small farmer

Chapter 790 My Home Is Peace of Mind

Chapter 790 My Home Is Peace of Mind (Subscribe)
I heard He Xiaohua's words

Zhang Feng felt that he had taken it for granted. Buying a farm abroad is not an easy task, especially in northern countries, where people are not so friendly to us, so Zhang Feng immediately stopped his plan to invest in foreign farms .

He Xiaohua also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Zhang Feng's words, because Huaxing Agricultural Science's main business is scientific research and breeding, not agricultural planting!
Moreover, the company has so many advanced breeding technologies. As long as it is carried out step by step, it will soon become the top high-tech breeding company in the country or even the world. By then, the seeds cultivated by the company will be able to sell for a lot of money. It is estimated that Also in short supply.

At that time, as long as the company sows [-] acres of seeds, it will be worth millions of acres, or even tens of millions of acres of farm income, so the farm plan is just a stopgap measure, just to solve the company's shortfall in the past two years It's just the financial pressure of scientific research. It doesn't need to spend too much effort. Scientific research and breeding are the company's main business and the company's future profitable projects.

"The company's projects must be advanced quickly, and I will transfer the required funds to your account later!" Before leaving, Zhang Feng urged He Xiaohua again.

"Don't worry, boss, we will live up to your expectations and cultivate the seeds as soon as possible." He Xiaohua promised quickly.

Because of the funds, the company can not only recruit a large number of scientific researchers, but also quickly expand to the north. If the time for farming has not passed this year, the farm plan in the north will see results faster.

After bidding farewell to He Xiaohua, Zhang Feng returned to the city.

We have been here for four or five days, and everyone is feeling homesick, especially my mother, Wang Guilan, who not only misses the big black and little black at home, but also the cute little cats. I wonder if they are doing well at home?Did Zhang Yi feed them on time? Everything was on her mind.

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own kennel

Although the scenery outside is beautiful, it is still my own small courtyard, which makes me feel more at ease. As the saying goes, my peace of mind is home.

Although the scenery on the side of the road is beautiful, it is the day when the wanderer finally returns home.

Except for a heartless little girl like Zhang Yue, after all, she has lived in Qingshan for more than ten years, so she yearns for the scenery outside the mountain more than adults, and yearns for the feasting and bustle of big cities.

Seeing that everyone was packing up their things happily, with smiles on their faces, she was the only one sitting on the bedside looking sullen.

"What's the matter, you still don't want to go back?" The eldest sister asked with a smile after seeing it.

"Yeah." The little girl pouted her mouth and nodded slowly.

"Hehe, it's okay, study hard, we will come again during the winter vacation!" The eldest sister comforted with a smile.

"Ah! The winter vacation is still a long time away!" The little girl pouted and said sullenly.

Seeing the little girl's appearance, everyone laughed, thinking that the little girl was really interesting, and she didn't want to leave after she came.

It's a pity that no matter whether the little girl wants to leave or not, she must leave.
If she plays for another two days, her mother, Wang Guilan, will definitely be more worried about everything at home.

So the next day, the family took the plane and returned to the city, and rushed back to the village without stopping that day.

As the sun sets,

The entire Moon Lake is about to enter the night.

At this time, the small square at the entrance of the village is still as lively as it used to be.

The women turned on the small speakers and danced slowly in the square to the music. The elders of the village wore big underpants and sat in the shade of the trees, chatting leisurely about state affairs.

Even the little kids in the village didn't rest at this time,
They just played hide-and-seek in the square, playing games, chasing each other so lively.

Seeing this familiar scene again, everyone immediately felt at ease, and the fatigue of the day dissipated a lot.

"Ah! It feels so good to be home!" Zhang Feng sighed and smiled.

"Ah! Crazy are back?"

Seeing Zhang Feng's family coming from the entrance of the village, the sharp-eyed kids ran up, excited.

"I'm back! Little duck, have you missed us these days?" Yiyi asked the little duck with a smile.

"Hee hee, I really want to, I really want to! Sister Yiyi, did you bring me a gift?" The duckling said with a smile.

The other little kids also chattered about their thoughts.

"Hehe, so you missed us because of the gift?" Yiyi asked the little guy with a smile.

"Oh, that's not true!..." The little guy hurriedly explained, afraid that everyone would misunderstand, but unfortunately he didn't know how to explain it, so he scratched his head and ears anxiously.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, Lai Yiyi has prepared lollipops for you all!" Yiyi gave each of the little ones a lollipop.

at this time
Dahei Xiaohei, who followed Zhang Yi to the entrance of the village for a walk, finally found Zhang Feng and others,

Excited, he immediately ran towards everyone, and with a swoop, he was about to climb onto Zhang Feng and Zhang's mother.

"Ouch! Ouch!! So it's these two little things! Who did I think it was?" Mother Zhang yelled, and then she was also very excited, and quickly grabbed Dahei's two front paws.

"Sister-in-law, are you back?"

"Xiaofeng Nanhai is fun, isn't it?"

The big girls and women in the village also gathered around, chattering and asking the big sister this and that, because everyone has seen the wedding photos of the big sister, and it is beautiful to describe it in one word!The beauty is like the four beauties in ancient times, the fairies in the sky.

Therefore, everyone was envious, and even those who were not married wanted to get such a wedding dress for themselves, and even those who were married were very excited.

This night, Moon Lake became quite unsettled.

There was actually an upsurge in retaking wedding photos in the village.

"Two cows?"

"what happened?"

Lying on the bed, Aunt Er Niu hesitated to speak to Uncle Er Niu, and Uncle Er Niu asked curiously.

"Er Niu, how about we take another wedding photo?" Aunt Er Niu used to think that the wedding photos hanging in her main room were not bad. The white wedding dress was as beautiful as a princess.
But now thinking about Yingzi's wedding photos and Xiaoqin's wedding photos, there is no harm without comparison. Aunt Er Niu instantly felt that her wedding photos were ugly!I feel embarrassed to continue hanging on the wall.

"Hehe, no problem, my wife, we can go on our honeymoon again!"

"Ah! Then what about our son?" Aunt Er Niu didn't expect Uncle Er Niu to agree so readily, but the son is still young, and the two of them are going on their honeymoon, so what should the son do?
"It's okay, just throw it at Xiaofeng's house when the time comes!"

"You bastard, is there such a father as you?" Aunt Er Niu rolled her husband's eyes and scolded with a smile.

"Hehe, don't worry, that kid is probably happier than the two of us!"

"That's true, our son will definitely be happy to eat and drink at Xiaofeng's house!"

This night, it was similar to that at Uncle Er Niu's house. Many young couples in the village were almost discussing the same topic.

(End of this chapter)

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