's Tucao

Chapter 787 Wang Hai's Tucao (33)

Played the motorboat for half an hour,

Zhang Feng was also a little mentally exhausted, especially after being bombarded by Xiaoyue's subwoofer, he was almost deaf in both ears.

After resting on the beach for a while, Zhang Feng asked Wang Hai:

"Wild abalone can still be caught around here?"

"Yes, it's available in Repulse Bay ahead!" Wang Hai smiled, and then asked, "Why does Mr. Zhang know how to dive?"

"Of course, there is a big lake at the gate of my house, and the water quality has been very good since I was a child." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

So, Wang Hai drove his own small fishing boat, took tools, pulled Zhang Feng and sailed towards Repulse Bay.

Repulse Bay is just one or two kilometers south of Nanwan Island. The water here is very shallow, and the hidden reefs are reborn, so many marine creatures grow here.

Among them, sea cucumber and abalone are the most suitable for the survival of creatures such as sea cucumber and abalone, so this place has become the best place for tourists to experience diving and fishing.

Of course, the locals will occasionally bring tourists here, but one side is all performing activities, and large-scale fishing will not be done here, because it will cause damage to the biological environment here.

Suddenly, the sea not far away was churning, and the waves splashed on the captain.

Only then did Zhang Feng realize that there was a beautiful dolphin beside him.

"Are there many dolphins around here?" Zhang Feng asked Wang Hai curiously.

"There used to be very few dolphins. At that time, the sea was seriously polluted, but with the improvement of the environment, there are more and more dolphins in the South China Sea now!" Wang Hai said proudly.

Because of the improvement of the marine environment, the credit of the local fishermen is indispensable.

With the improvement of everyone's awareness of environmental protection, people not only no longer throw garbage into the sea at will, but every time they go to sea, whenever they encounter garbage, they will almost always salvage it and bring it back to the shore for disposal.

It is precisely because of everyone's joint maintenance that the sea has regained its vitality this day.

"Look, now when we look down, we can see the corals and boulders on the bottom of the sea. If it was in the past, we couldn't see it at all."

Because it is close to Tianya City, the pollution here used to be very serious, but now the sea water is crystal clear, pure like a light blue gemstone, emitting a bright light.

Zhang Feng nodded, really surprised. He didn't expect that the ocean environment would have such a good change in these years.

Seeing the boat stop, Zhang Feng asked Wang Hai:

"Are we there yet?"

"When we arrive, we are in this sea area. There are not only abalones but also sea cucumbers and sea urchins! If you are lucky, you may even meet one or two big lobsters!" Wang Hai said with a smile.

"Let's get some sea water first, and be active!" Before going into the sea, you need to do preparatory exercises to exercise your muscles and bones, otherwise it will be quite dangerous to cramp in the sea.

Zhang Feng followed Wang Hai for a while, put on his diving suit, and was ready to go into the sea.

"Remember, just pull the rope if there is a situation!"

Zhang Feng nodded, sat on the side of the boat, and instantly fell into the sea.

In the water, Zhang Feng is like a sea fish, wagging his tail, swimming freely in the sea.

Red coral, colorful sea fish, and green seaweed swayed on the bottom of the sea. Zhang Feng shuttled among them, chasing all kinds of beautiful things.

But Zhang Feng did not forget his purpose, which is to catch abalone and sea cucumber, and cook a seafood dinner for his family at night, and it is pure wild seafood.

"Wow! There really are abalones!" Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, and he saw an abalone the size of a baby's fist clinging to a boulder on the bottom of the sea.

Zhang Feng kicked his legs and quickly swam over.

"I'm going, isn't it too tight?" Zhang Feng broke it off for a while, but couldn't get it off. Then he remembered Wang Hai's introduction just now.

The abalone's adsorption force is super strong, and the maximum can reach two hundred kilograms, that is, four hundred catties.

This is such a terrifying force, even if a big fat pig is hung above it, it will not fall off. It is really unimaginable that such a small thing can burst out with such a powerful force.

Only then did Zhang Feng remember the iron pick he had in his pocket, which is the tool fishermen use to plan abalone.

The iron pick pried hard, although the abalone had a strong adsorption force, it still lost to Zhang Feng, a strong man.

Got it!A big abalone fell into Zhang Feng's pocket.

With the first harvest, Zhang Feng was also very happy, full of a sense of accomplishment.

So I struck while the iron was hot and continued to start, and after a while, I found a few abalones on the other side of the big rock.
This time Zhang Feng didn't startle the snake again, but started quickly, prying the abalone into his hands before the abalone was firmly attached to the stone.

I have to say that there are quite a lot of abalones in Repulse Bay.

In just a quarter of an hour, Zhang Feng caught more than a dozen of them, and gained a lot.

At this moment, Zhang Feng found that the rope behind him moved regularly, and it seemed that Wang Hai was calling him from above.

So Zhang Feng gave up his plan to continue to act, kicked his legs, soared into the sky in an instant, and swam to the surface of the sea in two or three strokes.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng took off his mask and asked Wang Hai.

"I didn't expect your diving skills to be so good. I saw that you have been diving for so long, and I thought something happened to you!" Wang Hai said with admiration.

"Hehe, it's okay, if you didn't call me, I would still be able to dive until I ran out of oxygen!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Wang Hai shook his head enviously. Even though he was a fisherman who grew up by the sea, he did not have such good diving skills as Zhang Feng. Seeing Zhang Feng swimming on the bottom of the sea for more than ten minutes, his face was still blushing and his heart was not beating, just like It's as simple as drinking water and eating, Wang Hai couldn't help complaining secretly!

What a beast!
Thinking about the gap between the two is really too big, it's so big that it makes people desperate.

Therefore, Wang Hai immediately gave up the idea of ​​comparing with Zhang Feng, and there is no way to compare with such a pervert.

"There are quite a lot of abalones on the bottom of the sea. Look, these are the abalones I found!" Zhang Feng smiled and dumped the abalones in the net bag into the cabin.

Seeing a pair of abalones in the cabin, Wang Hai was stunned again. How long did it take to find so many abalones, which are almost two catties?
You must know that even the most experienced local fishermen can only catch five or six at most once they go into the water.

Therefore, seeing Zhang Feng caught so many, Wang Hai was completely stunned, and his eyes almost popped out.

"Brother Feng, you are too good!!" Since the two had gotten to know each other a lot, and knew that Zhang Feng was one year older than him, Wang Hai called Zhang Feng that way.

"Why so many?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"A lot! That's too much!" Then Wang Hai introduced the fishermen's usual harvest to Zhang Feng. Only then did Zhang Feng realize that he was so awesome. It seems that the system will be gone in the future. Can't starve myself to death.

(End of this chapter)

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